SUKAH 9 (7 Av 5781) - Dedicated in memory of Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky (Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feibush) of Queens, N.Y., Niftar 7 Av 5757, by his wife and daughters. G-d-fearing and knowledgeable, Simcha was well known in the community for his Chesed and Tzedakah. He will long be remembered.

[9a - 31 lines; 9b - 38 lines]

1)[line 9]לעצי סוכה שאסורין כל שבעהL'ATZEI SUKAH SHE'ASURIN KOL SHIV'AH- that no personal benefit may be derived from either the Sechach or the walls of a Sukah for all seven days [of Sukos]

2)[line 12]חגיגהCHAGIGAH

(a)Every adult Jewish male is obligated to come to the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash on Pesach, Shavu'os, and Sukos, and offer an animal as a Korban Chagigah, as the Torah states, "Shalosh Regalim Tachog Li ba'Shanah" (Shemos 23:14). A Korban Chagigah is offered as a Korban Shelamim (see Background to Yoma 62:32).

(b)If the Korban was not brought on the first day of the festival, it may be brought on any of the subsequent days (where applicable; see Insights to Chagigah 9:1). The Gemara (Chagigah 7a) records a disagreement regarding whether or not one is required (or, for that matter, permitted) to bring more than one Korban Chagigah if he comes to the Azarah on more than one day of a festival.

3)[line 13]מה חג להMAH CHAG LA'HASH-M- Just as a Korban Chagigah is consecrated to Hash-m [and one may therefore derive no personal benefit whatsoever from it until after it has been offered, after which he is granted certain portions to eat]

4)[line 18]לעושין סוכה בחולו של מועדL'OSIN SUKAH B'CHOLO SHEL MO'ED- to [teach us that one may] build a Sukah during Chol ha'Mo'ed. (This is derived from the following understanding of the Pasuk: "Make for yourselves a Sukah at some point over the course of the seven-day festival." [27b])

5)[line 22]עשאהASA'AH- if one fashioned [Tzitzis]

6a)[line 23]קוציןKOTZIN- [threads - once been part of the woof - tied onto a finished garment, that stick out like] thorns

b)[line 23]נימיןNIMIN- the ends of threads used to sew pieces of cloth together, now hanging from the garment

c)[line 23]גרדיןGARDIN- unfinished fringes extending from the bottom of a woven garment

7)[line 23]פסולהPESULAH- the [Tzitzis] are invalid [since these threads were not attached to this garment for the purpose of fulfilling the Mitzvah]

8)[line 24]סיסיןSISIN- spools of thread [from which the woof and warp are threaded]

9)[line 26]טויהTEVIYAH- spinning

10)[line 27]"גְּדִלִים תַּעֲשֶׂה-לָּךְ [עַל-אַרְבַּע כַּנְפוֹת כְּסוּתְךָ אֲשֶׁר תְּכַסֶּה-בָּהּ.]""GEDILIM TA'ASEH LACH [AL ARBA KANFOS KESUSCHA ASHER TECHASEH BAH.]"- "Make Tzitzis for yourself [upon the four corners of your garment with which you cover yourself]" (Devarim 22:12).


11)[line 4]אם אין דיוריןIM EIN DIYURIN- lit. if no one dwells; see Gemara 10a

12)[line 12]הא קא מצטרף סכך פסול בהדי סכך כשר!HA KA MITZTAREF SECHACH PASUL BA'HADEI SECHACH KASHER!- he is combining invalid Sechach -- namely, that of the branches of the tree, which are still growing from the ground -- with kosher Sechach! This is because a) some of the shade within the Sukah is provided by the tree. Therefore, the amount of shade directly provided by the Sechach is less than half of the area of the Sukah (RASHI); b) We are dealing with a situation in which the kosher Sechach alone cannot provide more shade than it allows sunlight in. Only in conjunction with the tree above is there more shade than light in the Sukah. In the case described by Rashi, the Sukah is kosher; we simply ignore the presence of the tree and judge the validity of the Sechach on its own merits (TOSFOS). See Insights for a further discussion of this Sugya.

13)[line 14]בשחבטןBESHE'CHAVTAN- [our Mishnah is referring to a case] in which he lowered [the branches of the tree to the Sukah and wove] them [together with the Sechach, in which case the larger amount of Sechach Kasher nullifies the smaller amount of Sechach Pasul]

14)[line 17]הדלה עליהHIDLAH ALEHA- if one lifted [and stretched] over a Sukah

15a)[line 17]הגפןHA'GEFEN- a grapevine

b)[line 17]הדלעתHA'DELA'AS- a gourd plant (which grows in long tendrils)

c)[line 18]הקיסוסHA'KISOS- a thick ivy with tree-like roots

16)[line 19]קצצןKITZETZAN- he cut them

17a)[line 34]בתוך עשריםB'SOCH ESRIM- within twenty Amos [of the ground]

b)[line 37]למעלה מעשריםL'MAILAH ME'ESRIM- higher than twenty Amos [of the Sechach of the lower Sukah, which functions as the floor of the upper Sukah]