R. AKIVA'S OPINION ABOUT BLASPHEMY (Yerushalmi Halachah 1 Daf 12b)
והרי המגדף מביא קרבן.
Question: [How could R. Akiva say in our Mishnah "we never find that one brings a Korban for speaking!"? He himself holds that] a blasphemer brings a Korban!
חברייא אמרי בשם ריש לקיש בשיטתו השיבוהו. (בשוטתך) [נראה שצ"ל בשיטתך] שאתה אומר אין המגדף מעשה איכן מצינו במדבר ומביא קרבן שזה מדבר ומביא קרבן.
Answer (Talmidim citing Reish Lakish): He countered [the first Tana] l'Shitascha (according to your opinion). According to you, who say that blasphemy is not an action, where do we find that one brings a Korban for speaking, that this (one who does not fulfill his Shevu'as Bituy) brings a Korban for speaking?
ר' בא קרתיגנאה בעי מחלפה שיטת ריש לקיש תמן מר לרבי עקיבה אין המגדף מעשה והכא מר מגדף מעשה כרבי עקיבה.
Question (R. Ba Kartinga'ah): Reish Lakish contradicts himself! There, he said that according to R. Akiva, blasphemy is not an action, where do we find that one brings a Korban for speaking, and here he says that blasphemy is an action according to R. Akiva!
רבי לא בשם ריש לקיש תרין תניין אינון על דעתיה דרבי עקיבה חד אמר אין המגדף מעשה וחד אמר המגדף מעשה:
Answer (R. La citing Reish Lakish): Two Tana'im argue about R. Akiva's opinion. One says that [he holds that] blasphemy is not an action, and one says that [he holds that] blasphemy is an action.
Note: Why did Reish Lakish need to say that R. Akiva replied l'Shitascha? Perhaps our Mishnah is like the opinion that R. Akiva holds that blasphemy is not an action! Perhaps he teaches that we can establish our Mishnah according to the other opinion - PF.