

תוספות ד"ה משמשין ממשמשין גמרינן

(SUMMARY: After pointing out that the designation of Meis Mitzvah itself we learn from Eglah Arufah, Tosfos queries this from two sources. Rabeinu Tam concludes that in fact, the skin is Asur be'Hana'ah, and then gives a good reason as to why the Chachamim nevertheless found it necessary to add an Isur Tum'ah).

מיהו מת מצוה גופיה ילפינן מעגלה ערופה, כדאיתא בפ"ב דמסכת ע"ג (דף כט: ושם).


Clarification: The Din of Meis Mitzvah itself however (that it does not become Asur with designation alone), we learn from Eglah Arufah, as the Gemara explains in the second Perek of Avodah-Zarah (Daf 29b & 30a).

וא"ת, ועורו של מת מי גרע מתכריכין?


Question (Part 1): How can the skin of a Meis be any worse than the shrouds?

דאמרי' בהעור והרוטב (חולין דף קכב.) 'דבר תורה עור אדם טהור, ומפני מה אמרו טמא - מפני שלא יעשה אדם מעור אביו ואמו שטיחין (לחמור)!' אלמא, ליכא איסורא דאורייתא?


Question (Part 2): Since the Gemara says in 'ha'Or ve'ha'Rotev' (Chulin, 122a) that min ha'Torah, human skin is Tahor (and is Mutar be'Hana'ah); and the reason that the Chachamim declared it Tamei, was in order that people should not use the skin of their deceased mothers and fathers to make mats (for their donkeys).

ומפרש ר"ת, דאע"ג דאסור מדאורייתא, הוצרכו לגזור טומאה משום דחמירא להו לאינשי טומאה מאיסורא.


Answer: Rabeinu Tam explains that in fact, it is Asur min ha'Torah, yet the Chachamim found it necessary to decree Tum'ah, since people take Tum'ah more seriously than Isur ...

כדאשכחן בסוף כיצד צולין (פסחים דף פה.) 'הפיגול והנותר מטמאין את הידים משום חשדי כהונה ומשום עצלי כהונה', אע"ג דבלאו הכי איכא לאו דבל תותירו.


Proof: Like we find in the Gemara at the end of 'Keitzad Tzolin (Pesachim, 85a) 'Pigul and Nosar are Metamei the hands, due to Kohanim who are suspect and Kohanim who are lazy' - even though they are subject to the 'La'av' of 'Bal Tosiru' anyway.



תוספות ד"ה נתנתו לספר

(SUMMARY: Tosfos discusses why, based on the Lashon 'ha'Oreg', the Kashya does not go on Abaye too. After citing various supports for their suggestion that Abaye requires some kind of change to the article, even going so far as to apply it to a Gemara in Eruvin, they finally refute it. They conclude that Abaye does require a specific designation and not just a general one [but not a change to the article]. And as for the Lashon 'ha'Oreg', that is only to demonstrate how far Rava goes in this regard).

תימה, תקשה נמי לאביי, דנקט 'האורג' - דמשמע 'אבל ייחד לא'?


Question: Why can we not ask the same Kashya on Abaye, who says 'Someone who weaves' - implying that designation alone does not render the article Asur?

והמ"ל הכא בדאיתא שינוי מעשה, דהא אין כלי עולה מטומאתו אלא בשינוי מעשה.


Answer (Explanation) #1: One could perhaps answer that it speaks here where some change in the article took place, because a vessel does not lose its status of Tamei without a physical change to it.

וכן ההיא ד'נפש שבנאו לשם חי, והוסיף בו דימוס אחד לשם מת'; משמע דיחוד בלא הוסיף לא מהני, מדפריך מיניה לרבא; ולאביי ניחא.


Proof #1: Similarly, the case of a 'Nefesh' (a resting-place of stones) that one constructed for living people, to which one added one row of stones on behalf of a Meis" ', implying that designation alone without adding something to it will not suffice (even according to Abaye), seeing as the Gemara queries Rava from there, but not Abaye.

וכן מדנקט 'כיס שעשאו להניח תפילין' ולא נקט 'יחדו'


Proof #2: And also seeing as the Gemara mentions 'a purse that one manufactured in order to place in it Tefilin (and not one that he designated)... ' ...

ו'כופת שאור שייחדה לישיבה' - דפ' אלו עוברין (שם דף מה: ושם) ו'סדין שעשאו וילון' דהקומץ רבה (מנחות דף כד: ושם), הנך נמי בדאיתא שינוי מעשה.


