


Question: Why do they die specifically when giving birth?


Answer #1 (Rava): People run to slaughter a bull that it fell (it is the best opportunity - likewise, the time of birth is most opportune for a woman to die).


Answer #2 (Abaye): A Shifchah gets beaten for all of her transgressions at once (similarly, a woman is punished for her sins together with fulfillment of Chavah's curse that birth will be painful).


Answer #3 (Rav Chisda): One need not topple a drunkard (he will fall by himself - similarly, a fetus is primed to kill a pregnant woman, if Hash-m will not save her).


Answer #4 (Mar Ukva): A lame shepherd cannot hit healthy goats [that deserve to be hit], they will receive their lashes in the pen - likewise, often a healthy woman has merits that do not allow the Satan to prosecute, but when she needs a miracle to give birth, he can prosecute).


Answer #5 (Rav Papa): There is brotherhood in a place of wealth, but not in a place of poverty (likewise, when a woman is in danger [on account of birth], her advocates abandon her).


Question: When are men judged?


Answer (Reish Lakish): They are judged when they pass over a bridge.


Question: Is this the only time?!


Answer: They are judged when they pass over a bridge, or anything similar (any place of danger).


Rav would not go [across a river] on a ferry with a Nochri, lest the Nochri is due to be punished, and Rav will be punished with him.


Shmuel would go on a ferry only with a Nochri - he holds that the Satan does not rule over (punish people of) different nations at the same time.


R. Yanai would check a ferry [for leaks] before going on it - this is like he taught elsewhere:


(R. Yanai): One should not go in a place of danger, expecting a miracle - perhaps a miracle will not be done for him; even if a miracle is done, it diminishes from his merits.


(R. Chanin): He learns from "Katonti mi'Kol ha'Chasadim umi'Kol ha'Emes" (Yakov's merits were reduced through the miracles Hash-m did for him).


R. Zeira would not go between date trees on a day when the south wind was blowing (it can topple walls).


(R. Yitzchak brei d'Rav Yehudah): One should pray that he not get sick, for one who is sick needs merits to be cured.


(Mar Ukva): He learns from "Ki Yipol ha'Nofel Mimenu" - if one falls, proof is required from him (that he merits to be saved).


(Tana d'vei R. Yishmael): "Ki Yipol ha'Nofel Mimenu" - he is called 'ha'Nofel' even before he fell, for accidents were decreed from the Creation - [nevertheless, one must build a railing around his roof,] for good things happen through virtuous people, bad things happen through those lacking merit.


(Beraisa): If one is sick and about to die, we tell him to confess, just like one who is executed confesses [in order to get a share in the world to come].


One who goes in the market should view himself [to be in danger] as if he was handed over to a magistrate; one who has a slight headache should view himself as if he has a noose around his neck (and is being judged); one who is bedridden on account of illness should view himself as if he was being judged in Gardom (where they try the most serious offenders, almost all are killed);


One in Gardom is not saved unless he has great advocates.


The advocates are Teshuvah and Ma'asim Tovim.


Even if 999 condemn, and one advocates, he will be saved - "Mal'ach Melitz Echad Mini Elef...Peda'ehu..."


R. Eliezer, son of R. Yosi ha'Galili says, even if the advocate has 999 reasons to condemn, and one reason to acquit, he will be saved - "Melitz Echad Mini Elef"




(Beraisa #1): Women die when giving birth on account of [these] three transgressions;


R. Eliezer says, women die young [on account of them, even not at the time of birth];


R. Acha says, they die because they launder [clothing dirty from] their children's excrement on Shabbos.


Some say, this is because they call the Aron Kodesh 'Aron' (just like they call chests; Chachamim also call it Aron, but they do not call anything else Aron).


(Beraisa - R. Yishmael ben Elazar): Amei ha'Aretz (ignoramuses) die on account of two things - they call the Aron Kodesh 'Aron', and they call the synagogue 'Beis Am' (a lowly name, i.e. everyone gathers there. Malei ha'Ro'im - the same name is used for theatres; Chachmas Mano'ach - they do not attribute the Beis ha'Kneses to [Keneses Yisrael, which alludes to] the Shechinah, rather, to people.)


(Beraisa - R. Yosi): Three ['transgressions] are Badkei Misah (reasons why one might not be saved from danger) in women - Nidah, Chalah and lighting Neros;


Some call these Davkei Misah (they cause premature death).


