Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who, having forgotten that Melachos on Shabbos are prohibited, performs many Melachos on a number of Shabbasos? How many Chata'os is he obligated to bring?

(b)What if he once knew about Shabbos, but it completely slipped his mind?

(c)What is the reason for this ruling?

(d)How do we learn it from the Pasuk in Ki Sissa "es Shabsosai Tishmoru"?


(a)How many Chata'os will one someone have to bring if he knew that Melachos are prohibited on Shabbos, but he performed them each week because he forgot that it was Shabbos?

(b)What is the reason for this ruling?

(c)How do we learn it from the Pasuk there "Veshamru B'nei Yisrael es ha'Shabbos"?

(d)Bearing in mind that he did not recall in between that it was Shabbos, why do we not say that it is all one forgetting (He'elam Echad) and that he is therefore Chayav to bring only one Chatas?


(a)What does the Mishnah now rule about someone who knows that it is Shabbos, and he performed many Melachos on a number of Shabbasos, not knowing (or having forgotten) that these Melachos are forbidden?

(b)Why do we not say here too, that he is also Chayav for each Shabbos, just like we said in the previous case?

(c)What if he performed ...

1. ... an Av Melachah together with its Toldah?

2. ... a number of Toldos pertaining to the same Av Melachah?

(d)In introducing these Halachos, how does the Tana refer to them?

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah now proceeds to list the thirty-nine Avos Melachos (which are sub-divided into four lists). How does the Tana present the number thirty-nine (See Tos. Yom-Tov)?

(b)What is strange about the first two Melachos 'Zore'a' and 'Choresh' (seeding and plowing)?

(c)Why does the Tana switch the order of the way they are generally performed?

(d)The next four are 'Kotzer', 'Me'amer', Dash', 'Zoreh' and 'Borer' (reaping, piling up, threshing, winnowing and selecting). What is the significance of 'Melaket' in this context?


(a)What is ...

1. ... 'Me'amer'?

2. ... 'Zoreh'?

3. ... 'Borer'?

(b)The next two are 'Tochen' and 'Meraked' (grinding and sifting). What is the difference between 'Borer' and 'Meraked'?

(c)What is strange about the fact that the Tana includes Zoreh, Borer and Meraked in the list?

(d)One reason that the Tana reckons them as three Avos Melachos is because they were all performed for the construction of the Mishkan. What is the other reason?


(a)Next on the list is 'Ofeh' (baking). Why should the Tana rather have said 'Mevashel' (cooking)?

(b)Then why did he say 'Ofeh'?

(c)What if someone stirs the pot whilst it is on the stove, or places the lid on it?

(d)What is the significance (vis-a-vis the Mishkan) of ...

1. ... the above eleven Melachos?

2. ... the list that follows (shearing wool, bleaching it and beating it ... )?


(a)The next list begins with 'Gozez' (Tzemer), 'Melaben', 'Menapetz' and 'Tzov'ea (shearing, bleaching, beating and dyeing. What else might 'Menapetz' mean?

(b)And the Mishnah continues with 'Toveh', 'Meisech' and 'Oseh Sh'nei Batei Nirin'. Toveh means spinning. What is the meaning of ...

1. ... 'Meisech'?

2. ... 'Oseh Sh'nei Batei Nirin'?

(c)The next four on the list are 'Oreg Sh'nei Chutin', 'Potze'a Sh'nei Chutin', 'Kosher' and 'Matir' (untying). Oreg ... means weaving two threads. What does 'Potze'a Sh'nei Chutin' mean?

(d)If Kosher was performed in the Mishkan to make nets to catch the Chilazon, when did they perform 'Matir'?


(a)The last two on this list are 'Tofer Sh'tei Tefiros' and Kore'a al-M'nas Litefor Sh'tei Tefiros'. On what grounds is someone who performs it Chayav two Chata'os?

(b)Why is the knot crucial?

