
TOSFOS DH ha'Ro'eh Yom Achad Asar v'Tavlah l'Erev v'Chulei (cont.)

úåñôåú ã"ä äøåàä éåí àçã òùø åèáìä ìòøá ëå' (äîùê)

åîô' ø''ú ãäëé ôøéê æáä áéîîà äéëé îùëçú ìä îãëúéá ëì éîé æåá èåîàúä


Explanation #2 (R. Tam): The Gemara [in Nazir and Pesachim] asks [according to R. Yosi], how can a woman become a Zavah during the day, for it says "Kol Yemei Zov Tum'asah"?

àîøé' ì÷îï àéîø áéîîà úäåé æáä îùîò ãáøàééú éîéí äéà ðòùéú æáä


We say below (73a) "I should say that a woman becomes a Zavah only if she sees during the day." I.e. through seeing during the day she becomes a Zavah.

îéäà úéîä îàé ÷à îùðé áøåàä áùðé áéï äùîùåú î''î ìéëà àìà á' øàéåú áéåí


Question: What was the answer "she saw two days Bein ha'Shemashos? Still, she had only two sightings during the day!

åö''ì ãìà çù ìäæëéø äùìéùéú ëéåï ùäæëéø äùðéä îîéìà éãòé' äùìéùéú


Answer: We must say that the Gemara was not concerned to mention the third day. Since it mentioned the second, automatically we know the third.

åëï ö''ì ìôéøù''é ãáñåó ôø÷ á' ãðæéø (ãó èæ.) ãàéëà ðîé äê ñåâéà ãëéöã öåìéï (ôñçéí ãó ôà.) åîùðé ãçæàé úìúà éåîé ñîåê ìù÷éòú äçîä ãìà äåé ùäåú ãñìé÷ ìéä ìîðéðà


Observation: We must say so according to Rashi, for also in Nazir (16a) is this Sugya of Pesachim, and it answers that she saw three days close to Shki'ah, and there was not time that should be considered counting;

åúìúà éåîé ìàå ãå÷à ãáúøúé (äâäú îäø"á øðùáåøâ åîäøù"à) ñâé ëùøàúä áùðé òã äìéìä


"Three" is not precise, for two suffice when she saw the second day until the night.

åø''é îôøù æáä âîåøä ìø' éåñé äéëé îùëçú ìä ëéåï ãàéú ìéä ìøáé éåñé î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå áúçéìú äéåí


Explanation #3 (Ri): The Gemara [in Nazir and Pesachim] asks according to R. Yosi, how can a woman become a full Zavah, since R. Yosi holds that Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo (part of a day is like the entire day) at the beginning of the day?

ã÷àîø æá äøåàä áùáéòé ùìå àéðå ñåúø äúçìú äéåí åéùìéí æ' ä''ä ðîé ãñåó äéåí ëëåìå


He said that a Zav who sees on day seven does not cancel the beginning of the day, and [the beginning of the day before he saw counts like a full day, and it] completes seven days. Likewise, the end of the day is like the entire day;

åàôé' øàúä áìéìä îä áëê î''î î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå åñåó äéåí ìäåé ùéîåø


Even if she saw at night, it has no effect [to make her a Zavah]. Still, Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo, and the end of the day is Shimur [so it is as if she did not see on consecutive days]!

åëï îùîò áðæéø (ãó èæ.) ã÷àîø åìøáé éåñé ëå' ëéåï ãçæàé ôìâà ãéåîà àéãê ôìâà ñìé÷ ìä ùéîåø


Support: It connotes like this in Nazir (16a). It says, according to R. Yosi... since she saw in the middle of the day, the other half of the day counts for Shimur;

îùîò ùñåó äéåí îçöåú åàéìê äåé ùéîåø ãàéãê ôìâà


Inference: The end of the day from midday and onwards counts like Shimur for the other (first) half.

åîùðé ãçæàé úìúà éåîé ñîåê ìù÷éòú çîä ãìà äåé ùäåú ôé' ñåó äéåí ñìé÷ ìä ìîðéðà ãøàééúä


It answers that she saw three days close to Shki'ah, and there was not time, i.e. at the end of the day [without seeing, to be considered Shimur, therefore] the day counts towards [consecutive] days of seeing.

