[8a - 21 lines; 8b - 23 lines]
1)[line 1]הני מילי בעיגולאHANEI MILEI B'IGULA- that [which the perimeter of a shape is three times that of its diameter] is only true of a circle
2)[line 2]כמה מרובע יותר על העיגול? רביעKAMAH MERUBA YESER AL HA'IGUL? REVI'A- how much greater is the perimeter of a square than the circumference of a circle [whose diameter is the same length as a side of that square]? One fourth [of the perimeter of the square which is one third of the circumference of the circle] (see Insights and Graphic to Eruvin 76)
3)[line 3]שיתסרSHITSAR- sixteen
4a)[line 3]עיגול דנפיק מגו ריבועאIGUL D'NAFIK MIGO RIBU'A- a circle inscribed within a square
b)[line 4]ריבועא דנפיק מגו עגולאRIBU'A D'NAFIK MIGO IGULA- a square inscribed within a circle
5)[line 6]מורשא דקרנתאMURSHA D'KARNASA- that which the corners project outward
6)[line 6]כל אמתא בריבועא, אמתא ותרי חומשא באלכסונאKOL AMSA B'RIBU'A, AMSA U'TREI (CHUMSHA) [CHUMSHEI] B'ALACHSONA- for every Amah along the side of a square, there are one and two-fifths Amos along its diagonal.
7)[line 8]שיבסר נכי חומשיSHIVSAR NAKI (CHUMSHEI) [CHUMSHA]- seventeen less a fifth; i.e., sixteen and four fifths. This figure is arrived through the following calculation: The diagonal of a square with a side of four Amos is 4 X 1 2/5 = 4 8/5 = 5 3/5 Amos. If a circle is drawn around such a square, it has a diameter equal to the diagonal of the square. The circumference of a circle with a diameter of 5 3/5 Amos is 3 X 5 3/5 = 15 9/5 = 16 4/5 Amos.
8)[line 9]לא דקLO DAK- [Rebbi Yochanan] was not exacting in his calculation
9)[line 17]מקום גברי לא קחשיבMAKOM GAVREI LO KA'CHASHIV- [Rebbi Yochanan] was not counting the space taken up by the people [sitting around the circle he described]. (Since each person takes up the space of an Amah, this removes two Amos from the diameter - one from each side. This leaves a diameter of six Amos.)
10)[line 18]תמני סריTAMNEI SAREI- eighteen
11a)[last line]עיגולא דנפיק מגו ריבועא רבעאIGULA D'NAFIK MIGO RIBU'A RIV'A- [the perimeter of] a square is one quarter greater than the perimeter of a circle inscribed within it. (This statement is synonymous with that which the Gemara stated earlier; see above, entry #2.)
b)[line 1]ריבועא דנפיק מגו עיגולא פלגאRIBU'A D'NAFIK MIGO IGULA PALGA- [the perimeter of] a circle is one half (i.e., one third of the total) greater than the perimeter of a square inscribed within it. (This calculation proves the statement of Rebbi Yochanan correct in to the way in which we originally understood it - one half of sixteen added to sixteen equals twenty-four.) See Inisghts.
12)[line 3]יוצריםYOTZRIM- potters
13a)[line 4]הפנימית אינה סוכהHA'PENIMIS EINAH SUKAH- the inner one is not valid as a Sukah [since the potter lives there year round and it is not apparent that he is now doing so in order to fulfill the Mitzvah of Sukah]
b)[line 5]החיצונה סוכהHA'CHITZONAH SUKAH- the outer one is a valid Sukah [since it generally used as a store, and not as a living space]
14)[line 6]בית שערBEIS SHA'AR- a gatehouse
15)[line 7]משום דלא קביעMISHUM D'LO KEVI'A- since [even the inner living area] is not [a] permanent [house as it is roofed in Sechach, its entranceway is not significant enough to require a Mezuzah]
16)[line 8]סוכת גוים ...SUKAS GOYIM ...- All of the Sukos described in the following two Beraisos are fit for the fulfillment of the Mitzvah of Sukah, although they were not built for that purpose. That which they are able to be used on Sukos follows the opinion of Beis Hillel, who maintains that a Sukah need not be built expressly for the fulfillment of the Mitzvah (9a).
17)[line 9]כותיםKUSIM
(a)The King of Ashur brought the people of Kusa to Eretz Yisrael and settled them in the Shomron. They converted to Judaism after they found themselves under attack from lions. The Chachamim disagree as to whether their conversion was an honest and valid one, or whether it was prompted only by feelings of self-preservation and the Kusim remained Nochrim.
(b)After the times of the Mishnah, they were found worshipping an image of a dove. At that point, the Chachamim unanimously gave them the status of Nochrim (Chulin 6a).
18)[line 9]סוכה מכל מקוםSUKAH MI'KOL MAKOM- any Sukah whatsoever
19a)[line 14]קייציםKAYATZIM- watchmen who guard cut figs (Ketzi'os) spread out in the field to dry
b)[line 14]בורגניןBURGANIN- watchmen who guard a city
20a)[line 19]אלימא ליה גנב"ךALIMA LEI GNV"CH- it seems more reasonable to him that the Sukos of GNV"CH [should be valid as Sukos]
b)[line 20]משום דקביעיMISHUM D'KEVI'I- for they are permanent [relative to those of RKV"SH, which may stand for only a day at a time]