[103a - 35 lines; 103b - 29 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Rashbam 103a DH Lo Havei Yad'isu Iy Mashku Lechu Su Basar Kasa Kama Iy Lo ד"ה לא הוי ידיעתו אי משקו לכו בתר קמא אי לא:

In the Girsa of Rashi, Rashbam, Tosfos, and the manuscripts brought in Dikdukei Sofrim #80, these words appear in the Gemara in place of the words, "d'Hachi Avid d'Safek Maisi Lan Safek Lo Maisi Lan" דהכי עביד דספק לא מייתי לן.


1)[line 9]למלך שיוצא ואפרכוס נכנסL'MELECH SHE'YOTZEI V'IPARCHOS NICHNAS- to a king (Shabbos) who is leaving, and a governor (Yom Tov) who is arriving

2)[line 12]רב הונא בר יהודה איקלע לבי רבאRAV HUNA BAR YEHUDAH IKLA L'BEI RAVA- Rav Huna bar Yehudah went to Rava's house [on a weekday Motza'i Shabbos]

3)[line 13]אייתוAISU- they brought

4)[line 17]מזוןMAZON- Beis Hillel and Beis Shamai are discussing a situation in which one has only one cup of wine and he must use it for both Birkas ha'Mazon of Seudas Shelishis and Havdalah (see 102b).

5a)[line 27]אכסא קמאA'KASA KAMA- on the cup of wine upon which Kidush was recited

b)[line 28]אכסא דברכתאA'KASA D'BIRCHASA- on the cup of wine upon which Birkas ha'Mazon was recited


6)[line 1]קאי עלייהו רב ייבא סבאKA'I ALAIHU RAV YEIVA SAVA- Rav Yeiva Sava was serving them

7)[line 1]הב לןHAV LAN- bring us [a cup of wine]

8)[line 4]דאסחיתו דעתייכוD'ASCHISU DA'ATAICHU- for [once you have decided to recite Birkas ha'Mazon,] you have terminated your intention [to finish the meal]

9)[line 8]אכסא בתראA'KASA BASRA- on the cup of wine upon which Birkas ha'Mazon was recited

10)[line 11]נמלך אנא [אנא][ANA] NIMLACH ANA- [I planned that every cup would be my last, and then] I changed my mind

11)[line 14]ואמר רב יקנ'הV'AMAR RAV YKN'H- and Rav said that one should recite Kidush followed by Havdalah [without requiring that an additional "Borei Pri ha'Gafen" be recited over Havdalah]

12)[line 16]כי מטא לאבדוליKI MATA L'AVDULEI- when [Rava] was ready to recite Havdalah (this is a continuation of the story which began on 103a)

13)[line 16]שמעיהSHAM'EI- his servant

14)[line 17]אדליק אבוקה משרגאADLIK AVUKAH MI'SHRAGA- lit a torch from a candle

15)[line 18]הא מנחא שרגא!HA MANCHA SHRAGA!- there is already a candle!