SHABBOS 121 (13 Tamuz) - Today's Dafyomi study is dedicated to the blessed memory of U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Seymour Ira Gottlieb (Yitzchak Shimon ben Chaim Shlomo Yosef ha'Levi, Z"L), who died in World War II on the 13th of Tamuz 5704 in the battle of St. Lo, France, fighting the Nazis to save his Jewish brethren in Europe.




Question: R. Yosi does not hold that Tevilah bi'Zmanah Mitzvah!


(Beraisa): The following immerse during the day - a Zav, Zavah, Metzora, Metzora'as, Bo'el Nidah, and Tamei Mes;


A Nidah and Yoledes immerse at night.


A Ba'al Keri may immerse at any time during the day;


R. Yosi says, if his emission was after [he prayed] Minchah, he need not immerse during the day (he can immerse at night before praying Ma'ariv).


Answer: That opinion is really of R. Yosi b'Rebbi Yehudah, who says that it suffices for her to immerse at the end [regarding a woman who does not know when she gave birth - others require her to immerse every day that could be her first opportunity to become Tehorah].




(Mishnah): If a Nochri comes to extinguish, [the owners of the burning properly] do not (i.e. may not) tell him to extinguish, nor do (must) they tell him not to extinguish, because his rest on Shabbos is not their responsibility;


But if a minor comes to extinguish, they do not allow him, for it is their responsibility that he rest.


(Gemara - R. Ami): Regarding a fire, Chachamim permitted to say [in front of Nochrim] 'Anyone who extinguishes will not lose!'


Support (Mishnah): If a Nochri comes to extinguish, they do not tell him to extinguish, or not to extinguish, because his rest is not their responsibility.


Inference: They may not tell him to extinguish - but they may say 'Anyone who extinguishes will not lose!'


Rejection: It also says that they do not tell him not to extinguish.


Inference: They need not tell him to extinguish - but they may not say 'Anyone who extinguishes will not lose!'


Conclusion: [The inferences contradict one another - we cannot determine which is correct,] the Mishnah neither supports nor refutes.


(Beraisa): A case occurred, a fire erupted in the Chatzer of Yosef ben Simai; the authorities (Nochrim) of Tzipori came to extinguish it, for Yosef was the overseer of the king's money - he did not allow them, on account of the honor of Shabbos (lest people think that he asked them to extinguish);


A miracle occurred, rain fell and extinguished it;


At night, he sent two Sela'im to everyone [that came to extinguish but consented to refrain] and 50 Sela'im to the mayor.


When Chachamim heard about this, they said that he did not need to stop them - it was taught that if a Nochri comes to extinguish, they do not tell him to extinguish, or not to extinguish.


(Mishnah): But if a minor comes to extinguish, they do not allow him, for it is their responsibility that he rest.


Inference: If a child is eating Neveilos [or doing any Isur], Beis Din [and all of Yisrael] must stop him!


Rejection (R. Yochanan): The case is the child comes to extinguish because the father wants this [but others need not stop him]!


Question: If so, likewise the Nochri [in the Reisha] does so for the sake of the Yisrael - but this is forbidden!


Answer: A Nochri acts for his own sake.




(Mishnah): One may put a bowl over a Ner to prevent the ceiling beam from catching fire, and over excrement of a child, and over a scorpion so it will not bite;


R. Yehudah says, a case occurred - R. Yochanan ben Zakai said that he suspects that the person is Chayav Chatas.


(Gemara): Rav Yehudah, R. Yirmeyah bar Aba and Rav Chanan bar Rava visited the house of Avin of Nashikiya; Rav Yehudah and R. Yirmiyah were given beds to lie on, but not Rav Chanan. Rav Chanan heard Avin teaching to his son 'over excrement of a child on account of a child (lest he play with it)'.



Rav Chanan: Avin the fool teaches folly to his son! Excrement itself is fitting for a dog (we need not give other reasons to permit covering it! Bava Kama 92b - dogs eat Glalei (excrement) when they are hungry; Rashi prefers to say (there) that 'Glalei' refers to rocks, for dogs normally eat excrement.)


Suggestion: Perhaps another reason is needed because the excrement was not ready from before Shabbos.