åà''ú åìøáé éåñé ðéîà åëé ëëåúàé àîøä ìùîòúéä ãàéú ìéä î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå


Question: According to R. Yosi, we should ask "did he teach like the Kusim?!", for he holds Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo!

åùîòúéä ãøá àå÷îéðï ìòéì (ãó ñè.) ãìà ëëåúàé åáðæéø àå÷îéðï øá ëøáé éåñé


Above (69a), we established Rav's teaching [unlike the simple meaning of his words, in order that it will be] unlike the Kusim, and in Nazir, we establish Rav like R. Yosi!

åé''ì ãëé àéú ìéä î÷öú äéåí ëëåìå äééðå áùáéòé ìæáä ùäåà éåí àçøåï ùì çùáåðä åëï áùåîøú éåí ëðâã éåí î÷öú éåí ñôéøä òåìä åàéðä ñåúøú ùàéï ìä ìîðåú éåúø åäåà ñåó çùáåðä


Answer: [R. Yosi] holds that Miktzas ha'Yom k'Kulo on the seventh day of a Zavah, which is the last day of her count, and similarly regarding Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom. Part of the day of counting counts, and does not cancel, i.e. she need not count more, and it is the end of her count;

àáì áúçéìú äñôéøä ìà àîøéðï ùñåó äéåí ùäéà ôåñ÷ú áå ùéäà ëëåìå


However, at the beginning of the count we do not say that the end of the day on which she ceased seeing, is like the entire day.

îéäå ÷ùä ãàîøé' áô''÷ ãø''ä (ãó é.) àîø øáà ÷''å åîä ðãä ùàéï úçéìú äéåí òåìä ìä áñåôä ñåó äéåí òåìä ìä áúçéìúä


Question: In Rosh Hashanah (10a), Rava said a Kal v'Chomer. A Nidah, the beginning of the day does not count for her at the end of her count (she may not immerse during the seventh day), but the end of the day counts for her at the beginning (the day she became Nidah is considered the first day of Nidah, even if she saw in the middle or at the end of the day)...

ùðä ùúçéìú äéåí òåìä ìä áñåôä àéðå ãéï ùñåó äéåí òåìä ìä áúçéìúä


A year [of an animal, regarding Korbanos], that the first day counts for it at the end (if a bull must be three years old, it suffices to be two years and a day. The day is considered like a year), all the more so the last day should count for it at the beginning! (If it was born on the last day of the year, that day should count like a year.)

åîàé ÷åùéà æáä úåëéç ìøáé éåñé ùúçéìú äéåí òåìä ìä áñåôä åàéï ñåó äéåí òåìä ìä áúçéìúä


What was [Rava's] question? A Zavah disproves this, according to R. Yosi. The beginning of the day counts for her at the end of her count, but the end of the day does not count for her at the beginning (the day she ceased seeing cannot count towards her seven clean days)!

åàåø''é ãàìéáà ãøáðï ÷àîø øáà åìà àìéáà ãø' éåñé


Answer #1 (Ri): Rava said according to Rabanan, and not according to R. Yosi.

åòåã ð''ì ãàôéìå ìøáé éåñé àéï ùééê ìåîø éåëéç îæáä ìðãä ãâáé ðãä ãéï äåà ùéäéä éåí øàùåï îï äçùáåï ëé ìîä ìà éäéä ëëì äèåîàåú ùàéï öøéëéï ð÷ééí


Answer #2: Even according to R. Yosi, Zavah does not refute [what we learn from] Nidah. Regarding Nidah, it is proper that the first day count. Why shouldn't it be like all Tum'os, which do not require clean days?

àáì æáä ãöøéëä ð÷ééí ðäé ãáñåó äçùáåï éòìä ùîéã ùðëðñ äùáéòé ðëðñ áèäøä î''î éåí ùôåñ÷ú áå ùàéðå èäåø àéðå ãéï ùéòìä ìä ìçùáåï äð÷ééí


However, Zavah requires clean days. Granted, at the end of the count, it counts [for a day] immediately once the seventh day enters in Taharah. In any case, the day she ceases seeing, which is not Tahor, it is not proper that it count towards the number of clean days.


TOSFOS DH Af Atem Hishvu Midoseichem

úåñôåú ã"ä àó àúí äùåå îãåúéëí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains why Beis Shamai thought that this is difficult only for Beis Hillel.)

