[18a - 41 lines; 18b - 39 lines]

1)[line 1]בטלו במעיהBATLU B'ME'EHA- it has become nullified in its stomach

2a)[line 4]דטומאה חמורהTUM'AH CHAMURAH- enough Tum'ah to be Metamei people and vessels (see Background to 17:20:c)

b)[line 4]טומאה קלהTUM'AH KALAH- enough Tum'ah to be Metamei food

3)[line 14]משקה סרוחMASHKEH SARU'ACH- liquid which is putrid [to the point where it is not fit to be fed to a dog]

4)[line 17]יטמא יטמאYITMA YITAMEI- The verse uses the word "Yitma," which means that the subject under discussion becomes Tamei. However, from the fact that the verse does not use the simpler form of the word "Tamei," Rebbi Akiva understands that we are meant to read it "Yitamei" - it has the ability to make other objects Tamei.

5)[line 18]בו ביוםBO BA'YOM- that same day [that Rebbi Elazar Ben Azaryah was appointed the Nasi]

6)[line 20]לימד על ככר שני...LIMED AL KIKAR SHENI...- The verse in question is talking about that which becomes Tamei from a vessel which is a Rishon l'Tum'ah. The object becoming Tamei is food, as we see from the next verse. Since no one type of food is specified, we may assume that this applies even to Chulin.

7)[line 25]לא כך היהLO KACH HAYAH- this cannot be

8)[line 26]לא מצינו טומאה שעושה כיוצא בהLO MATZINU TUM'AH SHE'OSAH KA'YOTZEI BAH- we do not find that a Tamei object (which is not an Av ha'Tum'ah) can transfer the same level of Tum'ah to a similar object; e.g. food which is Chulin and a Sheni l'Tum'ah cannot make other food which is Chulin into a Sheni l'Tum'ah.

9)[line 36]ולאו קל וחומר הואV'LAV KAL VA'CHOMER HU?- The Gemara answers that through the following Kal va'Chomer we can see that liquids do not cause vessels to become Tamei.


10)[line 3]דיו לבא מן הדין להיות כנדוןDAYO LA'BA MIN HA'DIN LIHEYOS KA'NIDON

It is sufficient for the Halachah learned from a Kal va'Chomer to be like (i.e., no greater than) the Halachah from which it was learned.

11)[line 11]שהן עלולין לקבל טומאהSHE'HEN ALULIN L'KABEL TUM'AH- for liquids are more liable to become Tamei [since they need no separate process of Hechsher; their Hechsher occurs as the Tum'ah touches them]

12)[line 17]יטמא דאין עושה כיוצא בהYITMA, D'EIN OSEH KA'YOTZEI BAH- From the fact that the verse writes the word with the vowelization of "Yitma" and not "Yitamei," we understand that no object of Tum'ah which is not an Av ha'Tum'ah is able to be Metamei a similar object with the same level of Tum'ah.

13)[line 35]מחוסר כפוריםMECHUSAR KIPURIM

(a)There are three stages in the Taharah (purification) process of a Zav, Zavah, Yoledes, and Metzora:

1.Tevilah (immersing in a Mikvah or Ma'ayan);

2.He'erev Shemesh (nightfall after the Tevilah);

3.a Korban.

(b)The above Teme'im may not eat Terumah until after the nightfall following the Tevilah. They may not eat Kodshim until they have brought their Korbanos the following morning. A Tamei who has immersed and has not yet reached nightfall is called a Tevul Yom. Once nightfall arrives, he is known as a Mechusar Kipurim until he brings his Korban.

(c)Although a Tevul Yom may not eat Terumah or Kodshim, he may eat Ma'aser Sheni.

14)[line 36]שלישי שפסול בתרומהSHELISHI SHE'PASUL L'TERUMAH- The Gemara in Sotah (29a) derives this from a Kal va'Chomer.

15)[line 38]מקל וחומרMI'KAL VA'CHOMER- The principle of "Dayo la'Ba Min ha'Din Liheyos ka'Nidon" (see above, entry #9) should apply to this Kal va'Chomer, not allowing us to infer that Kodesh can become any more than a Shelishi l'Tum'ah. However, Rebbi Yosi follows the opinion of Rebbi Tarfon who says (Bava Kama 25a) that when the Kal va'Chomer would teach us nothing if "Dayo" is utilized, then "Dayo" is not applicable.