[79a - 41 lines; 79b - 43 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.

[1] Gemara 79a [line 3]:

The words "she'Tzarich l'Kaimo" שצריך לקיימו

should be "Tzarich l'Kaimo" צריך לקיימו (Dikdukei Sofrim #60)

[2] Rashi 79a DH v'Hacha b'Kosvin ד"ה והכא בכותבין :

The words "v'Iy Amrat Keivan d'Ra'uy la'Tzur Al Pi Tzeluchiso Hu, d'Ba'ei Ahadurei l'Loveh, Lo Mash'hi" ואי אמרי כיון דראוי לצור על פי צלוחיתו הוא דבעי אהדורי ללוה לא משהי

should be "v'Iy Amras Keivan d'Ba'ei Ahadurei l'Loveh, d'Ra'uy la'Tzur Al Pi Tzeluchiso, Hu Lo Mash'hi" ואי אמרת כיון דבעי אהדורי ללוה דראוי לצור על פי צלוחיתו הוא לא משהי (M. KORNFELD)

[3] Gemara 79b [line 25]:

The words "v'Ha d'Kasvinhu a'Klaf b'Mekom Sei'ar" והא דכתבינהו אקלף במקום שיער

should be "v'Ha d'Kasvinhu a'Klaf Afilu b'Mekom Sei'ar" והא דכתבינהו אקלף אפילו במקום שיער

(Dikdukei Sofrim #9. This also seems to have been the Girsa that Rashi had in the Gemara. See Chidushim ha'Meyuchasim leha'Ran.)


1)[line 7]גברא דפרע אנאGAVRA D'PARA ANA- I am a person who repays his debts

2)[line 13]כמלא רוחב הסיט כפולK'MELO ROCHAV HA'SIT KAFUL- an amount that measures double the distance between a person's middle finger and index finger when they are spread apart. This is the same as the distance between a person's thumb and index finger when they are spread apart.

3)[line 18]סמנין שרויןSAMANIN SHERUYIN- paints or dyes that have been soaked

4)[line 19]דוגמא לאיראDUGMA L'IRA- a small colored piece of wool used as a sample which is the same size as an Ira, a small ball of cotton or wool which was placed in the Buchyar (shuttle) to hold the spool of Erev (woof) thread

5)[line 21]סטיסSATIS- (O.F. wesde) woad, a plant that produces a dye colored indigo (RASHI (on our Daf, 68a and 79a), RAMBAM, BARTENURA, TIFERES YISRAEL) (however, RASHI Shabbos 89b, Pesachim 56b, Bava Kama 101b, and Nidah 50a, translates it as "crog," safflower, which produces a red dye)

6)[line 21]ופואהPU'AH- (O.F. warance) the madder plant (a plant with small yellowish flowers whose root produces a red dye)

7)[line 22]פי סבכהPI SEVACHAH- a small cloth attached at the front of the headdress

8)[line 23]זרעוני גינהZEIR'ONEI GINAH- garden seeds

9a)[line 25]זבלZEVEL- dung

b)[line 25]חולCHOL- sand

10)[line 25]לזבלL'ZABEL- to fertilize

11)[line 26]קלח של כרובKELACH SHEL KERUV- a cabbage stalk

12)[line 26]כרישאKEREISHA- a leek; less dung or sand is needed to fertilize a leek than a cabbage stalk

13)[line 27]זריעZERI'A- it is planted

14)[line 28]מקמי דליגבליהMEKAMEI D'LIGBELEI- before it is mixed

15)[line 29]שופכיןSHOFCHIN- foul-smelling water

16)[line 34]מליחMELI'ACH- processed with salt

17)[line 34]קמיחKAMI'ACH- soaked in flour and water

18)[line 34]עפיץAPITZ- processed with ground gall-nuts

19)[line 35]לצור בוLATZUR BO- to tie up in it

20)[line 35]משקולת קטנהMISHKOLES KETANAH- a small weight

21)[line 35]ריבעא דריבעא דפומבדיתאRIV'A D'RIV'A D'PUMBEDISA- a quarter of a quarter-Litra of Pumbedisa

22)[line 37]דיפתרא דמליח וקמיח ולא עפיץDIFTERA, D'MALIACH V'KAMI'ACH V'LO APITZ- nevertheless, this is not Klaf since (a) it is not processed with gall nuts (Afatzim) and (b) it is not split in two. (When it is processed with Afatzim but not split in two, it is called Gevil — see below #35.)

23)[line 39]בישולאBISHULA- moist [hide, from a recently skinned animal]

24)[line 39]הבגדHA'BEGED- a cloth garment

25)[line 39]שלשה על שלשהSHELOSHAH AL SHELOSHAH- three Tefachim by three Tefachim

26)[line 39]מדרסMIDRAS

(a)A Zav who emits Zov two or three times, whether it is emitted in one day or in two or three consecutive days, is an Av ha'Tum'ah.

(b)He can cause objects that are under him to become Avos ha'Tum'ah whether he touches them or not. The objects become Tamei Midras (lit. an object that is treaded upon), otherwise known as Mishkav or Moshav ha'Zav (or the Tachton of a Zav). An object may become a Midras if it was made for lying, sitting, or leaning upon.

(c)A cloth must be at least three Tefachim square in order to become a Midras. A cloth that is smaller than this is Tahor due to its insignificance. Earthenware objects (Klei Cheres) cannot become Midras.

(d)A person who touches or carries a Midras is Tamei and is Metamei the clothes he is wearing and other utensils (except for earthenware utensils) that he is touching. He and the items he touches get the status of Rishon l'Tum'ah.

(e)Utensils or clothes which lie above the Zav also get the status of a Rishon l'Tum'ah, whether he touches them or not. These are called the Elyon of a Zav.

27a)[line 39]השקHA'SAK- a sack made of goats' hair

b)[line 40]העורHA'OR- an article made of leather

c)[line 40]מפץMAPATZ- a mat woven from reeds

28)[line 40]בין למדרס בין למתBEIN L'MIDRAS BEIN L'MES- whether to receive Tum'as Midras or to receive Tum'as Mes


29)[line 2]ודוכסוסטוסDUCHSUSTUS- the inner half of the hide after it has been split in two

30)[line 3]מזוזה שבתפיליןMEZUZAH SHEB'TEFILIN- the Parshah of Shema Yisrael, which is written in the Tefilin

31)[line 7]קציצהKETZITZAH- the leather Bayis (box) of the Tefilin

32)[line 20]למצוהL'MITZVAH- it is a greater Mitzvah to write Tefilin on Kelaf; therefore people do not usually set aside Duchsustus for Tefilin

33)[line 21]קלף במקום בשר דוכסוסטוס במקום שיערKLAF B'MEKOM BASAR, DUCHSUSTUS B'MEKOM SEI'AR- the writing on Kelaf (the outer half of the hide) must be done on the side facing the meat of the animal; the writing on Duchsustus (the inner half of the hide) must be done on the side facing the hair of the animal

34)[line 31]המטליתHA'MATLIS- a cloth

35)[line 32]הגוילHA'GEVIL- animal hide that has been processed with salt, flour and gall nuts, but which has not been split in two

36)[line 36]בלוBALU- they have become worn out

37)[line 38]?דכתיבא אמאיD'CHESIVA A'MAI?- on what is it written?