PESACHIM 42 (18 Teves) - Two weeks of study material have been dedicated by Mrs. Estanne Abraham Fawer to honor the Yahrzeit of her father, Rav Mordechai ben Eliezer Zvi (Rabbi Morton Weiner) Z'L, who passed away on 18 Teves 5760. May the merit of supporting and advancing Dafyomi study -- which was so important to him -- during the weeks of his Yahrzeit serve as an Iluy for his Neshamah.

[42a - 39 lines; 42b - 32 lines]

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We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 42b [line 23]:

The words "d'Tzabei Behu Liba" דצבעי בהו לבא

should be "d'Tzabei Behu Lecha" דצבעי בהו לך (Dikdukei Sofrim #40)


1)[line 9]לא נאמר בדבריםLO NE'EMAR BI'DEVARIM- "No!" is stated in the matter

2)[line 10]לאו אמורLAV EMOR- Tell the Jews that a negative prohibition is involved

3)[line 12]במקום מדרוןMEKOM MADRON- a place that has a slope

4)[line 13]במקום האישבורןMEKOM ESHBOREN- a place where water can collect

5)[line 14]דקווD'KAVU- that they accumulate together

6)[line 16]במים שלנוB'MAYIM SHELANU- the people of Papunya thought that this meant "our" (Rav Masna's) water. He explained to them that he meant to warn them that well water and spring water is hot during the Pesach season. Therefore, (a) water must be drawn at nightfall and left to "sleep" in containers for twelve hours (RASHI); or (b) water must be drawn before the night begins and "sleep" in a container, since at night spring water gets warm during this season. It need not wait twelve hours, but may be used immediately (ROSH, citing REBBI ELIEZER MI'METZ)

7)[line 17]חצבייהוCHATZBAIHU- their pitchers

8)[line 19]במיא דביתו אמריB'MAYA D'VISU AMRI- I meant to say that she should use water that (a) was left to "sleep" overnight after it was drawn from a well or spring (RASHI); (b) "slept" in a container from the beginning of the night (ROSH, citing REBBI ELIEZER MI'METZ)

9)[line 20]בחמי חמהCHAMEI CHAMAH- water that was heated in the sun

10)[line 21]הגרופין מן המוליירHA'GERUFIN MIN HA'MULIYAR- water that is at the bottom of a copper urn, into which copper has leached. Even when the urn is not being heated over a fire, the water at the bottom is unfit for kneading dough that will be used to make Matzos.

11)[line 21]ולא תגביה ידה מן התנורV'LO TAGBI'AH YADAH MIN HA'TANUR- (lit. and she should not raise her hand from the oven) she should constantly work with the dough

12)[line 23]שמקטפת בוSHE'MEKATEFES BO- [in which there is water] that she smears [on top of the Matzah]

13)[line 23]שמצננת בו את ידיהSHE'METZANENES BO ES YADEHA- [in which there is water] with which she cools her hands

14)[line 27]אטו כולהו חדא מחיתא מחיתינהו?ATU CHULHU CHADA MECHISA MECHISINHU?- (lit. "Are they all woven in one tapestry?" or "Are they all stitched together with one stitch?") "Do all Rabbinic prohibitions go together, so that you can infer that in every case where one was transgressed the object is permitted?"


15)[line 30]ואלו עובריןELU OVRIN- (a) [for] these items, [a person] transgresses [the prohibitions of Bal Yera'eh and Bal Yimatzei] (RASHI); (b) these items are "removed from the world," i.e. destroyed, due to the prohibitions of Bal Yera'eh and Bal Yimatzei (RIVA, BA'AL HA'MA'OR); (c) these items are removed from the table, since they may not be eaten on Pesach (RABEINU TAM)

16)[line 30]כותח הבבליKUTACH HA'BAVLI- a dip prepared by cooking whey with stale bread and salt

17)[line 30]ושכר המדיSHECHAR HA'MADI- Median beer, made from the water in which barley ferments

18)[line 30]וחומץ האדומיCHOMETZ HA'EDOMI- Idumean wine vinegar, which relies on barley to start the fermentation process

19)[line 30]וזיתום המצריZISUM HA'MITZRI- Egyptian beer, that is composed of one part wheat or barley, one part safflower and one part salt

20)[line 31]וזומן של צבעיםZOMAN SHEL TZABA'IM- dyers' broth, made from water in which bran is soaked, which makes the dye adhesive

21)[line 31]ועמילן של טבחיםAMILAN SHEL TABACHIM- bread or dough made from grain not yet one-third ripe, which is put over the pot to absorb the froth

22)[line 31]וקולן של סופריםKOLAN SHEL SOFRIM- (O.F. glud) glue that scribes use to paste together papers

23)[line 34]מטמטם את הלבMETAMTEM ES HA'LEV- (lit. stops up the heart) befuddles the mind

24)[line 34]ומכחישMAKCHISH- weakens

25)[line 35]נסיובי דחלבאNISYOVEI D'CHELBA- (O.F. mesgue) whey

26)[line 36]קומניתא דאומאKUMNISA D'UMA- the decay of the flour substance

27)[line 36]מרבין הזבלMARBIN HA'ZEVEL- increase excrement

28)[line 36]וכופפין את הקומהKOFEFIN ES HA'KOMAH- (lit. bend a person's posture) detract from a person's vigor

29)[line 37]פת קיברPAS KIVAR- (O.F. seondier) bread made from flour of inferior quality


30)[line 1]דסמידאSEMIDA- fine flour

31a)[line 1]דצפירתאTZEFIRTA- (a) a goat (RASHI); (b) according to the Girsa TZIPARTA - plump fowl (DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #5, 2nd explanation in RABEINU CHANANEL)

b)[line 1]דלא אפתחD'LO IPESACH- that never gave birth

32)[line 2]עתיק עתיקיATIK ATIKEI- very old wine, i.e. wine that is three years old

33)[line 3]מזנגבילא רטיבאZANGEVILA RETIVA- fresh ginger

34)[line 4]ופילפלי אריכתאPILPELEI ARICHTA- hot peppers

35)[line 6]מי שעריMEI SA'AREI- the water in which barley ferments

36)[line 14]התמדTEMED- (O.F. bufet) inferior wine made from fermented grape pits or lees soaked in water

37)[line 16]המתמדHA'METAMED- a person who makes Temed

38a)[line 18]בדרווקאREVAKA- lees

b)[line 18]בדפורצניPURTZENEI- grape pits

39)[line 19]קורטמיKURTEMEI- (O.F. crog) safflower

40)[line 20]וסימניך סיסניV'SIMAMICH SISANI- Sisani, a utensil that holds dates, is the mnemonic to remember that Rav Yosef is the Amora who states that Zeisum ha'Mitzri is made with Se'orim (barley)

41)[line 21]מדיבחא ועד עצרתאMI'DIVCHA V'AD ATZARTA- from Pesach until Shavuos

42a)[line 21]דקמיט מרפי ליהD'KAMIT MERAPEI LEI- it loosen the bowels of one who is constipated

b)[line 21]ודרפי מקמיט ליהUD'RAFI MAKMIT LEI- it constipates a person with loose bowels

43)[line 23]מיא דחיוריMAYA D'CHIVREI- bran-broth

44)[line 23]לבא(LIBA) [LECHA]- (O.F. (sarche) [parche]) red leather

45)[line 24]הזוהמאZUHAMA- froth

46)[line 24]פרורא דאושכפיPARORA D'USHKEFEI- shoemakers' paste

47)[line 25]טיפולןTIPULAN- their paste used for hair removal

48)[line 29]רצעניןRATZ'ANIN- leather-workers, shoemakers