

תוספות ד"ה דברי הרב ודברי התלמיד

(SUMMARY: Tosfos explain why any other Meisis would not have been able to present this argument).

וא"ת, אם כן, כל מסית יפטר עצמו באותה טענה?


Question: Why can not every Meisis then present the same argument and get off scott-free?

ויש לומר, דדוקא נחש, שלא נצטוה שלא להסית, ולא נענש אלא לפי שבאת תקלה על ידו, אבל מסית שנצטוה שלא להסית, נמצא כשמסית, עובר.


Answer: It is only the snake, who was not commanded not to incite, and who was not being punished for that, but for causing Adam and Chavah to sin, who would have been absolved had he been allowed to present that argument; Any other Meisis, on the other hand, who is commanded not to incite, will have transgressed the moment he does.




תוספות ד"ה כך אדם עשוי שלא להשביע את בניו

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles our Sugya with the Sugya in 'Get Pashut', which does not hold the S'vara of 'Adam Asuy she'Lo Lehasbi'a es Banav' by drawing a distinction between where the creditor has claimed his debt and where the Sh'echiv-M'ra admits of his own accord. They also distinguish between the two principles with regard to Beis-Din making the claim on behalf of the person himself and making it on behalf of his heirs).

והא דאמר בגט פשוט (ב"ב דף קעה. ושם) 'שכיב מרע שהודה, אצ"ל "אתם עדיי", משום ד'אין אדם משטה בשעת מיתה'. ואמאי לא אמרינן כדאמר הכא 'שלא להשביע את בניו'?


Question: The Gemara in 'Get Pashut' (Bava Basra, 175a and 175b) rules that 'a Shechiv-M'ra who admits that he owes somebody money does need to appoint the people present witnesses, because 'A man on the verge of death'does not tend to pull someone's leg ('Meshateh Ani bach'). Why do we not suspect there (like we say here) that he only admitted in order not to make his sons look wealthy?

וי"ל, דהתם מיירי שתבעוהו והודה, דלא שייך טענה 'שלא להשביע' אלא טענת 'משטה'.


Answer: Because it speaks there where the creditor claimed from him and he admitted, in which case the argument that 'he only admitted in order not to make his sons look wealthy' is not applicable, only that of 'Meshateh Ani bach'.

ואע"ג דאמרינן לעיל דטענת 'משטה' לא טענינן ליה?


Implied Question: But did we not say earlier that we do not claim 'Meshateh Ani bach' on behalf of the defendant?

לבניו טענינן, כדמשמע התם; דאי לאו דאין אדם משטה בשעת מיתה, טענינן ליה.


Answer: We do however, claim it on behalf of his heirs, as is implied there (that if not for the fact that a person on the verge of death does not tend to pull someone's leg, we would indeed claim 'Meshateh Ani bach' on their behalf.

וטענת 'שלא להשביע' אפי' לדידיה טענינן, כמו שטען רב נחמן לההוא גברא.


Ruling: We do however, claim that 'he only admitted in order not to make his sons look wealthy' on the defendant's behalf, just like Rav Nachman did in the episode cited in our Sugya.



תוספות ד"ה הודה בפני ב' וקנו מידו כותבין

(SUMMARY: Tosfos agrees with Rashi, that this ruling is based on the principle 'S'tam Kinyan li'Kesivah Omeid', and then prove that this does not deter him from retracting from the Sh'tar - unless he already possesses a Sh'tar that was destroyed, as they conclude. They also discuss the significance of the Sh'tar and why one should want to retract from it anyway).

ואע"ג דלא אמר 'כתבו!' - משום דסתם קנין לכתיבה עומד כדפ"ה.


Clarification: Even though he did not actually say to the witneses 'Write!' - because S'tam Kinyan stands to be written, as Rashi explains.

מיהו אם רצה לחזור, חוזר.


Ruling: He does however, have the right to retract (from having it documentated) ...

כדאמר בפ' המוכר את הספינה (שם דף עז. ושם) 'זכו בשדה זו לפלוני וכתבו את השטר!', חוזר בשטר ואינו חוזר בשדה.


Proof: ... like we say in Perek ha'Mocher es ha'Sefinah' (Bava Basra, 77a & 77b) 'Acquire this field on behalf of so-and-so and write a Sh'tar, he may retract from the Sh'tar but not from the field'.

והא דאמר בפ' אע"פ (כתובות דף נה.) 'אמר לעדים "כתבו וחתמו והבו ליה", קנו מיניה לא צריך לאימלוכי', לאו דוקא 'כתובו', דה"ה אע"ג דלא אמר 'כתובו'.


Explanation (Part 1): When the Gemara states in Perek Af-al-Pi (Kesuvos, 55a) that if someone says to witnesses 'write and sign, and give it to him', if he made a Kinyan, he does not need to consult him further (about writing a Sh'tar) - it was unnecessary to have said 'Write!', since the same would have applied had he not said it.

והאי דקאמר 'כתובו' משום סיפא נקטי' - דהיכא דלא קנו מיניה, אף ע"ג דאמר 'כתובו' צריך לאימלוכי.


Explanation (Part 2): And the reason the Gemara inserts 'Write!' is on account of the Seifa, to teach us that if he did not make a Kinyan, then even if he said 'Write!', he needs to consult him before writing the Sh'tar.

והא דקאמר 'קנו מיניה לא צריך לאימלוכי ביה', לאו משום שאינו יכול לחזור בשטר, אלא מסתמא כל כמה דלא הדר ביה רוצה הוא שיכתבו.