(c)In what connection in the Mishkan did they perform 'Kore'a'?


(a)The third sub-division of Melachos begins with 'Tzad Tz'vi', 'Shochto', 'Mafshito', 'Molcho' and 'Me'abdo'. What do they mean?

(b)What purpose did this and the subsequent two Melachos serve for the construction of the Mishkan?

(c)What problem does the Gemarta have with the Tana's insertion of both Moleach and Me'abed?

(d)How do we solve the problem? What is 'Mesartet'?

(e)The last two Melachos in this list are 'Memachek' and 'Mechatech'. What do they mean?


(a)The last sub-division (comprising mostly unconnected pairs of Melachos), contains 'Kosev Sh'tei Osiyos', 'Boneh' and 'Mechabeh'. What is the opposite Melachah that pairs with ...

1. ... 'Kosev Sh'tei Osiyos'?

2. ... 'Boneh'?

3. ... 'Mechabeh' (extinguishing a fire)?

(b)What purpose did ...

1. ... Koseiv and Mochek, respectively, serve in the construction of the Mishkan?

2. ... Mav'ir and Mechabeh serve?


(a)The thirty-eighth Melachah is 'Makeh ba'Patish'. What is the definition of Makeh ba'Patish'?

(b)What is the thirty-ninth Melachah?

(c)Why does the Tana begin the Mishnah with 'Avos Melachos Arba'im Chaser Achas', seeing as he lists all thirty-nine Melachos and we can count them ourselves?

(d)Why is that?

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah now presents a second K'lal, which begins 'Kol ha'Kasher Lehatzni'o, u'Matzni'in Kamohu ... '. What is the meaning of ...

1. ... 'Kol ha'Kasher Lehatzni'o, ve'Hotzi'o'?

2. ... 'u'Matzni'in Kamohu'?

(b)What does the Tana say about ...

1. ... someone who carries it out on Shabbos?

2. ... something that is not 'Kasher Lehatzni'o', or that 'Ein Matzni'in Kamohu'?

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Tana discusses the Shi'ur for carrying into the street regular straw and Atzah, grass, garlic and onion leaves. What is 'Atzah'?

(b)If the Shi'ur for carrying out straw is the mouthful of a cow, what is the Shi'ur for carrying out Atzah?

(c)Why is one not Chayav for carrying out a mouthful of a camel of straw?

(d)What if one carries out a mouthful of a cow of Atzah?


(a)Next the Tana discusses the Shi'ur for Amir and grass. What is 'Amir'?

(b)If the Shi'ur for carrying out 'Amir' is the mouthful of a lamb, what is the Shi'ur for carrying out grass?

(c)Why is one ...

1. ... not Chayav for carrying out a mouthful of a kid-goat of Amir?

2. ... Chayav for carrying a mouthful of a kid-goat of grass?


(a)If the Shi'ur for carrying out dry garlic and onion leaves is the mouthful of a kid-goat, what is the Shi'ur for carrying them out when they are wet?

(b)Why is that?

(c)What will be the Din if one carries out a combination of half the Shi'ur of dry onion or garlic leaves and half the Shi'ur of wet ones?

(d)What is the Shi'ur for carrying out food?


(a)What does the Mishnah say about someone who carries out a ki'Gerogeres comprising a variety of different foods?

(b)What does the Tana Kama say about the ...

1. ... (inedible) peels and the pits?

2. ... stalks, the Subin and the Mursan?

(c)What is the definition of ...

1. ... 'Subin'?

2. ... 'Mursan'?

(d)What does the Rambam say about this?

(e)What is his reason?


(a)In which point does Rebbi Yehudah disagree with the Tana Kama? What is the exception with regard to peels/pods?

(b)What does 'ha'Misbashlos Imahen' come to exclude?

(c)What does Rebbi Yehudah hold with regard to the peels of beans? On what condition are they included in the Shi'ur?

(d)Why are dry ones not included?

(e)Like whom is the Halachah?