
TOSFOS DH v'Einah Nifseles bi'Tevul Yom

úåñôåú ã"ä åàéðä ðôñìú áèáåì éåí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why elsewhere, a Tevul Yom disqualifies Terumah amidst Chulin.)

åà"ú áàìå òåáøéï (ôñçéí ãó îã.) âáé î÷ôä ùì çåìéï åùåí åùîï ùì úøåîä ÷àîø ãàí ðâò èáåì éåí áî÷öúå ãôñì ëåìå áîâòå


Question: In Pesachim (44a) regarding Chulin porridge, and the garlic and oil are Terumah, it says that if a Tevul Yom touched part, he disqualified all of it through his touching!

åé"ì ãäúí îééøé áùòùàå âåù á÷òøä.


Answer: There we discuss when it is a separate [mass] in the bowl (it is not mixed with the porridge).


TOSFOS DH Asi Dimu'a d'Rabanan u'Mafka Chalah d'Rabanan

úåñôåú ã"ä àúé ãéîåò ãøáðï åîô÷ò çìä ãøáðï

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves from elsewhere that mid'Oraisa, Terumah is Batel is a majority.)

îëàï îáéà øéá"à øàéä ãúøåîä áèìä áøåá ãàåøééúà


Inference (Riva): This proves that mid'Oraisa, Terumah is Batel is a majority.

åäà ããøùéðï áñéôøà îàú î÷ãùå îîðå ãòåìä á÷"à


Question: We expound in Sifra "Es Mikdasho Mimenu" that Terumah is Batel in [a mixture with Chulin at least] 101 [times the amount of the Terumah]!

àñîëúà áòìîà äåà


Answer: That is a mere Asmachta;

åëï äà ã÷àîø äúí ãòøìä åëìàé äëøí ãëôì àéñåøå ìéàñø áäðàä ëôì áòìééúå ùöøéê àçã åîàúéí


Also, [it is an Asmachta] what we say there that Orlah and Kil'ai ha'Kerem, since the Isur is double, and also their Hana'ah is forbidden, also the amount needed for Bitul is double, i.e. 200.

åîéäå øàééä ãäëà éù ìãçåú ãìòåìí îãàåøééúà äëì ðàñø ìæøéí îèòí úòøåáú äúøåîä ùàéðä ðéëø


Disclaimer: We can reject the proof from here. Really, mid'Oraisa it is forbidden to Zarim due to a mixture of Terumah, which is not recognized;

àáì îä ùâí äçåìéï ðçùáå ëúøåîä ìéôèø îï äçìä ëàéìå äëì úøåîä æä àéðå àìà îãøáðï


However, this that also the Chulin is considered like Terumah to be exempt from Chalah, as if it is all Terumah, this is only mid'Rabanan.

åîéäå éù ìäáéà øàéä âáé ðôìå àâåæéí åðúôöòå áäðéæ÷éï (âéèéï ãó ðã:)


Support #1: However, we can bring a proof regarding nuts that fell and broke, in Gitin (54b).

ãéù ñôøéí ãâøñé åäà äëà ãîãàåøééú' áøåáå áèìä


Some texts [there] say "here, mid'Oraisa it is Batel is the majority."

åáùìäé äòøì (éáîåú ãó ôá.) âáé ùúé ÷åôåú àçú ùì çåìéï åàçú ùì úøåîä åìôðéäï ùúé ñàåú ëå' ã÷à"ø éåçðï åäåà ùøáå çåìéï òì äúøåîä


Support #2: In Yevamos (82a), regarding two boxes, one of Chulin and one of Terumah, and in front of them are two Sa'im (measures, one of Chulin and one of Terumah, and we are unsure which fell in which. We are lenient to say that the Chulin fell into the Chulin.) R. Yochanan said that this is when there is a majority of Chulin over the Terumah. (I.e. the box of Chulin is more than a Se'ah, so even if the Terumah fell in, the majority is Chulin);

ôé' ãùøé îãàåøééúà åìäëé àîø ùàðé àåîø


I.e. [even if the Terumah fell in,] it is permitted mid'Oraisa. Therefore, we [are lenient to] say "I say [that the Chulin fell into the Chulin]."

åáøéù ääåà ôéø÷à (ãó òâ:) ðîé ÷àîø úøåîä çîåøä îîòùø ùëï îçô"æ åìà çùéá ÷"à.


Support #3: Also there (73b) we say that Terumah is more stringent than Ma'aser, due to MaCHPaZ (an acronym of four stringencies - there is Misas Beis Din for a Tamei] who eats it, a Zar who eats it b'Shogeg pays its value and an added CHomesh, it has no Pidyon (redemption), and it is forbidden to Zarim.) We do not list 101 parts [required for Bitul, for it is only mid'Rabanan]!