åà''ú åîàé ñ''ã ãá''ù äà åãàé ìãéãäå ðîé àéëà ìà÷ùåéé äëé


Question: What did Beis Shamai think? Surely we can ask this also against them!

åé''ì ã÷ñáøé á''ù ãéåí é''à ùäåà îãàåøééúà àé îçîéøéðï áéä ìèîà îùëá åîåùá àúé ìîéîø áéä çéåá ÷øáï


Answer: Beis Shamai held that day 11, which is mid'Oraisa, if we are stringent to be Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav (for one who immersed the following night), people will come to say that there is a Chiyuv Korban;


Note: Beis Shamai hold that there is a Chiyuv Korban! Tosfos explains their challenge to Beis Hillel. If you are Metamei, since your followers know that some (i.e. Beis Shamai) hold that day 11 requires Shimur mid'Oraisa, they may come to think that there is a Chiyuv Korban, and bring Chulin b'Azarah. You hold that there is no Korban!

àáì áéåí ùìàçøéå ùäëì éåãòéï ùäåà îãøáðï ìà àúé ìçéåáé ÷øáï àé îçîéøéï áéä ìèîåéé îùëá åîåùá


However, [if she immersed] the next day, all know that it is mid'Rabanan. They will not come to obligate a Korban [even] if we are stringent to be Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav.


TOSFOS DH Amar Rav Kahana Ra'asah She'ani

úåñôåú ã"ä àîø øá ëäðà øàúä ùàðé

(SUMMARY: Tosfos points out that this is a challenge to Rav Huna.)

åàãøáä îðìéä ìøá äåðà áúåê é''à éåí áìà øàúä


Question: Just the contrary! What is Rav Huna's source [that Beis Shamai are Metamei] within 11 days if she [immersed on the next day, and] did not see? (It is unreasonable to decree that after the days of Zivah is more stringent than during the days of Zivah!)

åäééðå ã÷àîø øá ëäðà äëé ÷à ÷ùéà ìéä ôé' àãøá äåðà åòåã úðéà ãìà ëøá äåðà:


Answer: This is what [Abaye] said "this was Rav Kahana's question", i.e. against Rav Huna. [Abaye added that] also, a Beraisa is unlike Rav Huna.



TOSFOS DH Ela Eima k'Bo'el Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà àéîà ëáåòì ùåîøú éåí ëðâã éåí

(SUMMARY: Tosfos brings two opinions about whether or not Rav Yosef is rejected.)

å÷ùä ãà''ë îñ÷éðï ãùåîøú éåí ëðâã éåí áùðé ùìä àéï áåòìä îèîà îùëá åîåùá


Question: If so, we conclude that a Shomeres Yom k'Neged Yom on her second day, one who has Bi'ah with her is not Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav;

åäà úðéà èáìä áéåí ùìàçøéå åùîùä àú áéúä åàç''ë øàúä îèîàéï îùëá åîåùá åîèîàéï îùîò ìùåï øáéí ã÷àé àúøååééäå äéà åáåòìä


A Beraisa says that if she immersed the next day, had Bi'ah and afterwards saw, they are Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav. The plural "they are Metamei" connotes that it refers to both she and the one who had Bi'ah with her!


Note: Sometimes the plural is used, and it refers to only one matter discussed, whenever it occurs (e.g. Kidushin 51b). However, if here it meant that whenever this occurs, she is Metamei, it should have used the feminine "Metam'os".

åìéëà ìîéîø øàúä ùàðé


Suggestion: When she saw is different.

ãäà îúøöà îéìúà ãøá éåñó åàéãçé øá ëäðà


Rejection: We resolve Rav Yosef, and reject Rav Kahana!

åé''ì ãäê îñ÷ðà ãäëà ìééùåáé îéìúà ãøá äåðà àúà ãìà ú÷ùé ìéä îáøééúà åîéäå îéìúà ãøá éåñó àãçé


Answer #1: This conclusion here is to resolve Rav Huna's teaching, so the Beraisa will not be difficult for him. However, Rav Yosef's words are rejected.

