


Question: Who is the Tana of our Mishnah [which forbids a Yisrael's Chametz after Pesach]?


It is not R. Yehudah - he forbids [even a Nochri's] Chametz after Pesach (the verses he expound apply to anyone's Chametz)!


It is not R. Shimon - he permits even a Yisrael's Chametz [after Pesach];


It is not R. Yosi ha'Gelili - he permits benefit even during Pesach!


Answer #1 (Rav Acha bar Yakov): Really, it is R. Yehudah - he learns eating Se'or [or Chametz] from seeing it:


["V'Lo Yera'eh Lecha" - but] you may see Chametz of others or of Hekdesh - the same applies to eating [after Pesach];


Really, R. Yehudah should have taught [in the Mishnah] that [after Pesach] one may eat Chametz of others or of Hekdesh - but since he must teach that Chametz of a Yisrael is Asur b'Hana'ah, he taught that Chametz of a Nochri is Mutar b'Hana'ah.


Really, he should have taught that one may benefit from Chametz of others or of Hekdesh even during Pesach - but since he must teach that Chametz of a Yisrael is Asur after Pesach, he taught that Chametz of a Nochri is Mutar after Pesach.


Answer #2 (Rava): Really, it is R. Shimon - R. Shimon fines [to forbid Chametz of a Yisrael after Pesach] because he transgressed Bal Yera'eh and Bal Yimatzei.


Question: According to Rava, we understand why it says 'Chametz that a Yisrael owned on Pesach is Asur b'Hana'ah, for it says "V'Lo Yera'eh Lecha'" - but according to Rav Acha bar Yakov, R. Yehudah learns from "V'Lo Ye'achel Chametz"!


Answer: The verse does not explain the Seifa, rather, the Reisha:


One may benefit from Chametz that a Nochri owned on Pesach, for it says "V'Lo Yera'eh Lecha" - but you may see Chametz of others or of Hekdesh.


He learns eating Se'or [or Chametz] from seeing it:


They are consistent with what they taught elsewhere:


(Rava): According to R. Yehudah, if one eats [after Pesach] Chametz that a Nochri owned during Pesach, he is lashed;


(Rav Acha bar Yakov): He is not lashed.


Rava says that he is lashed - R. Yehudah does not learn eating Se'or from seeing it;


Rav Acha says that he is not lashed - he learns eating Se'or from seeing it.




Rav Acha retracted - we know this from his explanation of the following Beraisa.


(Beraisa): If one ate Chametz of Hekdesh during Pesach, he was Mo'el;


Some say that he was not Mo'el.


Question: Which Tana exempts [or what do they argue about]?


Answer #1 (R. Yochanan): (All agree that the Chametz has value to Hekdesh. Rashi - it can be redeemed after Pesach, when it will be permitted - this is like R. Shimon; Ba'al ha'Ma'or - it is like R. Yosi ha'Gelili, it can be redeemed even during Pesach, to benefit (e.g. cook) from it while burning it.) R. Nechunya ben Hakanah exempts:


(Beraisa - R. Nechunya Ben Hakanah): Yom Kipur is like Shabbos regarding paying [for damage done while performing Melachah] - on Shabbos, since he Chayav Misah (worthy of death) for the Melachah, he is exempt from payment - similarly, on Yom Kipur, he is Chayav [Kares, a severe form of] Misah [at the hands of Heaven] and exempt from payment. (Likewise, one who is Chayav Kares for eating Chametz is exempt from payment, therefore there is no Me'ilah.)


Version #1 - Answer #2 (Rav Yosef): They argue about whether or not we may redeem Kodshim [that Yisraelim may not eat even after redemption] to feed them to dogs:


The first opinion permits (therefore the Chametz has value to Hekdesh, since it could have been redeemed), and the second opinion forbids.


