PESACHIM 96 (20 Tishrei) - Dedicated by Al and Sophia Ziegler of Har Nof, Jerusalem, and their son Jared, in loving memory of Al's mother, Chaya bas Berel Dov Ziegler, on the day of her Yahrzeit - and that her grandson Jared may be Zocheh to build a Bayis Ne'eman b'Yisrael with his Kalah!

[96a - 43 lines; 96b - 53 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Rashi 96b DH u'Shelamim ha'Ba'im Machmas Pesach ושלמים הבאים מחמת פסח:

The words "Kach Shamati" כך שמעתי should be removed since they do not appear in the manuscripts (Dikdukei Sofrim #30, 40).

This is evident because Rashi states with regard to the Lashon Acher in the following Dibur ha'Maschil, "v'Zu Shamati."

[2] The Ran, Me'iri, and others point out that the word "Maror" מרור [line 34] is extraneous and does not belong in the Gemara.

[3] Other versions of the Gemara have the word "Sishberu" תשברו in place of the word "Yishberu" ישברו in the verse quoted by the Gemara [line 44], since that is the word in the verse which refers to the Pesach of Mitzrayim.


1)[line 10]היכא אקטרינהוHEICHA AKTERINHU?- where (i.e., upon what Mizbe'ach) did they offer them?

2)[line 11]דלא שויסקי עבודD'LO SHEVISKI AVUD- that they did not roast (and eat) them?

3)[line 12]מזבחותMIZBECHOS- i.e., places upon which to place blood

4)[line 13]ותו מידי אחרינא לא הוהV'TU MIDI ACHRINA LO HAVA- and there was no other thing [which served as any type of Mizbe'ach; therefore, the innards of the Pesach Mitzrayim must have been eaten]

5)[line 15]מקחו מבעשורMIKCHO MIBE'ASOR- required designation on the tenth [of Nisan]

6)[line 15]הזאה באגודת אזובHAZA'AH B'AGUDAS EZOV- sprinkling [the blood] with a bundle of hyssop (Shemos 12:22)

7)[line 23]ביקור ד' ימים קודם שחיטהBIKUR ARBA'AH YAMIM KODEM SHECHITAH

Any animal sacrificed as a Korban must be checked over the course of four days prior to its offering in order to be sure that it is free of Mumim (blemishes).

8)[line 28]ופסח דורות נמיU'PESACH DOROS NAMI- The Gemara now asserts that every Korban Pesach must be checked for four days prior to its offering.

9)[line 28]"בחדש הזה""BA'CHODESH HA'ZEH"- (Shemos 13:5) - These words imply all the months of Nisan throughout history.

10)[line 32]לכדרבי אלעזר בן עזריה ורבי עקיבאLICHED'REBBI ELAZAR BEN AZARYAH V'REBBI AKIVA- These two Tana'im argue in Berachos (9a) about whether the words "ba'Lailah ha'Zeh" teach that one may partake of the Korban Pesach only until midnight, or if one may partake of it throughout the entire night.

11)[line 32]ערלAREL- a Jew who is uncircumcised [because his brothers died as a result of the operation]

12)[line 36]בתרומהB'TERUMAH- There is an opinion in the Gemara in Yevamos (70a) which derives from the verse referring to Korban Pesach that an Arel may not partake of Terumah.

13)[line 38]דמאיסMA'IS- disgusting

14)[line 40]תושב ושכירTOSHAV V'SACHIR- Our Gemara apparently understands these words to be referring to Nochri workers (see Rashi).

15)[line 43]מילת זכריו ועבדיו מעכבתMILAS ZECHARAV VA'AVADAV ME'AKEVES- the [lack of] circumcision of the male members of one's household (who are at least eight days old) and his male slaves prevent [him from offering a Korban Pesach]

16)[line 48]לכדרבה אמר רבי יצחקLICHED'RABAH AMAR REBBI YITZCHAK- Rabah, in the name of Rebbi Yitzchak, learns from Korban Pesach that an Arel may not partake of Ma'aser Rishon (see Background to Pesachim 35:9) from the fact that the word "Mimenu" is written in reference to both of them (Yevamos 74a).


17)[line 8]ותמורת פסחTEMURAS PESACH (TEMURAH)

(a)The Torah states, "Do not transfer or exchange [an animal that has been designated as a Korban for another animal], neither a good animal for a bad one, nor a bad one for a good one. If you do exchange [an animal of Kodesh for one that is not], both the original animal as well as the one attempted as an exchange will be Kodesh" (Vayikra 27:10-11).

(b)The Temurah of a Korban, as a general rule, has the identical status of its "parent" Korban, and is offered upon the Mizbe'ach.

(c)In our Mishnah, Rebbi Yehoshua learned from his teachers that there is type of Temuras Pesach which is not offered as a Shelamim, but he did not recall what situation is necessary for such a Halachah to apply.

