

תוס' ד"ה מאי חתנו דקתני מתני' חתן בנו

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles the inference that a stepson's son-in-law is Pasul, with the Mishnah's statement 'stepson alone', which implies that his son-in-law is permitted).

תימה, א"כ, מתני' דקתני 'גיסו ובנו וחתנו', היינו 'חתן בנו'; אלמא 'חתן בן אחות אשתו' פסול! הא אפי' 'חתן בן אשתו' כשר, דקתני 'חורגו לבדו'?


Question: If that is so, when the Mishnah lists 'brother-in-law, son and son-in-law', the latter means 'the son-in-law of one's son', then it will emerge that the 'son-in-law of the son of his wife's sister' is Pasul. But how can that be, when, based on the statement 'stepson alone', even the son-in-law of his wife's son is permitted?

וי"ל, דכיון ד'חתנו' הוי 'חתן בנו', איכא למימר ד'חורגו' לאו למעוטי 'בן חורגו' ו'חתן חורגו', אלא אתא למעוטי 'בן בן חורגו' ו'חתן בן חורגו'.


Answer: Since 'son-in-law' now means 'the son-in-law of one's son', by the same token 'stepson alone' does not come to preclude 'the stepson's son and son-in-law', but rather 'the son and the son-in-law of his stepson's son'.



תוס' ד"ה שמונה אבות שהן כ"ד


Implied Question: Many of them are really one and the same ...

אלא לפום ריהטא דמתני' קחשיב.


Answer: But the Gemara is merely following the way the Mishnah lists them.



תוס' ד"ה תלתין ותרתין הוו.

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why R. Chiya does not then mention forty - including the sons-in-law of their sons).

הא דלא קאמר 'ארבעים הוו' - 'הם ובניהם וחתניהם וחתן בניהם ובני בניהם'?


Implied Question: Why does R. Chiya not then say 'forty' - they, their sons, their sons-in-law, the sons-in-law of their sons and the sons of their sons?

משום דלא קתני להו בהדיא במתני'.


Answer #1: Because they ('the sons-in-law of their sons') are not mentioned in the Mishnah.

אי נמי שם חתנות חד הוא.


Answer #2: Alternatively, because the term 'Chasnus' is one and the same.



תוס' ד"ה כיון דמעלמא אתי כדור אחר דמי

(SUMMARY: Tosfos presents two queries that we might have asked on Rav, and answers them both by pointing out that the Gemara asks something else, and that the answer will serve to answer them as well).

פ"ה, והא דלא אקשי' ליה לרב - כיון דאמרת 'כדור אחר דמי', אמאי פסול 'חתנו' לאחי אביו', הוה ליה רביעי בראשון?


Question: Rashi asks why the Gemara does not query Rav in that now that we have said they are 'like another generation', why is 'son-in-law' Pasul to his father's brother, seeing as he is a 'fourth to a first'?

משום דקשיא ליה מילתא אחריתי.


Answer: Because it asks a different Kashya (whose answer answers that Kashya too).

והקשה הר"ר יוסף אחי הר"ף להר"ף - דאמאי לא מקשי לרב, דאכשר ג' בשני - דקאמר 'אחי אבא לא יעיד לי הוא ובנו וחתנו', וחתנו כדור אחר דמי, א"כ פסול שלישי בשני?


Question: ha'Rav Rav Yosef asked his brother Rabeinu Peretz why we do not query Rav, who declares Kasher 'a third to a second', from the statement 'My father's brother, his son and his son-in-law, cannot testify against me', in which case 'a third is Pasul to a second'?

ותירץ הר"ף - אה"נ, דהוה מצי לאקשויי הכי; אלא משום דאקשי ליה מילתא אחריתי לא אסיק אדעתיה, דהכי נמי תירץ בשיטת הקונטרס.


Answer: Rabenu Peretz replied that the Gemara could indeed have asked that, only it asked a different Kashya (just like Rashi replied to the previous question).



תוס' ד"ה רב דאמר כר' אלעזר

(SUMMARY: Tosfos proves from a Yerushalmi that this is Halachah [that 'the third to the first' is Pasul], and goes on to explain why the Yerushalmi does not apply the principle that 'a woman is considered like her husband' in that case).

אומר ר"ת, דכן הלכה - ד'שלישי בראשון פסול', כדמוכח בפ' יש נוחלין (ב"ב ד' קנח: ושם) דשלח ליה ר' אבא לרב יוסף בר חמא 'הלכה שלישי בשני כשר'; ומשמע הא בראשון פסול, ואמר התם דהכי הלכתא.