TOSFOS DH Lo Garsinan

úåñôåú ã"ä ì"â

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves from the Sifri what the text must say.)

àéìå ðàîø ëé úáåàå äééúé àåîø îùðëðñå á' àå â' îøâìéí


Assertion: [The text does not say] "had it said "Ki Savo'u", one might have said that once two or three Meraglim entered [Eretz Yisrael, the Mitzvah of Chalah applies].

ãäà øéùà ãáøééúà äëé àéúà áñôøé (ôøùú ùìç) (åáñô"÷ ã÷ãåùéï îééúé ìä) îùåðä áéàä æå ùì çìä


Proof: The Reisha of this Beraisa in the Sifri (and it is brought in Kidushin) says "this entrance [into Eretz Yisrael, written] regarding Chalah is different." (Rashash - Tosfos means that there (37b DH Midi), Rashi brings the Sifri.)

ãáòìîà ëúéá ëé úáåàå ëé éáéàê åëàï ëúéá ááåàëí ìåîø îéã ëùðëðñå ÷åãí ëáåù åçéìå÷


Citation (Sifri): Normally, it says "Ki Savo'u" or "Ki Yevi'acha." Here it says "b'Vo'achem", to teach that [they are obligated] immediately, once they entered, before conquering and dividing.

àìîà îùîò ãëé úáåàå îùîò áéàä çùåáä ãäééðå ìàçø ëáåù åçéìå÷ åäéëé îöé ìîéîø àôé' á' àå â' îøâìéí


Inference: "Ki Savo'u" connotes a significant entrance, i.e. after conquering and dividing. How could we say "[even] after two or three Meraglim [entered...]"?!

àìà äëé âøñéðï àé ááåàëí éëåì àôé' á' àå â' îøâìéí å÷àé àãìòéì îéðéä.


Conclusion: Rather, the text says 'had it said "b'Vo'achem", one might have thought that once two or three Meraglim...' It refers to what was written above (the Reisha says that "b'Vo'achem" connotes immediately).


TOSFOS DH Lo Kulhu Saluk

úåñôåú ã"ä ìà ëåìäå ñìå÷

(SUMMARY: Tosfos distinguishes this from Yovel.)

åàí úàîø åäìà ëì éåùáéä òìéä ÷øéðï ìòðéï éåáì ìôé ùî÷öú ëì äùáèéí òìå ìôø"ú ãàîø ãéåáì ðäâ ááéú ùðé îäàé èòîà


Question: We apply "all its residents are [dwelling] on it" regarding Yovel, since part of every Shevet ascended, according to R. Tam, who says that Yovel applied in Bayis Sheni due to this reason!

åé"ì ãááåàëí îùîò èôé ááéàú ëåìëí


Answer: "B'Vo'achem" connotes that all came more [than "Kol Yoshveha" does].

åàí úàîø äéëé ñ"ã îòé÷øà ãúøåîä áæîï äæä ãàåøééúà ìøáé éåñé åäåé ñééòúà ìø"ì ãìòéì


Question: How could we initially think that Terumah nowadays is mid'Oraisa according to R. Yosi, and this supports Reish Lakish above?

äà ø"ì âåôéä ñáø ãìø' éåñé úøåîä áæîï äæä ãøáðï áôø÷ äòøì (éáîåú ã' ôà.)


Reish Lakish himself holds that according to R. Yosi, Terumah nowadays is mid'Rabanan, in Yevamos (81a)!

åé"ì ãäåé îöé ìîéîø åìéèòîéê.


Answer: We could have said "[also] according to you [this is difficult]."


TOSFOS DH Eizehu Simaneha

úåñôåú ã"ä àéæäå ñéîðéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that we ask about Simanim of Bochel.)

ô"ä ñéîðé áâøåú åøáé éåñé ãàîø áâîøà îùú÷éó äòèøä äééðå ðîé ã÷àîø äëà îùéúï éãå òì äòå÷õ


Explanation #1 (Rashi): We discuss Simanim of Bagrus. R. Yosi, who says in the Gemara "from when the crown is surrounded", this is also what he says here, when he puts his hand on the "Oketz" [and it sinks in and delays returning].

å÷ùä ãàé çã ùéòåøà äåà ìîä ùéðä øáé éåñé ìùåðå


Objection #1: If it is the same Shi'ur, why did R. Yosi change his words?

åúå ãëì úðàé ãâîøà ùåí àçã îäí àéðå îæëéø îùéòåøà ãîúðéúéï


Objection #2: All the Tana'im in the Gemara, not one of them mentions the Shi'ur in our Mishnah!

åòåã ãàí ëï ááåçì ìà ðúï ùåí ñéîï åáâîøà ÷àîø áåçì îìîòìä áéãåò ùäáéàä á' ùòøåú


Objection #3: If so, no Siman was given for Bochel. The Gemara says that if above is Bochel, it is known that she brought two hairs;

äà ìà ùîòéðï ñéîðé ãáåçì


(How can we know whether above is Bochel?) We did not hear the Simanim of Bochel!