Extention: ... and 'a block of wood used for kneading dough that one designated for sitting' (in Perek Eilu Ovrin - Eruvin, Daf 45b & 46a), and a sheet that one made into a curtain, speak where the original article has been changed.

מיהו קשה, דא"כ בלא נתנתו לספר נמי טהור מן המדרס, אי איכא שינוי מעשה?


Question #1: In that case, even if the veil would not have been placed inside the Seifer-Torah it would be Tahor from Medras, seeing as it's original form has been changed?

ומההיא ד'היו אביו ואמו מזרקין בו כלים', משמע דבזריקה בעלמא בלא שום מעשה, מהני לאביי?


Question #2: From the case where his father and mother were throwing vessels into the grave ... it appears that merely throwing them into the grave renders them forbidden, even though no change was affected to them?

וצ"ל, דייחוד דדיבור בעלמא לא מהני אלא א"כ נטלו ואמר 'זה יהיה למת, ולספר'


Answer (Explanation) #2: The correct explanation must therefore be that, according to Abaye, mere words are not effective, until one actually takes the object and verbally dedicates it for the Meis or for the Seifer-Torah.

והא דנקט 'האורג' לאו דוקא, אלא משום רבותא דרבא, דאפ"ה שרי.


Clarification: ... and the reason that they mentioned 'Someone who weaves' is 'La'av Davka', but to teach us that even in such a case Rava permits it.



תוספות ד"ה מותר המת ליורשיו

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconciles the opinion that permits it with the Gemara in Yevamos, which forbids a fine woolen cloak that they spread over the dead man, even if they claimed clothes, and the opinion that forbids it with the S'vara that 'nobody forbids flax to weave into a garment for a dead man, even if they claimed money).

תימה, אי בגבו מעות, טווי לאריג מי איכא למאן דאסר? ואי בגבו בגדים, היאך יעשה דימוס לקברו, הא אי אפשר לקנותו, דאסור בהנאה - כי ההיא איצטלא דמילתא דאפרסוה אמיתנא בפ' אלמנה ביבמות (דף סו:)?


Question: 'Mah Nafshach', how does this speak? If they claimed money, is there anybody who forbids 'spun flax to weave into a garment for a Meis' (as the Gemara asked a little earlier)? Whereas if they claimed clothes, how can they then use it to make a row over the dead man's grave, seeing as it is Asur be'Hana'ah. Why should it be any better than the case in Yevamos, 66b, regarding the fine woolen cloak that they spread over the dead man?

וי"ל, דפרסוהו שאני.


Answer #1: The coat only became Asur there, because they spread it over the dead man.

א"נ, מעות עדיפי מטווי לאריגה, משום דחזו למיקני בהו כל מילי.


Answer #2: Alternatively, money is worse than 'flax for weaving', inasmuch as it is fit to purchase anything with it.




תוספות ד"ה אע"פ שלא עיבדן לשמן

(SUMMARY: Tosfos query Rashi's explanation, that Hazmanah is of no consequence, and that Ibud li'Shemah is therefore not necessary, from the Gemara in Gitin. Rejecting any distinction between the leather of skin and the parchment of a Seifer-Torah, they therefore conclude that Rava in fact holds like Raban Shimon ben Gamliel who requires Ibud li'Shemah. Abaye therefore, must follow the opinion of the Chachamim, and they reconcile this with the Gemara in Menachos, which implies otherwise).

פי' הקונטרס ד'הזמנה לאו מילתא היא' ולא איכפת לן בה.


Explanation #1: Rashi explains that 'Hazmanah is of no consequence' and that we do not consider Ibud li'Shemah necessary (see Tosfos ha'Rosh).

וקשה לר"ת, דקיימא לן בהזמנה הלכה כרבא? ובעיבוד לשמה, קיימא לן כרשב"ג, כדמוכח בפרק הניזקין (גיטין דף נד:) ב'ההוא דאתא לקמיה דר' אבהו, אמר ליה 'ספר תורה שכתבתיו גוילין לא נעבדו לשמן!' אמר ליה, 'מתוך שאתה נאמן להפסיד שכרך (ואי) אתה נאמן להפסיד ס"ת'?


