Shabbos 140 (3 Av) - dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Reb Aharon Dovid ben Elimelech Shmuel Kornfeld (Muncasz/Israel/New York), who passed away on 3 Av 5761, by his daughter Diane Koenigsberg and her husband Dr. Andy Koenigsberg. May his love for Torah and for Eretz Yisrael continue in all of his descendants.




(Mishnah): We may put an egg in a mustard strainer.


(Yakov Korchah - Beraisa): This is permitted because it is done only for color (one desires the yolk for its color, but the white is not Pesoles).


(Rav): If mustard was kneaded before Shabbos, one may dissolve it [in water or wine] on Shabbos with a Kli (this is a Shinuy), but not with his hand.


Objection (Shmuel): People normally use a Kli!


Rather, on Shabbos, one may use his hand, but not a Kli.


(R. Elazar): Both of these are forbidden.


(R. Yochanan): Both of these are permitted.


(Abaye and Rava): The Halachah does not follow R. Yochanan.


R. Yochanan retracted and adopted R. Elazar's opinion; R. Elazar retracted and adopted Shmuel's opinion.


(Abaye and Rava): The Halachah follows R. Yochanan [after he retracted].


Abaye's mother did this for him - he did not eat it.


Ze'iri's wife did this for R. Chiya bar Ashi - he did not eat it.


Ze'iri's wife: I do this for your Rebbi (Ze'iri) and he eats it - you will not?!


Rava bar Sheva: They mixed mustard for Ravina using the middle of a garlic; he ate it.


(Mar Zutra): The Halachah does not follow any of these teachings, rather, like the following:


If mustard was kneaded before Shabbos, one may dissolve it on Shabbos with his hand or a Kli; he may put in honey;


He may not beat it, he just mixes it [gently].


If cress was beaten before Shabbos, on Shabbos one may add oil and vinegar and Amisa (this will be defined);


He may not beat it, he just mixes it [gently].


If garlic was diced before Shabbos, on Shabbos one may add beans and grits;


He may not crush it, but he mixes it [gently] and adds Amisa.


Question: What is Amisa?


Answer: It is mint.


(Abaye): This teaches that mint improves cress.


(Mishnah): One may make Anomalin on Shabbos.


(Beraisa): One may make Anomalin on Shabbos (it is a normal beverage), but not Aluntis;


Anomalin is a drink composed of wine, honey and peppers; Aluntis is composed of old wine, clear water and balsam [oil] - people drink it after a steambath, to cool off (this is like for a cure, therefore it is forbidden on Shabbos).


Rav Yosef: I once entered the bathhouse after Mar Ukva; after we left, they gave us a cup of Aluntis to drink, I was chilled from head to toe;


Had I drank another, (Rashi - I would have needed a miracle to survive; Maharshal - I would have enjoyed it so much) it could have reduced my merits for the world to come!


Question: But Mar Ukva drinks this every day!


Answer: Since he is used to it, it does not affect him so much.




(Mishnah): [On Shabbos] we may not soak Chiltis (a plant whose leaves are used as a spice, it is soaked and used for medicinal purposes) in lukewarm water, but we may put it in vinegar;


We do not put water on vetch (it is usually used for animal food) to remove the Pesoles, nor do we rub it, but we may put it in a sieve or basket.


We do not sift straw in a sieve, nor do we put it in a high place in order that the chaff will fall - but one may take it in a sieve to put in the feeding trough.


(Gemara) Question: If one soaked Chiltis, what is the law?


Answer #1 (Rav Ada Narsha'ah): He is Chayav Chatas.


Objection (Abaye): If so, also one who soaked meat should be Chayav Chatas!


Answer #2 (Abaye): It is forbidden only mid'Rabanan, for this is like one does on a weekday.


Question (R. Yochanan): May one soak Chiltis in cold water?


Answer (R. Yanai): It is forbidden.


Question (R. Yochanan): The Mishnah forbids in lukewarm water - this implies that it is permitted in cold water!


Answer (R. Yanai): If we simply follow the Mishnah, there is no difference between me (the Rebbi) and you (the Talmid)! Our Mishnah is an individual's opinion:


(Beraisa): One may not soak Chiltis in hot or cold water;


R. Yosi forbids in hot water and permits in cold water.


Question: What is soaked Chiltis used for?


Answer: It is for one whose heart is heavy (heartburn?).


Rav Acha bar Yosef's heart was heavy; Mar Ukva told him to drink the weight of three gold coins of Chiltis for three days.


He drank on Thursday and Erev Shabbos; on Shabbos he went to the Beis Medrash to ask [if it is permitted on Shabbos].


Answer (Tana d'vei Rav Ada - Beraisa): One may drink a Kav (about two liters) or two [of Chiltis on Shabbos], this is no problem.


Rav Acha: I know that one may drink it - my question is whether or not one may soak it!


Answer (R. Chiya bar Avin): A case occurred - Rav Ada bar Ahavah did not know, Rav Huna permitted to soak in cold water and put it in the sun.


Question: Is this like the opinion (R. Yosi) who permits?


Answer: No - even Chachamim permit when he already drank it the previous two days, for it would be dangerous not to drink it on the third day.




Question (Rav Acha bar Yosef): May one rub a [hard, laundered] linen garment (to soften it; this also makes it whiter)?


Answer (Rav Safra): It is permitted, because he intends to soften it.


Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak: Why didn't you ask about a turban?


