[60a - 38 lines; 60b - 53 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 60a [line 2]:

The word "b'Arsi" בערסי

should be "b'Adsha" בעדשה

This is the Girsa of Dikdukei Sofrim #7, the Oxford manuscript, and the Aruch (Erech Adash). It also appears this way in Rashi of the Soncino edition of the Shas.

[2] Gemara 60b [line 24]:

The words "Ba'a Minei Rav Huna mi'Rav Ashi" בעא מיניה רב הונא מרב אשי

should be "Ba'a Minei Rav Huna mi'Rav Ami" בעה מיניה רב הונא מרב אמי

This is the Girsa of the Oxford manuscript, Rabeinu Chananel, and Chidushei ha'Ran. (See Hagahos Dikdukei Sofrim #8.)

[3] Gemara 60b [line 28]:

The words "Amar Rav Ashi v'Lo Yada Mar Mai Ta'ama" אמר רב אשי ולא ידע מר מאי טעמא

should be "Amar Rebbi Asi v'Lo Yada Mar Mai Ta'ama" אמר רבי אסי ולא ידע מר מאי טעמא

(Rav Ashi lived much later than Rebbi Ami. -Ya'avetz)


1)[line 1]קולבKULAV- a movable stand with nails for hanging merchandise

2)[line 1]מסמרותיוMASMEROSAV- its nails

3)[line 2]עדשה(ARSI) ADSHA- (O.F. estadera) a large scale

4)[line 2]שלשלותיוSHALSHELOSAV- its chains

5)[line 3]המעמידHA'MA'AMID- the object that supports it

6)[line 4]לצדדים קתניL'TZEDADIM KA'TANI- the two objects mentioned refer to two different cases, respectively

7)[line 6]טומאה אשבת קרמית?TUM'AH A'SHABBOS KA'RAMIS?- are you posing a question from Tum'ah to Shabbos? (i.e. they have different laws)

8)[line 11]אוגרת בה שערהOGERES BAH SA'ARAH- (a) gathers and winds her hair around the pin (RASHI); (b) sticks the pin in her headdress to tighten it so that her hair stays inside (TOSFOS)

9)[line 12]כבירית טהורהK'BIRIS, TEHORAH- like the Biris, which the Mishnah (63a) tells us is Tahor. (See Tosfos who discusses what point there is in mentioning that the Biris is Tahor.)

10)[line 17]פדחתהPADACHTAH- her forehead

11)[line 17]סנדל המסומרSANDAL HA'MESUMAR- a wooden sandal that has nail-heads protruding from its sole, which may be worn forwards or backwards. The method of construction is as follows: a block of wood was covered in the center by a piece of leather which allowed the foot to enter. The leather was nailed down on both sides, with the nail-heads protruding slightly from the bottom of the wood. A long strap extending from both sides was attached in the center by nails, which was used to secure the sandal on the foot. The wooden block is called Sole, the upper piece of leather is called Panta and the straps are called Treisiyos (Rashi 60b DH Ela l'Chazek and DH Treisiyosav). (See Graphic #1.)

12)[line 18]יחידYACHID- [only] one [sandal]

13)[line 19]קמיעKAMEI'A- an amulet or charm

14)[line 20]מן המומחהMIN HA'MUMCHEH- made by a doctor who is an authority

15)[line 20]שריוןSHIRYON- armor, suit of mail

16)[line 20]קסדאKASDA- a leather cap worn under a metal helmet

17)[line 21]מגפייםMAGAPAYIM- boots of armor

18)[line 23]שלפי הגזרהSHILFEI HA'GEZEIRAH- people escaping the decree against practicing Judaism

19)[line 23]נחבאיןNECHBA'IN- hiding


20)[line 4]כינופיאKINUFIYAH- a large gathering of people

21)[line 11]אוכל נפשOCHEL NEFESH

(a)The Mishnah states that the only difference between Shabbos and Yom Tov is that the preparation of food is permitted on Yom Tov. This is learned from the verse, "Ach Asher Ye'achel l'Chol Nefesh Hu Levado Ye'aseh Lachem" - "Only that which is done so that everyone will be able to eat, only that may be done by you" (Shemos 12:16). This verse excludes food preparation from the prohibitions of Yom Tov.

(b)All Melachos of Shabbos are prohibited on Yom Tov even if they are done expressly for the purpose of food preparation, except for the Melachos of Hotza'ah mi'Reshus li'Reshus (transferring objects from one domain to another) and Hav'arah (transferring flames), which are necessary for food preparation. Since these Melachos were permitted for the purpose of food preparation, they were also permitted for any purpose. (RAMBAM Hilchos Yom Tov 1:4)

22)[line 15]אסברא לךASBERA LACH- I will explain to you

23)[line 15]לדידיL'DIDI- according to my opinion

24)[line 16]תרסיותיוTREISIYOSAV- its straps

25)[line 17]סנדל הנוטהSANDAL HA'NOTEH- a sandal which is leaning to one side, since that side of the sole has been worn down

26)[line 22]איפהEIFAH- the name of a Sage, the son of Rachba of Pumbedisa

27)[line 27]רצענאRATZ'ANA- a leather-worker

28)[line 28]תפרו מבפניםTAFRO MIBI'FNIM- if he sewed a leather lining inside of it

29)[line 33]כמין כלבוסK'MIN KALABUS- bent like a staple

30)[line 35]חיפהוCHIFAHU- he filled it (lit. he covered it)

31)[line 36]שלא תהא קרקע אוכלתוSHE'LO TEHEI KARKA OCHALTO- so that the sole does not get corroded by the ground

32)[line 40]נשרוNASHRU- fell out

33)[line 42]כמין טסK'MIN TAS- [nails with a wide, flat head,] like a sheet of metal

34)[line 43]כמין יתדK'MIN YASED- [nails with a sharp head,] like a peg

35)[line 52]בבלאי שרי איסוריBAVLA'I SHARI ISUREI- the Babylonian who permits things that are forbidden