Version #2 - Rav Acha bar Rava - Answer #3 (Rav Yosef): All forbid redeeming Kodshim to feed them to dogs - they argue about whether or not Davar ha'Gorem l'Mamon (something which is forbidden now [or is not considered a person's property], but later it will be permitted [or save him money], e.g. Chametz which will be permitted after Pesach) k'Mamon Dami (is considered like money):


The first opinion holds that Davar ha'Gorem l'Mamon is k'Mamon, the second opinion holds that it is not k'Mamon,


Answer #4 (Rav Acha bar Yakov): All agree that it is k'Mamon - they argue like R. Yehudah and R. Shimon:


The first opinion holds like R. Shimon, the second opinion holds like R. Yehudah.


Question: But Rav Acha bar Yakov said that R. Yehudah learns eating Se'or from seeing it [and permits after Pesach]!


Answer: He retracted from this. (Me'il Shmuel - he cannot establish our Mishnah like R. Yehudah, for then the Halachah would follow him; if so, Matzah would be mid'Oraisa nowadays (28B) - but Rav Acha says that it is only mid'Rabanan (120A)!)


Answer #5 (Rav Ashi): All agree that we may not redeem Kodshim to feed them to dogs, and Davar ha'Gorem l'Mamon Lav k'Mamon - they argue like R. Yosi ha'Gelili [who permits benefit from Chametz during Pesach] and Chachamim:


The second opinion holds like Chachamim, the first opinion holds like R. Yosi (Tosfos - because Chametz is not Kedushas ha'Guf, the Isur to redeem it to feed to dogs is only mid'Rabanan, hence one may redeem for other uses, therefore it has value to Hekdesh).




(Rav): In its time (during Pesach), Chametz is forbidden both b'Mino (if it is mixed with its own kind, i.e. grain) and she'Lo b'Mino (this will be explained);


Not in its time (after Pesach), Chametz is forbidden b'Mino but permitted she'Lo b'Mino.


Question: What is the case?


Answer #1: The Chametz is Nosen Ta'am (it can be tasted in the mixture).


Rejection: If so, it would be forbidden not in its time she'Lo b'Mino!


Answer #2: There is Mashehu of Chametz (a drop, it is not Nosen Ta'am).


In its time, Chametz [b'Mashehu] is forbidden b'Mino and Lo b'Mino - this is like Rav taught elsewhere:


(Rav and Shmuel): All forbidden foods, if mixed b'Mino, forbid b'Mashehu; Lo b'Mino, they forbid b'Nosen Ta'am.


In its time, Rav decrees [to forbid] she'Lo b'Mino on account of b'Mino.


Not in its time, it is forbidden b'Mino - this is like R. Yehudah;


She'Lo b'Mino is permitted - we do not decree on account of Mino (there is no Kares at this time, it is like other Isurim).


(Shmuel): In its time, Chametz [b'Mashehu] is forbidden b'Mino, but permitted she'Lo b'Mino;


Not in its time, it is permitted even b'Mino.


In its time, it is forbidden b'Mino - this is like Shmuel taught elsewhere:


(Rav and Shmuel): All forbidden foods, if mixed b'Mino, forbid b'Mashehu; Lo b'Mino, they forbid b'Nosen Ta'am.


Shmuel does not decree to forbid she'Lo b'Mino on account of b'Mino.


Not in its time, it is permitted even b'Mino - this is like R. Shimon.


(R. Yochanan): In its time, Chametz is forbidden b'Nosen Ta'am, whether b'Mino or Lo b'Mino;


Not in its time, it is permitted even b'Mino.


In its time, Chametz is forbidden b'Nosen Ta'am, whether b'Mino or Lo b'Mino - this is like R. Yochanan taught elsewhere:


(R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish): All Isurim forbid b'Nosen Ta'am, whether b'Mino or Lo b'Mino; (they agree that some things forbid b'Mashehu b'Mino, i.e. Yayin Nesech and Davar she'Yesh Lo Matirim - Avodah Zarah 73B);


Not in its time, it is permitted even b'Mino - this is like R. Shimon.