Version #1 (Rashi) Rav Acha: I already asked Rav Huna (he forbade it).


Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak: You should have been able to derive that also a linen undershirt is forbidden!


Rav Acha: A scarf, it looks like he [intends to] whiten it (people are adamant about it). A linen undershirt, it does not look like he [intends to] whiten it.


Version #2 (Rif, Ramban) Rav Acha: I already asked Rav Huna (he permitted it).


Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak: You should have been able to derive that also a linen undershirt is permitted!


Rav Acha: A linen undershirt, it looks like he whitens it. A scarf, it does not look like he whitens it.


(Rav Chisda): [On Shabbos] one may take a linen garment off a rod on which it was hanging [to dry], but one may not remove the rod (it is Muktzeh).



(Rava): If it was hanging on a weaver's rod, one may even remove the rod (it is a Kli).


(Rav Chisda): If a bundle of vegetables (Aruch - palm leaves) is fitting for an animal to eat, one may move it; if not, not.


(R. Chiya bar Ashi): One may move salted meat hanging to dry, but not salted fish.


(Rav Katina): If one stands in the middle of a bed [that a man and his wife normally sleep on,] this is [prone to arouse lust,] like standing on her stomach.


This is not true.




(Rav Chisda): When a Talmid buys a bundle of vegetables, he should buy a long bundle, since all cost the same, he gains the extra length.


(Rav Chisda): When a Talmid buys a bundle of sticks, he should buy a long bundle, since all cost the same.


(Rav Chisda): A Talmid [that has a meager amount of bread - some delete this from the text] should not eat [raw] vegetables, for this arouses appetite.


Rav Chisda: I did not eat vegetables when I was poor, for this arouses appetite;


I do not eat after I became rich, for it is better to eat meat and fish.


(Rav Chisda): A Talmid that has a meager amount of bread should not eat a little at a time, for this does not satiate (rather, he should gather enough and eat a proper meal).


(Rav Chisda): A Talmid that has a meager amount of bread should not [bless ha'Motzi and] cut the bread [and distribute pieces to everyone else], for he will not give generously.


Rav Chisda: Before I became rich, I would not cut the bread until I felt around the bread basket and knew that there was enough for me.


Rav Chisda: If someone could eat barley bread and eats wheat bread [it is more expensive], he transgresses 'Bal Tashchis (wasting money)'.


Rav Papa: If someone could drink beer and drinks wine, he transgresses Bal Tashchis.


This is wrong - it is more important not to harm one's body (wheat and wine are healthier).


(Rav Chisda): If a Talmid lacks oil, he should wash his hands [before Birkas ha'Mazon], in a pond in which algae grows (it is a good substitute).


(Rav Chisda): When a Talmid buys meat, he should buy the neck, for it contains three kinds of meat - fatty, lean and sinew.


(Rav Chisda): When a Talmid buys flax, he should buy from the Aba river and soak it for 30 days - I will be a guarantor that it will last 12 months.


The word Kitunisa (linen garment) is like Kisa Na'eh (it puts its owner in an elite Kas (caste)).


(Rav Chisda): A Talmid should not sit on a new mattress of moist reeds, for this is bad for his clothes.


(Rav Chisda): A Talmid should not ask his innkeeper to launder his clothes, lest she will see semen, and he will be disgraced in her eyes.


Rav Chisda (to his daughters): Act modestly in front of your husbands - do not eat bread in front of them (lest you will eat a lot), do not eat vegetables at night (it causes bad breath), do not eat dates or drink beer at night (they cause gas), do not relieve yourselves in the same place as your husbands;


When someone is at the door, ask in the feminine 'Who is it', not in the masculine (minimize speaking with men);


When with your husband, delay relations until his desire is great.


(Mishnah): We do not put water on vetch [but we may put it in a sieve].


Our Mishnah is unlike the following Tana:


(Beraisa - R. Eliezer ben Yakov): One may not use a sieve at all [on Shabbos].




(Mishnah - R. Dosa): One may sweep in front of a Petem (an animal being fattened, so its food will not get mixed with dirt) and remove [extra] food to the side so it will not get sullied with excrement;


Chachamim forbid.


One may take food from in front of one animal and put it in front of another animal on Shabbos.


(Gemara) Question: Do Chachamim argue with the first law (sweeping in front of a Petem, for he evens out holes in the floor) or with the latter (removing extra food, since it was already trampled and animals will not eat it)?


Answer (Beraisa - Chachamim): The law of both of these is the same - one may not clear the food to the side (they argue about both laws).


(Rav Chisda): They argue about a feeding trough with a dirt floor - if it is a Kli, all permit sweeping.


Objection: No one would permit sweeping a dirt floor - he evens out holes!


Correction (Rav Chisda): They argue about a Kli - if it is a dirt floor, all forbid.


(Mishnah): One may take food from in front of one animal...


(Beraisa #1): One may take food from in front of an animal with a good mouth and put it in front of an animal with a bad mouth (this will be explained);


Contradiction (Beraisa #2): One may take food from an animal with a bad mouth and put it by one with a good mouth.


Resolution (Abaye): Both of them permit taking from a donkey to an ox, and forbid vice-versa;


Beraisa #1 calls a donkey 'good mouthed' because it does not drool into its food, a cow is 'bad mouthed' because it drools into its food;


Beraisa #2 calls a donkey 'bad mouthed' because it is not picky about its food, a cow is 'good mouthed' because it is picky.