Explanation (Part 3): And when the Gemara states that if he made a Kinyan he does need to consult, it does not mean that he is unable to retract from the Sh'tar, only we assume that, as long as he has not done so, he wants them to go ahead and write it.

תדע, דהא לא קנו מיניה, פשיטא דמצי הדר ביה, ואיכא למ"ד א"צ לאימלוכי ביה.


Proof: From the fact that there where he did not make a Kinyan, it is obvious that he is permitted to retract, yet according to one opinion he does not need to consult him before writing the Sh'tar.

וא"ת, כיון דאינו חוזר בשדה, מ"ט חוזר בשטר? אי שטר מתנה הוא, מאי נ"מ?


Question (Part 1): Now that he is not able to retract from the field, why can he retract from the Sh'tar. 'Mah Nafshach'; If it is talking about a gift, what difference does the Sh'tar make anyway?

ואי שטר מכר הוא ומשום משעבדי, הא אמרינן בחזקת הבתים (ב"ב דף מא:) 'המוכר את שדהו בעדים, גובה מנכסים משועבדים?


Question (Part 2): ... whereas if it talking about a document of sale, and the Sh'tar is in order to enable the purchaser to claim from Meshubadim (should his creditor claim the field from him), have we not learned in 'Chezkas ha'Batim' (Bava Basra, 41b) that, if someone sells a field with witnesses (but without a Sh'tar), the purchaser has the right to claim from Meshubadim (see Tosfos ha'Rosh)?

וי"ל, דלא ניחא ליה דליפשו שטרא עילויה, דקלא אית בהו תוזיילי נכסיה, כסבורים שהן שטרי חוב.


Answer: Either way, a person does not like having Sh'taros against him, since Sh'taros have a Kol (publicize the transaction), with the result that his property goes down in value, since people think that they are documents of debt?

והא דאמר בהגוזל קמא (ב"ק דף צח.) גבי 'השורף שטרו של חבירו' - 'דאי איכא סהדי דידעי מאי כתב ביה, ליכתוב שטרא אחריני?


Implied Question: And (seeing as the owner of the property is able to retract from the Sh'tar) does the Gemara in 'ha'Gozel Basra (Bava Kama, 98a) the fact that we say - in a case where someone burns his friend's Sh'tar, that if there are witnesses who know what was written in it, then one writes a fresh Sh'tar? Why can the owner of the property not retract from it?

התם שאני שכבר היה לו שטר, דאין לו להפסיד כחו.


Answer: ... It is different there, since the recipient already had a Sh'tar, and he does not lose the right that he already had.



תוספות ד"ה מר בר רב אשי אמר כו'

(SUMMARY: Tosfos cite various opinions regarding whether the Halachah is like Mar bar Rav Ashi by 'Meipach Shevu'ah d'Oraysa' and 'Odisa' or not).

בשבועות (דף מא. ושם) פירש הריב"ן בשם רש"י ובשם רבינו גרשום דהלכה כמר בר רב אשי במיפך שבועה ואודיתא. אודיתא הך דהכא; מיפך שבועה - דפרק שבועת הדיינים (שם), דאפילו בדאורייתא מהפכינן!


Ruling: The Rivan in Shevu'os (41a & 41b) citing Rashi (see Mesores ha'Shas) and Rabeinu Gershom, rules like Mar bar Rav Ashi regarding 'Meipach Shevu'ah' and 'Odisa' ('Odisa' here, and 'Meipach Shevu'ah' in Perek Shevu'as ha'Dayanim, where he holds 'Mahafchinan [we make the claimant swear] even by a Shevu'ah d'Oraysa).

וכן רב האי פסק כמותו ב'מיפך שבועה'.


Ruling: Rav Hai too, rules like him by Meipach Shevu'ah.

והביא ראיה - מדאמר התם 'האי מאן דמפיק שטרא על חבריה, ואמר ליה אידך 'אישתבע לי דלא פרעתיך', דאמרי' ליה 'אישתבע ליה!'


Proof: And he proves this from the Gemara there, which, in a case of someone who produces a Sh'tar against his friend, who promptly counters 'Swear that I have not paid!', rules that he is obligated to swear (see Mahasha).

ולא דמי כלל - דהתם לא רמיא עליה שבועה דאורייתא.


Refutation: There is no proof from there however, since the Shevu'ah there is not a Shevu'ah d'Oraysa.

ובסדר תנאים ואמוראים [סימן ל"ח] כתוב דבכולי הש"ס הלכתא כמר בר רב אשי, בר ממיפך שבועה ואודיתא.


Ruling: Whereas 'Seider Tana'im and Amora'im', Siman 38, writes that in the whole of Shas the Halachah is like Mar bar Rav Ashi except for 'Meipach Shevu'ah' and 'Odisa'.

וכן פסק בה"ג דאין הלכה כמותו במיפך שבועה.


Ruling: And the B'hag too rules that the Halachah is not like him regarding Meipach Shevu'ah.

ובערוך פסק וכן בתשובת הגאונים - דלא מהפכינן בשבועה דאורייתא.


Ruling: Both the Aruch and the Teshuvas ha'Ge'onim maintain that we do not switch a Shevu'ah d'Oraysa ...

ור"ח פסק כמר בר רב אשי בר 'ממיפך שבועה' 'וחיורי' דפרק בהמה המקשה (חולין דף עו: ושם), ונתן עליו סימן "כולו הפך לבן".


Ruling: Whereas Rabeinu Chananel rules the Halachah is like Mar bar Rav Ashi everywhere except for 'Meipach Shevu'ah' and 'Chivri' (in Perek Beheimah ha'Maksheh' (Chulin, 76b) - and he gave a Siman 'Kulo Hafach Lavan'.