Rejection (Beraisa): One may take [water from] flowing rivers and springs wherever he may go [even if it came from outside his Techum - since he knows that the river flows, he intends to use water that will come - likewise, he may use excrement, for he knows that it will come].


Avin: What should I teach?


Rav Chanan: You should teach 'over excrement of a chicken (dogs do not eat it) on account of a child.'


Question: It should be permitted because it is Geraf Shel Re'i (a Kli for excrement)!


Suggestion: Perhaps excrement may be moved only Agav (along with) a Kli.


Rejection: A mouse was found in Rav Ashi's spices - he commanded to remove it by its tail.


Answer #1: The Mishnah discusses excrement in a wasteheap [in Reshus ha'Rabim; one may move Geraf Shel Re'i only if it is in a place where it bothers him].


Question: [If so, we should not be concerned -] children would not be in a wasteheap [in Reshus ha'Rabim]!


Answer #2: The excrement is in a Chatzer.


Question: One may move Geraf Shel Re'i in a Chatzer!


Answer: The excrement is in a wasteheap in a Chatzer.




(Mishnah): ...And over a scorpion so it will not bite.


(R. Yehoshua ben Levi): One may kill any damager on Shabbos;


Question (Rav Yosef - Beraisa): Five animals may be killed on Shabbos - a fly in Mitzrayim, a wasp in Ninveh, a scorpion in Chadayev, a snake in Eretz Yisrael, or a rabid dog anywhere.


Question: Who is the Tana of the Beraisa?


It cannot be R. Yehudah - he is Mechayev Melachah she'Einah Tzerichah l'Gufah (he could not permit unless there is mortal danger, and then any animal could be killed)!


Answer #1: It is R. Shimon, and he permits only these five!


Answer #1 (R. Yirmiyah): Perhaps the Beraisa is mistaken (it is not a Tosefta)!


Answer #2 (to both questions - Rav Yosef): The case is, they are pursuing him (these animals pose mortal danger), the Beraisa is like both Tana'im (Tosfos; Rashi - R. Yehoshua ben Levi discusses when they are pursuing him).


(A reciter of Beraisos): If one kills snakes and scorpions on Shabbos, Chasidim are displeased with him.


Rava bar Rav Huna: Chachamim are displeased with these Chasidim!


He argues with Rav Huna.


Rav Huna saw a man kill a wasp [on Shabbos]. He asked, 'Did you kill them all?!' (What you did will not help.)


(Beraisa): If one encountered snakes and scorpions:


If he killed them, this shows that Hash-m summonsed them to give him the merit of killing them;


If he did not kill them, this shows that Hash-m summonsed them to kill him (for a sin), just Hash-m saved him miraculously.


(Ula): This is when they were hissing at him.


R. Aba bar Kahana: Once, one of them fell into the Beis Medrash; one of the Talmidim killed it. Rebbi remarked that it met someone like it.


Question: Does this mean, [it sought to kill, its intent was carried out on itself,] the Talmid acted properly?


Or, does it mean, [it kills needlessly, it was killed needlessly,] the Talmid acted improperly?


Answer - Question (R. Aba and R. Zeira): May one kill snakes and scorpions on Shabbos?


Answer (R. Yanai): I kill wasps - all the more so I kill snakes and scorpions!


Rejection: Perhaps he permits only [to trample them] l'Fi Tumo (Rashi - in the course of walking, without overtly trying to kill them; Mishnah Berurah - he may intend, but makes it look like he does not).


(Rav Yehudah): One may trample spit l'Fi Tumo (Mishnah Berurah - he may intend to walk on it, he may not intend to smear it);


(Rav Sheshes): One may trample a snake l'Fi Tumo.


(Rav Katina): One may trample a scorpion l'Fi Tumo.


Aba bar Marsa owed money to people of the Reish Galusa's house; they brought him and were paining him. There was spit in front of them (it was Shabbos) - the Reish Galusa told them to cover it with a Kli.


Aba bar Marsa: There is no need to do so - Rav Yehudah permits to trample spit l'Fi Tumo!


Reish Galusa: Leave him alone, he is a Chacham.