ìëê ôø"ú ãàéæäå ñéîðéä ã÷àîø äëà àáåçì ÷àé


Explanation #2 (R. Tam): "What are its Simanim?" here refers to Bochel.

åìôéøåù æä àúé ùôéø äà ã÷àîø áâîøà äìëä ëãáøé ëåìï ìäçîéø ìòðéï îéàåï.


Support: This is fine that we say in the Gemara that the Halachah follows all of them to be stringent regarding Mi'un. (They are Simanim of adulthood.)


TOSFOS DH Badak b'Amsei v'Yahiv Dalet Zuzei Demei Boshtah

úåñôåú ã"ä áã÷ áàîúéä åéäéá ã' æåæé ãîé áåùúä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves that he had no monetary obligation to pay her.)

ìäðöì îòåðù äéä ðåúï ìä


Explanation: He gave to her to escape punishment.

ãäà ø' éäåãä àîø áäçåáì (á"÷ ãó ôæ.) àéï ìòáãéí áåùú


Proof: R. Yehudah says in Bava Kama (87a) that [payment for] embarrassment does not apply to slaves;

åàôéìå ìî"ã éù ìòáãéí áåùú äåé ìøáå.


Even according to the opinion that embarrassment applies to slaves, it is paid to his master.


TOSFOS DH Rosh ha'Chotem

úåñôåú ã"ä øàù äçåèí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos compares this to what was said about an Esrog.)

ô"ä ñô÷ ãìà àúôøù


Remark: Rashi said that it is a Safek [what this is]. It was not explained.

åáôø÷ ìåìá äâæåì (ñåëä ãó ìä:) âáé àúøåâ îæëéø ôéèåîà åòå÷õ åçåèí


Reference: In Sukah (35b), regarding an Esrog, it mentions Pituma, Oketz and Chotem.

åîúåê ëê îùîò ãùìùúï áàúøåâ ìöã øàùå åàéï àçã îäí ìöã æðáå ãåîéà ããã


Inference: [Since all three are mentioned in both places], it connotes that on an Esrog, all three off them are on the top side, and not one is towards the stem, similar to a Dad;

ãâáé ãã ìéëà ìôøåùé äëé ëîå ùôéøù áàúøåâ.


Regarding a Dad, we cannot explain so, like [Rashi] explained [there] about an Esrog.


TOSFOS DH Masar Lehu l'Aravi

úåñôåú ã"ä îñø ìäå ìòøáé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos infers that Kena'ani slaves may have Bi'ah with Nochrim.)

îùîò îëàï ãùôçä ëðòðéú îåúøú áòåáã ëåëáéí åä"ä ãòáã ëðòðé îåúø áòåáãú ëåëáéí åìà âæøå òìéå îùåí ðùâ"æ


Inference: A Shifchah Kena'anis is permitted to a Nochri, and similarly an Eved Kena'ani is permitted to a Nochris. [Chachamim] did not decree about him regarding Nashgaz (an acronym for Nidah, Goyah, Shifchah, Zonah. Mid'Rabanan, a Kohen who has Bi'ah with a Nochri is liable for these four Isurim, and a Yisrael is liable for the first three.)

àò"â ãàéñåø ðãä åàùú àéù ãàåøééúà ùééê ùôéø áòáã


Implied question: The Isurim of Nidah and Eshes Ish apply mid'Oraisa to a slave!

åà"ë áùìäé îñëú ò"æ (ãó òå:) ãà"ì ùáåø îìëà ìáèé àãëø ìê îä ãòáãú áàåøúà ù÷áì òåáãú ëåëáéí æåðä ùîñø ìå àåùôéæå (åøá) éäåãä ìà ÷áì òåáãú ëåëáéí æåðä


If so, at the end of Avodah Zarah, when Shevor Malka (the Persian king) told Bati (a slave) "remember what you did last night!", that he accepted (had Bi'ah with) a Nochris Zonah that his host handed over to him, and Yehudah did not accept a Nochris Zonah...

ìà òùä áèé àéñåøà ãîåúø äåä áä ãäà òáã äåä ëã÷àîø áôø÷ òùøä éåçñéï (÷ãåùéï ãó ò:) ãáèé áø èáé áøîåú øåçéä ìà ÷áì âéèà ãçéøåúà.


Bati did not transgress, for he was permitted, for he was a slave, like it says in Kidushin (70b) that Bati bar Tavi in Ramos Ruchei did not receive a Get Shichrur (he is still a slave).



TOSFOS DH Halachah k'Divrei Kulan Lehachmir

úåñôåú ã"ä äìëä ëãáøé ëåìï ìäçîéø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos that this is due to Safek.)

