ROSH HASHANAH 31-33 - Dedicated Dr. Shalom Kelman of Baltimore, MD. May the Zechus of helping thousands study the Torah provide a Refu'ah Sheleimah for his father, Dr. Herbert (Isser Chayim ben Itta Fruma) Kelman.

[33a - 19 lines; 33b - 35 lines]

1)[line 3]מגלאMAGLA- with a sickle; (O.F. sarpe) billhook (concave-edged instrument for pruning trees and bushes)

2)[line 9]לצחצחוL'TZACHTZECHO- it makes its sound clear


3)[line 12]יבבותYEBAVOS- short sounds

4)[line 20]תקיעה דכולהו בביTEKI'AH D'CHULHU VAVEI- the Teki'os of all three sets; i.e. the total time of all six Teki'os is equal to the total time of all three Teru'os, 1 Teki'ah = 1/2 Teru'ah

5)[line 21]תנא בראTANA BARA- the Tana of the Beraisa


(a)After the death of the Shofet, Ehud Ben Geira, Bnei Yisrael became lax in their observance of Torah and Mitzvos. In order to prompt them to do Teshuvah, HaSh-m caused King Yavin of Chatzor to attack and subjugate them. After twenty years of subjugation under the cruel general Sisera, Bnei Yisrael finally repented and cried out to HaSh-m to save them.

(b)Since they were now worthy of redemption, HaSh-m told Devorah the Prophetess that if Bnei Yisrael wage war against Sisera, they will be successful. She and Barak ben Avino'am led Bnei Yisrael to victory, with the help of HaSh-m Who caused a flash flood in Nachal Kishon that wiped out much of Sisera's army and all of his 900 iron chariots. Sisera escaped the battlefield, only to be killed by Yael, the wife of Chever ha'Keini. When Sisera tarried to come back, his mother looked out of the window awaiting his return. The account of this battle and the glorious Song of Devorah that it inspired are recorded in Shoftim 4-5.

7)[line 26]"בעד החלון נשקפה ותיבב אם סיסרא בעד האשנב""B'AD HA'CHALON NISKEFAH VA'TEYABEV EM SISRA, B'AD HA'ESHNAV"- "The mother of Sisera looked out of the window and moaned through the lattice, 'Why is his chariot taking so long to come? Why are the hoof beats of the steeds that are pulling his chariots so tardy?'" (Shoftim 5:28)

8)[line 27]גנוחי גנחGENUCHEI GANACH- groaning, to utter disconnected sounds (staccato)

9)[line 27]ילולי ילילYALULEI YALEIL- crying, howling, to utter a trembling plaintive sound (tremolo)