18)[line 10]הפסח שנמצאHA'PESACH SHE'NIMTZA- If one designated an animal for a Pesach and then lost it, he must designate a new animal for his Korban. If he then finds the original one, its status depends on when it was found. If it is found after the Shechitah of the Pesach, it has the status of a Mosar ha'Pesach (see below, entry #23). If it is found prior to that time, however, it is a "Pesach Dachuy" — a Pesach which has been actively rejected. Such an animal must be left to develop a Mum, and is then redeemed. A Korban Shelamim is them purchased with the money.

19)[line 14]דאיכא תמורת הפסח דלא קרבהD'IKA TEMURAS HA'PESACH D'LO KARVAH- One may have thought that the Temurah of a Pesach is not considered to be "Nidcheh b'Yadayim" — actively rejected — if it is present at the time of the Hakravas ha'Pesach, since it was never fit to be a Pesach to begin with. Our Mishnah reveals that it does have the status of a Nidcheh, since the source of its Kedushah is a Pesach Dachuy (RASHI).

20)[line 23]לא שנוLO SHANU- we did not learn [that the Temurah of a lost Korban Pesach found after the Shechitah may be offered as a Korban Shelamim]

21)[line 27]"אם כשב [הוא מקריב את קרבנו]""IM KESEV [HU MAKRIV ES KORBANO...]"- "If he offers a sheep as his Korban..." (Vayikra 3:7). This verse refers to one who sacrifices a Korban Shelamim; the words "Im Kesev" are not necessary in order to understand the verse (see Rashi).

22)[line 34]לאליהALYAH- the (fatty) tail

23)[line 34]פסח שעברה שנתוPESACH SHE'AVRAH SHENASO

Goats or sheep are fit to be offered as a Korban Pesach only during their first year of life. If such an animal was designated for a Korban Pesach but was not offered on the first Pesach after its birth, it becomes a Korban Shelamim (since it no longer qualifies as a Korban Pesach).

24)[line 34]שלמים הבאין מחמת הפסחSHELAMIM HA'BA'IN MACHMAS PESACH

Rashi offers two explanations for this term; it refers to either Mosar ha'Pesach or Chagigas Arba'ah Asar:

(a)MOSAR HA'PESACH - If an animal was designated as a Korban Pesach but was not actually offered for any reason (e.g. it was lost on the fourteenth of Nisan, or a Temuras Pesach; see above, entry #17), it is called "Mosar ha'Pesach" and may be offered at any time as a Korban Shelamim. A Mosar ha'Pesach is identical to a Shelamim in every way other than the fact that it may be eaten for only one day and the following night, instead of the two days and intervening night allowed for a regular Korban Shelamim.

(b)CHAGIGAS ARBA'AH ASAR - The Torah requires that the Korban Pesach be eaten upon a full stomach (Al ha'Sova; see Insights to Pesachim 70:1, 121:1). If so many people share a Korban Pesach that there is not enough meat to provide a full meal for each of them, they offer a Korban Chagigah along with their Pesach. The members of the group then satiate themselves with the Korban Chagigah prior to eating their Korban Pesach. (This Korban Chagigah is not the same as the Korban Chagigah which every Jew must offer during each of the three festivals of Pesach, Shavuos, and Sukos. See Background to Pesachim 70:1.)

25)[line 35]סמיכהSEMICHAH

(a)Semichah refers to the Mitzvah for a person to press both of his hands on the head of his animal Korban (Vayikra 1:4). See Background to Temurah 2:4.

(b)Only men are required to perform Semichah, as the verse mentions specifically "Bnei Yisrael" — and not Bnos Yisrael. There is a Machlokes Tana'im if women may perform Semichah or if they are forbidden to do so.

26)[line 35]נסכיםNESACHIM

(a)The Nesachim are wine libations that are brought together with a Korban Shelamim or Olah, whether the Korban is offered by the Tzibur (Bamidbar 28:11-15, 20-21) or by an individual (Bamidbar 15:3-16). They are brought along with the Minchas Nesachim, a meal offering that is offered with these Korbanos (see Background to Temurah 14:6b). (See also entry #4:b above.)

(b)The amounts of wine, flour and oil vary based upon which animal is being offered (see Background to Kidushin 37:12).

27)[line 35]תנופת חזה ושוקTENUFAS CHAZEH VA'SHOK

The chest and hind leg of a Korban Shelamim are waved in a prescribed manner and then given as a gift to a Kohen (Vayikra 7:28-36).

28)[line 38]לא שנוLO SHANU- we did not learn [that the Temurah of a lost Korban Pesach found prior to the Shechitah may not be offered as a Korban Shelamim]

29)[line 40]כי קבעה שחיטהKI KAV'AH SHECHITAH- when Shechitah determined [that the Pesach which was not slaughtered was Nidcheh]