åðéçà ðîé èôé ìøá äåðà ãìà ú÷ùé îàé ÷î''ì ãåãàé øàúä ùàðé ëãîúøõ àáéé îéìúéä ãøá ëäðà


Support: This is better for Rav Huna [to say that Rav Yosef is rejected], so we will not ask what is his Chidush. Surely it is different when she saw, like Abaye explained Rav Kahana's objection;

åñáø øá äåðà ãìòðéï áåòìä ãìà ùëéç àéú ìï ìîéîø øàúä ùàðé àáì àéäé ãùëéçé áä ãîéí àôé' ìà øàúä âæøéðï àèå øàúä


Rav Huna holds that regarding the Bo'el, which is not common, we should say that when she saw is different, but she frequently sees blood, so even if she did not see, we decree due to when she saw.

ëé äéëé ãâæøéðï øàúä áéåí é''á àèå øàúä úåê é''à åàò''â ãøàééú é''á àéðä ñåúøú


This is like we decree when she saw on day 12 due to seeing within 11 days, even though seeing on the 12th does not cancel [her Shimur. It does not make her a Zavah].

åòåã àåø''é ãàôéìå ÷ééîà îéìúà ãøá éåñó ðéçà ãìà ÷ùä îîúðé'


Answer #2 (Ri): Even if Rav Yosef's words are accepted, it is fine. Our Mishnah is not difficult;

ãåãàé áéåí ùìàçøéå ãäééðå áéåí é''á ãùëéç áåòì âáä ãìéëà àéñåø ãàåøééúà îèîà áåòì îùëá åîåùá àò''â ãìà øàúä


Surely, on the next day, i.e. the 12th, it is common for one to have Bi'ah with her, since there is no Isur Torah. The Bo'el is Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav, even though she did not see;

àáì úåê é''à éåí áùðé ùìä àò''â ãâáé ãéãä ìà îôìâéðï áéï øàúä ììà øàúä î''î áåòì àéðå îèîà îùëá åîåùá àìà áøàúä


However, during the 11 days, on her second say (the day after she saw), even though regarding her we do not distinguish based on whether or not she saw, in a case the Bo'el is Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav only if she saw.


TOSFOS DH Mai Shena Ihu

úåñôåú ã"ä îàé ùðà àéäå

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives three explanations of the question.)

ôé' á÷åðèøñ îàé ùðà áåòì ãìà îèîà îùëá åîåùá


Explanation #1 (Rashi): Why is the Bo'el different, that he is not Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav?

åúéîä ãäééðå äàé ãôøéê áúø äëé îàé ùðà áåòì ãìà îèîà îùëá åîåùá


Question: This is what we ask below "why is the Bo'el different, that he is not Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav?"!

åé''ì ãîòé÷øà ôøéê îùåí ìúàé ãéãéä åëé îùðé ãìà ùëéç áéä ãîéí ôøéê åìèîà îùåí ìúàé ãéãä


Answer: Initially, we asked due to him. When we answer that blood is not common for him (and in any case it is not Metamei him at all), we ask due to her. (Mesores Moshe - we asked that we should decree that he is Metamei Mishkav (u'Moshav), lest he consider himself totally Tahor. Then we ask that we should decree about him, lest she think that she is not Metamei Mishkav. Tosfos ha'Rosh - Rashi answered this. First we asked why he is not Metamei Mishkav. Then we ask why she is Metamei Mishkav, but she is not Metamei him, even to be a Rishon due to touching her.)

åø''é îôøù î''ù ãàéäå øåàä øàééä àçú ùì æåá ãúåìéï îùëáåú åîåùáåú ùáéï øàùåðä ìùðéä åàéï îèîà àìà ò''é úìééä àí éøàä åàí ìà éøàä èäåøéï


Explanation #2 (Ri): What is different about him - he sees one sighting of Zov, and we are Toleh Mishkevos and Moshvos between the first and second sightings. He is Metamei on condition that he will see. If he will not see, they are Tehorim;

åîàé ùðà àéäé ãëé øåàä úåê é''à éåí ãîèîàä îùëá åîåùá åàò''â ãìà øàúä ìøá äåðà


Why is she different? When she sees in the 11 days, she is Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav even if she does not see, according to Rav Huna!

îéäå ìà ãîé ãäúí îùåí ãëé øàúä ñúøä åìëê äçîéøå áìà øàúä àáì æá àôéìå éøàä ìà éñúåø


Question: However, this is different. There, when she sees, she cancels. Therefore, they were stringent when she did not see. However, a Zav, even if he sees, he does not cancel!

