

תמן אמרין מאן דבעי ניפרוש מן דרך הארץ אכיל פלגא ושביק פלגא של שמאל אסור ושל ימין מותר.


There (in Bavel), they say that one who wants to refrain from relations, he eats half [of Tzipores Keramim] and leaves half. The left half is forbidden (it is dangerous), and the right half is permitted.

אבד כל שהוא חסר כל שהוא אין לו תקנה עולמית.


If [he ate the right half], and any amount [of the left half] was lost, or any amount is missing, he has no solution (he will forget his learning).

כיצד הוא עושה.


Question: What should he do [so none will get lost]?

א''ר יוסי בי רבי בון יהב לה גו צלוחית דבש:


Answer (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): He puts it in a plate of honey. (This preserves it. We find that Hurdus preserved a dead girl for seven years in honey (Bava Basra 3b) - B'SHULEI GILYONI.)


Note: Some permit Isur that fell into honey, for it dissolves and becomes honey (brought in YD 84:12). To resolve this with the case of Hurdus, Rashba (Teshuvah 1:80) says that this is for what is cut, but honey preserves whole things. Perhaps Tzipores Keramim is different, and even half of it is preserved in honey.

רבי יהודה אומר אף המוציא חגב חי טמא כל שהוא.


(Mishnah - R. Yehudah): Even one who is Motzi a live Tamei grasshopper of any size.

[דף סא עמוד ב] הא טהור בין חי בין מת כגרוגרת


Inference: If it is Tahor, whether it is live or dead, the Shi'ur is k'Grogeres. (We do not say that he is liable for a live grasshopper of any size, for a child plays with it!)

ר' יהודה כדעתיה דר' יהודה אומר אוכלין טהורין אין משחקין בהן.


Explanation: R. Yehudah teaches like he taught elsewhere. R. Yehudah taught that one does not play with Tahor food.

והא כתיב [איוב מ כט] התשחק בו כצפור.


Question: It says [about Livyasan] "ha'Tischak Bo ka'Tzipor''! (Surely it is Tahor, for in the future Tzadikim will eat from it!)

לא הותר מן כלל איסור הוא.


Answer: Is it not [forbidden], just the Isur will be permitted?!

והא כתיב כצפור.


Question: It says "ka'Tzipor''! (This shows that one may play with a bird. Tzipor connotes a Tahor bird.)

אמר ר' מתניה מכיון שהיא מחוסרת שחיטה כטמאה היא:


Answer (R. Matanyah): Since it is lacking (forbidden until) Shechitah, it is like a Tamei [species].

הדרן עלך פרק רבי עקיבא