[135a - 47 lines; 135b - 40 lines]

1)[line 8]להטיףL'HATIF- to cause to bleed (from the location of the Milah)

2)[line 12]ערלה כבושהORLAH KEVUSHAH- concealed foreskin. See Chart.

3)[line 18]בן שמונהBEN SHEMONAH

A baby that was born during the eighth month with certain birth defects could not survive.

4)[line 21]שוחהSHOCHEH- leans over [the eighth-month baby]

5)[line 38]לאו מכלל דתנא קמא סבר מחלליןLAV MI'CHLAL D'TANA KAMA SAVAR MECHALELIN- (the words "Tana Kama" here refers to Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar)

6)[line 42]לא נחלקו בית שמאי ובית הלל בדבר זהLO NECHLEKU BEIS SHAMAI U'VEIS HILEL B'DAVAR ZEH- (according to this conclusion, Rebbi Eliezer ha'Kapar is relating to the words of Tana Kama, and not to the words of Rebbi Shimon ben Elazar - Rashi)


7)[line 1]יוצא דופןYOTZEI DOFEN- a child born through cesarean section

8)[line 6]יליד ביתYELID BAYIS- a slave that is born in the house of its master

9)[line 8]מקנת כסףMIKNAS KESEF- a slave that is bought

10)[line 32]קנין פירות לאו כקנין הגוף דמיKINYAN PEIROS LAV K'KINYAN HA'GUF DAMI

Rebbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue (in Bava Basra 136a) as to whether buying fruits that will be produced (e.g. the fruits of a tree or the slaves to which a maidservant will give birth) gives the owner of the fruits a certain amount of Halachic ownership in the object that bore the fruits.

11)[line 37]אינו נפלEINO NEFEL- it does not have the status of a stillborn; i.e. the baby is considered a living being only after it has lived for thirty days