ìëê ðøàä îàé ùðà àéäé ãëé èáìä éåí ùìàçø é''à éåí åùîùä åøàúä ãîèîàä îùëá åîåùá áìà úìééä àò''â ãäúí ðîé àéï ñúéøä


Explanation #3: What is different about her? When she immersed the day after 11 days and saw, she is Metamei Mishkav u'Moshav [unconditionally] without Teliyah, even though also there, there is no canceling!

åìäàé ôéøåù ãôøùéðï ãøàúä ìàå ãå÷à ôøéê àáì ìàéãê ôéøåùà ãàîøéðï øàúä ùàðé àáì ìà øàúä úåìéï ùåéï àéäå åàéäé


[The Makshan] challenges this Perush [of Rav Huna], that "she saw' is not precise. However, according to the other Perush (Rav Kahana), that we say that when she saw is different, but if she did not see, we are Toleh, he and she are the same.


TOSFOS DH Ela Chetzi Log Shemen l'Todah u'Revi'is Yayin l'Nazir

úåñôåú ã"ä àìà çöé ìåâ ùîï ìúåãä åøáéòéú ééï ìðæéø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos gives two explanations why R. Elazar mentioned three Halachos.)

ðøàä ãäëé ùîò îøáéä åâøñéðäå


Explanation #1: So he heard from his Rebbi, and adopted this text.

à''ð ø''ò çì÷ òìéå îëì ùìùä àìä ëãàîø ì÷îï âáé àçã òùø éåí äìëúà ìø' àìòæø áï òæøéä ÷øàé ìøáé ò÷éáà


Explanation #2: R. Akiva argued with him about all three of these, like it says below about the 11th day. It is a tradition according to R. Elazar ben Azaryah, and R. Akiva learns it from a verse;

åäåà äãéï ðîé ãáùìéùé ôìéâ àò''â ãìà àùëçï


The same applies to the third (a Revi'is for a Nazir), even though we do not find [that they argued about this].


TOSFOS DH R. Yochanan Amar Halachah Achad Asar

úåñôåú ã"ä øáé éåçðï àîø äìëä àçã òùø

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explains that R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish do not argue about R. Elazar ben Azaryah's teaching.)

úéîä áîàé ôìéâé ø' éåçðï åø''ì


Question: What do R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about?

äà øáé àìòæø áï òæøéä ìà àééøé àìà áçùáåï äéîéí ùáúåê àçã òùø ãùééëà áäå æéáä àáì áùéîåø àçã òùø ìà àééøé ëìì


R. Elazar ben Azaryah discusses only the number of days within the 11 to which Zivah applies, but he does not discuss at all Shimur of the 11th!

åëï îùîò îãôøéê ì÷îï äðé ÷øàé ðéðäå


Strengthening of question: Also below connotes like this. It says "these are [learned from] verses!"

åàé àéäå àééøé áäìëúà àçã òùø ìéùðé ÷øà ìîðéï äéîéí ùäéà æáä åäìëúà ìùéîåø àçã òùø


If [R. Elazar ben Azaryah] discusses the Halachah, we should answer that the verse teaches about the number of days that she [can become] a Zivah, and the Halachah teaches about Shimur of the 11th!

åéù ìåîø ãåãàé äìëä ã÷àîø øáé àìòæø áï òæøéä ìà àééøé àìà áîðéï äéîéí ãùééëé áäå æéáä åøáé éåçðï åø''ì áñáøà áòìîà ôìéâé


Answer: Surely, the Halachah that R. Elazar ben Azaryah said discusses only the number of days to which Zivah applies. R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about mere reasoning;

ãøáé éåçðï ÷àîø ëéåï ãéåí ùàçø é''à äåà ðãåú àéï é''à öøéê ñôéøä


R. Yochanan says that since the day after 11 is Nidah (if she will see then), the 11th does not require counting (Shimah the next day);

åø''ì ñáø ãàôéìå ùéîåø àéðå ðòùä ìòùéøé ëéåï ãàéðå øàåé ìäöèøó ìæéáä âãåìä ãìéëà àìà á' éîéí


Reish Lakish holds that [day 11] does not become even Shimur for the 10th, since it cannot join to make a Zavah Gedolah, since there are only two days.

åäùúà ðéçà ãäù''ñ ôøéê ùôéø ÷øàé ðéðäå:


Support: Now it is fine, for the Gemara properly asks "these are [learned from] verses!"