îñô÷ ôåñ÷ ëîø ìçåîøà åëîø ìçåîøà ëãôøéùé' áôø÷ áðåú ëåúéí (ìòéì ãó ìå.).


Explanation: Due to Safek, he rules like this opinion to be stringent, and like this opinion to be stringent, like I explained above (36a).


TOSFOS DH Eizehu Chatzer Tzuris

úåñôåú ã"ä àéæäå çöø (öåøéú) ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos resolves this with R. Yanai's teaching.)

÷ùä ìø"ú ãáôø÷ äùåëø àú äôåòìéí (á"î ãó ôç.) à"ø éðàé àéï äèáì çééá áîòùø òã ùéøàä ôðé äáéú


Question (R. Tam): In Bava Metzi'a (88a), R. Yanai said that Tevel is exempt from Ma'aser until it enters the house!

åúéøõ ãîãøáðï çöø ÷åáòú ìîòùø åîãàåøééúà áòéðï øàééú ôðé äáéú.


Answer (R. Tam): Mid'Rabanan, a Chatzer is Kove'a. Mid'Oraisa, it must enter the house [to be obligated].


TOSFOS DH Bas Esrim v'Chulei Yavi'u Re'ayah

úåñôåú ã"ä áú òùøéí ëå' éáéàå øàéä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses who brings a proof according to various texts.)

ôéøåù ÷øåáé äàùä


Explanation: Her relatives bring a proof.

åàé âøñéðï úáéà äééðå äéà áòöîä


Alternate texts: If the text says "she brings", she herself brings a proof;

åàé âøñéðï éáéà ÷àé àáòì ùéáéà øàéä ùæå äéà àéìåðéú åäåå ÷ãåùé èòåú àí øåöä ìéùà àçåúä.


If the text says "he brings", it refers to the husband. He brings a proof that she is an Ailonis and his Kidushin was a Ta'os (mistaken) if he wants to marry her sister.


TOSFOS DH Divrei Beis Hillel

úåñôåú ã"ä ãáøé á"ä

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why elsewhere we discuss after 18 years.)

úéîä ãáô' äòøì (éáîåú ãó ô.) àéúîø àëì çìá îáï é"á ùðä òã é"ç ùðä åðåìãå áå ñéîðé ñøéñ


Question: In Yevamos (80a) it says "if he ate Chelev from 12 years until 18 years, and signs of Seris appeared in him..."

àîàé ùáé÷ ãáøé á"ä ãàîø ë' ùðä åð÷è ãáøé á"ù


Why did we abandon Beis Hillel, who say [that he becomes an adult through Simanei Seris after] 20 years, and adopt Beis Shamai's opinion?!

åàôé' ìø' àìéòæø äæëø ëãáøé á"ä åäúí àééøé áæëø


Even according to R. Eliezer, the law of a male is like Beis Hillel, and there we discuss a male!

åé"ì ãäúí ð÷è ëøáé ùäåøä áñîåê òã é"ç.


Answer: There we teach according to Rebbi, who rules below that [he is a minor] until 18.


TOSFOS DH Ad Rov Shenosav

úåñôåú ã"ä òã øåá ùðåúéå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains his status after this.)

åîëàï åàéìê âãåì äåà åäåé åãàé ñøéñ.


Explanation: After this he is an adult, and he is a Vadai Seris.


TOSFOS DH Zimnin d'Asu Machmas v'Chulei

úåñôåú ã"ä æéîðéï ãàúå îçîú ëå'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings a text that says that these cause Simanim to fall out.)

éù ñôøéí ãâøñé æéîðéï ãðúøï [ò' úåñ' á"á ÷ðä: ã"ä äëé âøñ ø"ú].


Explanation: In some Seforim, the text says "they fall out" [due to obesity or slenderness].


TOSFOS DH Kulan me'Es la'Es

úåñôåú ã"ä ëåìï îòú ìòú

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that for only two matters, we require me'Es la'Es of hours.)

áôø÷ ùðé ãæáçéí (ãó ëä:) àîø ãùòåú ôåñìåú á÷ãùéí åëï ááúé òøé çåîä ëãîùîò (ô"á ãæáçéí)


Observation: In Zevachim (25b), it says that hours disqualify Kodshim. (E.g. if an animal was born at three hours of the day, its second year begins at three hours of the same day in the next year.)

åìà ãîé ìàçøéðé ëãàîøéðï ãìà áòéðï áäï îòú ìòú ìùòåú ëãôøéùéú ìòéì (ãó îã:) âáé ì' éåí àéëà áéðééäå [åòé' úåñôåú òøëéï ìà. ã"ä îéåí].


This is unlike the others, in which we do not require me'Es la'Es of hours, like I explained above (44b) regarding "they argue about 30 days." (See Tosfos Erchin 31a.)