R. Yosi holds like the first Tana of Beraisa #1, the latter opinion holds like R. Eliezer.


(Beraisa - R. Shimon ben Gamliel): Laws of Hekdesh, Terumos and Ma'aseros are fundamentals of Torah, the Torah trusts Amei ha'Aretz about them. (Chachamim later saw reason to suspect them about Ma'aseros.)



(Beraisa #1 - R. Noson): A man's wife is prone to die on account of his vows [to Hekdesh that he does not fulfill] - "Im Ein Lecha Leshalem Lamah Yikach Mishkavcha mi'Tachtecha".


Rebbi says, minors die on account of vows of their parents - "Al Titen Es Picha Lachati Es Besarecha...v'Chibel Es Ma'ase Yadecha " - the handiwork of man is his children.


(Beraisa #2 - R. Eliezer b'Rebbi Shimon): Children die on account of vows of their parents;


R. Yehudah ha'Nasi says, they die on account of Bitul Torah.


Question: R. Eliezer learns from the above verse, but what is R. Yehudah ha'Nasi's source?


Answer: He learns from "La'Shav Hikeisi Es Beneichem Musar Lo Lakachu (did I strike your children for nought?! No - it was because they did not learn)".


(Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): R. Eliezer also learns from this verse - children are stricken on account of Shav (vain vows).


Question: Rebbi is R. Yehudah ha'Nasi - he contradicts himself!


Answer: Beraisa #1 was taught after he heard [and accepted] R. Eliezer's opinion.




(R. Chiya bar Aba or R. Yosi): [Children die] on account of [not fulfilling] the Mitzvah of Mezuzah;


(The other of R. Chiya bar Aba and R. Yosi): [They die] on account of Bitul Torah.


(The second Parshah of Shma discusses Divrei Torah, then Mezuzah, then mentions long life.) The first opinion expounds ["Lema'an Yirbu Yemeichem vi'Mei Veneichem"] to be contingent on the previous verse, but not the verse before the previous verse;


The latter opinion expounds it to refer to the previous verse and the verse before that.


(R. Meir or R. Yehudah): [Children die] on account of [not fulfilling] the Mitzvah of Mezuzah;


(The other of R. Meir and R. Yehudah): [They die] on account of [not fulfilling] Tzitzis.


Question: We understand the first opinion - it says "Lema'an Yirbu Yemeichem vi'Mei Veneichem" right after "U'Chsavtam Al Mezuzos Beisecha uvi'Sh'arecha";


What is the source of this of the latter opinion?


Answer (Rav Kahana): [Shortly after "La'Shav Hikeisi..." it says "Gam bi'Chnafayich Nimtze'u Dam Nafshos Evyonim Nekiyim".


(Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak): The first opinion learns from the end of this verse - "Lo va'Machteres Metzasim" - their doorways were like tunnels [without Mezuzos].


The latter opinion expounds it to refer to the previous verse and the verse before that.


(Reish Lakish): One who zealously fulfills Tzitzis will have [in the future] 2800 slaves (10 from each of the 70 nations on each of the four corners of his garment) - "Ba'Yamim ha'Hemah Asher Yachaziku Asarah Anashim mi'Kol Leshonos ha'Goyim v'Hecheziku bi'Chnaf Ish Yehudi..."


(Beraisa - R. Nechemyah): Groundless hatred is punished by an increase of quarrels in one's house, miscarriages, and children dying young.


R. Eliezer b'Rebbi Yehudah says, [failure to take] Chalah is punished by a lack of Berachah in stored [food], causing a rise in prices; people plant, and others reap it - "V'Hifkadti (I will diminish) Aleichem Behalah...U'Zratem la'Rik Zar'achem va'Achaluhu Oyveichem";


We read "Behalah" like 'b'Chalah'.


If people take Chalah, they will be blessed - "Reishis Arisoseichem Titnu la'Kohen Lehani'ach Berachah El Beisecha".


Failure to give Terumos and Ma'aseros is punished by Shamayim withholding rain and dew, causing a rise in prices; people cannot earn money, they seek income and do not attain it - "Tziyah Gam Chom Yigzelu Meimei Sheleg..."


Question: How do we learn this from the verse?


Answer (Tana d'vei R. Yishmael): On account of things I commanded in summer [when crops are harvested] which you did not fulfill, water of [melting] snow will be withheld in winter.


If they give, they will be blessed - "Havi'u Es Kol ha'Ma'aser...va'Harikosi Lachem Bracha Ad Bli Dai".


Question: What does it mean "Ad Bli Dai"?


Answer (Rami bar Rav): It means, until your lips will wear out from saying 'Enough'!