Question: Rabeinu Tam queries this however, in that we rule like Rava regarding 'Hazmanah', who in turn, rules like Raban Shimon ben Gamliel, as is evident in Perek ha'Nizakin, (Gitin, Daf 54b) regarding the case where someone came before R. Avahu and declared 'The Seifer-Torah which I wrote, the parchment were not tanned li'Shemah' - to which the latter replied 'Since you are believed to lose your renumeration, you are also believed to disqualify the Seifer-Torah!'

ואין לחלק בין עור של תפילין לגויל של ס"ת.


Implied Answer: One cannot differentiate between the leather of skin and the parchment of a Seifer-Torah ... ,

דהא 'שי"ן' של תפילין הלכה למשה מסיני.


Refutal: ... since the 'Shiyn' of Tefilin is Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai (no less than a Seifer-Torah.

ומפרש ר"ת, דרבא דאמר 'הזמנה לאו מילתא היא' סבר כרשב"ג, דבעי עיבוד לשמה, משום דלא סגי בהזמנה.


Explanation #2: Rabeinu Tam therefore explains that when Rava says 'Hazmanah La'av Milsa Hi', he actually holds like Raban Shimon ben Gamliel, who requires Ibud li'Shemah, precisely because he does not consider Hazmanah sufficient.

וקשה, דא"כ אביי כת"ק דלא בעי עיבוד לשמה.


Question (Part 1): In that case, Abaye will hold like the Tana Kama, who does not require Ibud li'Shemah ...

ובפ' התכלת (מנחות דף מב: ושם) 'א"ל אביי לרב שמואל בר יהודה "האי תכלתא היכי צבעינו לה?" ' ודייק מינה דבעי צביעה לשמה, והתם מדמי טווייה לשמה לעיבוד דהכא, וה"ה צביעה.


Question (Part 2): Whereas in Perek ha'Techeles (Menachos, 42b & 43a) Abaye asked Rav Shmuel ben Yehudah how he dyed the Techeiles for Tzitzis, and the Gemara extrapolates there that the dyeing requires li'Shemah, and the Gemara there compares spinning li'Shemah to Ibud in our Sugya, and the same applies to dyeing?

וצ"ל, דאביי לא קיבלה מיניה התם.


Answer: We must therefore conclude that Abaye did not accept Rav Shmuel ben Yehudah's reply.



תוספות ד"ה בשלמא למ"ד נכסים למלך

(SUMMARY: Tosfos reconcile this with the Gemara in Makos, which suggests that Yo'av fled to the Mizbe'ach to avoid getting killed at the hand of the Go'el ha'Dam, before citing a Yerushalmi which presents both opinions).

תימה, דבסוף הגולין (מכות דף יב.) משמע דברח לפי שהיה סבור דמזבח קולט, דאמר 'שלשה טעיות טעה יואב'.


Question: The Gemara at the end of 'ha'Golin' (Makos, 12a) implies that the reason that Yo'av fled was because he thought that the Mizbe'ach 'absorbs' (saves the murderer from death at the hand of the Go'el ha'Dam)?

וי"ל, דלהמלט אי אפשר, דיכולין לשומרו שלא יברח וימות ברעב, ולא נתכוון אלא להוריש נכסיו לבניו.


Answer: In fact, it would have been impossible to escape death in that way, seeing as they could always have kept watch over him so that he could not escape, and he would have died of hunger. Consequently, his intention must have been to ensure that his heirs would inherit his property.

ובירושלמי איכא פלוגתא דאמוראי: דאיכא מ”ד סבור היה יואב דקרנותיו של מזבח היו קולטין, ואין לך קולט אלא גגו של בית עולמים, אבל של שילה אינו קולט; ואיכא מאן דאמר ואפשר מאן דכתיב ביה “תחכמוני ראש השלישי”, היה טועה בדבר זה?


Yerushalmi (Part 1): The Yerushalmi cites a Machlokes Amora'im - According to one opinion, Yo'av thought that the corners of the Mizbe'ach 'absorbed' the murderer, when in fact it is only the roof of the Mizbe'ach in the Beis-ha'Mikdash that absorbs, but not that of Shiloh (which is where Yo'av ran); whereas according to others, the one who is described as "the wise one, head of the captains", would hardly have made such a mistake.

אלא לסנהדרין ברח; אמר 'מוטב יהרג בב"ד וירשו בניו את נכסיו, ואל יהרגהו המלך וירשהו המלך'.


Yerushalmi (Part 2): We therefore need to explain that he fled to the Sanhedrin, because, he maintained 'It is better to be killed through the Beis-Din, in which case his children will inherit his property, than to be killed by the king, who will then inherit his property.