Ruling: Rabeinu Tam writes that this opinion is Halachah - that 'the third to the first' is Pasul, as is evident in Perek Yesh Nochlin (Bava Basra, 58b & 150a) where R. Aba sent to Rav Yosef bar Chama that 'the third to the second is Kasher', implying to the first, he is Pasul, and this is the Halachah, as the Gemara rules there.

ובירושלמי נמי אמרי' 'משה מהו להעיד באשת פנחס'? ואמר ר' יוחנן "כשר" '. ומדנקט 'אשת פנחס' משמע דלפנחס לא יעיד - דהוה שלישי בראשון.


Support: The Yerushalmi also conforms to this ruling, when it asks whether Moshe was permitted to testify for/against Pinchas' wife, to which R. Yochanan replies in the affirmative, implying that he may not testify for/against Pinchas himself - because that would be a third to a first.

והא דלא אמרינן 'אשה כבעלה' כי הכא באשת חורגו?


Implied Question: And the reason that in this case, we do not apply the principle that 'a woman is considered like her husband' (like we say by 'a stepson's wife') is ...

משום דהתם איתפלג דרא.


Answer: ... because there it is one generation removed (so the Chachamim were more lenient).




תוס' ד"ה גיסו לבדו וכ"ש חורגו

(SUMMARY: Tosfos first draw a basic distinction between the 'alone' mentioned by son-in-law and the 'alone' mentioned by brother-in-law, then extrapolate a basic ruling from the fact that the latter comes to preclude 'son-in-law').

אינם שוים ד'חורגו לבדו' למעוטי 'בנו וחתנו'; ו'גיסו לבדו' לא למעוטי 'בנו', דהא ברייתא ר' יוסי היא - אלמא חשיב 'בעל אחות אמו', והיינו 'בן גיסו', ולא אתא למעוטי אלא 'חתנו', כדפי' הקונטרס.


Clarification: They are not exactly similar, since 'son-in-law alone' comes to preclude both 'son and son-in-law'; whereas 'brother-in-law alone' does notvpreclude 'his son' - since the author of the Beraisa is R. Yossi - So we see that it reckons 'the husband of his mother's sister, which equivalent to his brother-in-law's son, and it only comes to preclude his 'son-in-law' as Rashi explains.

ומדמסקי' דהלכה כר' יוסי ד'גיסו לבדו' למעוטי 'חתנו', יש לדקדק כ"ש שנים הנשואים שתי בנות אחיות או בנות שני אחים, דכשרים.


Halachic Inference: Since the Gemara concludes that the Halachah is like R. Yossi (that 'brother-in-law only' comes to preclude 'son-in-law'), we can extrapolate that if two people marry the daughters of two sisters or of two brothers, they are certainly Kasher.



תוס' ד"ה והא מודו רבי אלעזר במזויף מתוכו

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles Abaye's ruling here [where he appears to hold like R. Elazar - that 'Eidei Mesirah Karsi' - with his opinion in Bava Metzi'a, where he holds 'Witnesses with their signatures acquire on behalf of the recipient').

מדמהדר ליה אביי הכי, משמע דס"ל כרבי אלעזר, דאמר 'עידי מסירה כרתי'.


Inference (Part 1): Abaye's answer indicates that he follows the opinion of R. Elazar (that it is the witnesses who witness the handing over of the Sh'tar who determine ownership.

אלמא קסבר אביי 'כתב לאחד ומסר לאחר זה שמסר לו קנה', דהכי א"ר אלעזר בסוף מי שהיה נשוי (כתובות דף צד: ושם).


Inference (Part 2): Consequently, Abaye will hold that, if one documents something in the name of Reuven and then hands it to Shimon, it is Shimon who will acquire it.

ותימה. הא אביי הוא דאמר בפ"ק דב"מ (דף יג. ושם) 'עדיו בחתומיו זכין לו'


Question: But how can he say that, when in the first Perek of Bava MeTzi'a, (Daf 13a & 13b) he rules that witnesses with their signatures acquire on behalf of the recipient?

וי"ל, דההיא ד'כתב לאחד' מיירי בב' שטרות היוצאים ביום אחד, שזמנם שוה - דכיון דלא מוכח מתוך השטר איזה קדם, לא שייך למימר 'עדיו בחתומיו זכין לו', ואזלינן בתר מסירה.


Answer (Part 1): The case under discussion, where 'he wrote it for one person' speaks where the two claimants produce two Sh'taros that are dated on the same day, and one cannot tell which was written first. That is where Abaye goes after the Mesirah (since his principle is not applicable).

אבל היכא דמתוך השטר מוכח איזהו קדם, 'עדיו בחתומיו זכין לו', ואפילו נמסר לבסוף.


Answer (Part 2): But where it is evident from the Sh'tar that the owner received it first, then Abaye abides by his principle, and he gets it, even if the owner subsequently gave it to somebody else.