Mishnah 1
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Mishnah gives the Shi'ur for carrying out wine as 'K'dei Mezigas ha'Kos'. What is the Shi'ur of ...

1. ... a Kos?

2. ... Zezigas ha'Kos?

(b)The Tana now discusses the Shi'ur of the four commodities milk, (liquid) honey, oil and water. The Shi'ur for the milk of a Kasher animal is 'K'dei Gemi'ah'. What is the Shi'ur ...

1. ... of 'K'dei Gemi'ah'?

2. ... for carrying out the milk of a non-Kasher animal?

(c)What are the Shi'ur for carrying out ...

1. ... honey?

2. ... oil?

(d)What alternative explanation did the Bartenura discover to define Katis?

(e)Seeing as honey's main function is as a food, why does the Tana give the Shi'ur of a cure (le'Chumra)?


(a)The Shi'ur for carrying out water is K'dei 'Lashuf bahem es ha'Kilur'. What does this mean?

(b)What is the Shi'ur of ...

1. ... all other beverages (that are not fit to be used as cures)?

2. ... dirty water (that is unfit to drink)?

(c)What is the latter used for?


(a)What does Rebbi Shimon say about all the liquids mentioned by the Tana Kama?

(b)What does he then do with all the Shi'urim mentioned by the Tana Kama (which presumably, are Halachah le'Moshe mi'Sinai)?

(c)Is this a leniency or a stringency on his part?

(d)Is this a leniency or a stringency with respect to someone who does not put something away?

(e)With which of the principles mentioned in the previous Perek does he disagree?

(f)Like whom is the Halachah?

Mishnah 2
Hear the Mishnah


(a)What Shi'ur does the Mishnah give for carrying out a piece of rope?

(b)What Shiur does the Tana Kama gives for carrying out a reed-grass?

(c)Which of the two is smaller?

(d)Rebbi Yehudah is more stringent than the Tana Kama. What Shi'ur does he give for the latter?


(a)The Shi'ur for carrying out a piece of paper is to write on it Kesher Muchsin. What is 'Kesher Muchsin'?

(b)What does this mean in practical terms?

(c)What does the Tana add with regard to someone who carries out a Kesher Muchsin (see Tos. Yom-Tov)?

(d)What Shi'ur does the Mishnah give for carrying out a used piece of paper?

Mishnah 3
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Shi'ur the Mishnah gives for carrying out ...

1. ... an animal skin?

2. K'laf (parchment [see Tos. Yom-Tov])?

(b)Why is one not Chayav for the smaller Shi'ur of Kesher Muchsin?

(c)What is the Shi'ur for carrying out ...

1. ... ink?

2. ... K'chol (a blue eye-paint)?

Mishnah 4
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Tana gives the Shi'ur for carrying out glue as enough to cover the surface of a Shavsheshes. What is a 'Shavsheshes'?

(b)He gives the Shi'ur for tar and pitch as enough to make a (small) hole, and for wax, as enough to place on a small hole. If the hole for the former is to pour from it liquid silver, what purpose does the latter serve?

(c)The Tana Kama maintains that the Shi'ur for ground brick is enough to make an opening in a gold-smith's furnace. What purpose does the hole serve?

(d)According to Rebbi Yehudah, it is enough to make a Pitput. What is a 'Pitput'?

(e)Which part of the Pitput is Rebbi Yehudah referring to?


(a)The Shi'ur for oats is enough to place on (al-Pi) a gold-smith's furnace. This might mean to use as fuel when he runs out of coal. What else might it mean?

(b)According to the Tana Kama, the Shi'ur for carrying out lime is enough to smear on a young daughter of a poor family. Besides inducing the regular period that is due, but has not yet begun, what other purpose does lime serve?

(c)Which commodity do they use for the daughter of ...

1. ... wealthy parents?

2. ... royalty?


(a)According to Rebbi Yehudah, the Shi'ur for carrying out lime is enough to make a Kilkul (Tzeda'a), and according to Rebbi Nechemyah, an Andifi (bas Tzeda'a). What purpose does the lime then serve?

(b)What is the difference between 'Kilkul' and 'Andifi'?

(c)Like whom is the Halachah?

Mishnah 5
Hear the Mishnah


(a)According to Rebbi Akiva, the Shi'ur for carrying out red clay is enough to seal a large commercial sack, and for fine manure and sand, enough to fertilize a cabbage-leaf. The Chachamim are more stringent in both cases. What Shi'ur do they give for ...

1. ... red clay?

2. ... fine manure and sand?

(b)The Shi'ur for carrying out thick sand is what one needs to fill a lime-maker's spoon. What Shi'ur does the Mishnah give for carrying out a thin, unbroken bamboo?

(c)The Shi'ur for carrying out a thick bamboo or a broken one is enough to use as fuel to boil an egg. What kind of egg is the Tana referring to?

(d)In what state of preparation would the egg be, and where would it placed?

Mishnah 6
Hear the Mishnah


(a)The Tana gives the Shi'ur for carrying out a bone as one that is large enough to fashion it into a spoon. Rebbi Yehudah is more strict. What does he say?

(b)Like whom is the Halachah?

(c)The Shi'ur of a piece of glass is one that is large enough to sharpen a Karkar. What is a 'Kirkar'?

(d)If the Tana Kama gives the Shi'ur for carrying out a clod of earth as one that is large enough to throw at a bird, what Shi'ur does he give for a stone?

(e)According to Rebbi Eliezer ben Ya'akov the Shi'ur is large enough to throw at an animal. On what grounds does he disagree with the Tana Kama?

Mishnah 7
Hear the Mishnah


(a)Rebbi Yehudah gives the Shi'ur for carrying out clay as 'between one board and another'. What does he mean by that?

(b)Rebbi Meir says 'Lachtos bo es ha'Or'. What does that mean?

(c)According to Reebi Yossi, the minimum Shi'ur for clay is enough to manufacture a receptacle. What kind of receptacle?


(a)Rebbi Meir supports his opinion with a Pasuk in Yeshayah, which specifically refers to using clay to stoke a fire. How did Rebbi Yossi counter his proof from the continuation of the very same Pasuk?

(b)Like whom is the Halachah?