
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TERUMAH, MA'ASER AND BIKURIM (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 2 Halachah 3 Daf 9a)

îúðé' éù áúøåîä åîòùø îä ùàéï ëï ááëåøéí


(Mishnah): There is a stringency of Terumah and Ma'aser that is not in Bikurim. (Stam Terumah always refers to Terumah Gedolah);

ùäúøåîä åäîòùø àåñøéï àú äâåøï åéù ìäï ùéòåø åðåäâéï áëì äôéøåú áôðé äáéú åùìà áôðé äáéú åáàøéñéï åáçëéøåú åáñé÷øé÷éï åáâåæìï äøé àìå áúøåîä åîòùø îä ùàéï ááëåøéí.


Terumah and Ma'aser forbid the granary (the rest of the crop, before they are separated), and they have a Shi'ur, and they apply to all Peros, while the Mikdash stands and when there is no Mikdash, and they apply to sharecroppers, Chakiros (they rent land on condition to pay a fixed amount of Peros from it), a Sikrikon (extortionist who took land, and the owner fears to contest him) and a Gazlan. These apply to Terumah and Ma'aser, but not to Bikurim.

éù ááëåøéí îä ùàéï [ëï] áúøåîä åîòùø


There is a stringency of Bikurim that is not in Terumah and Ma'aser;

ùäáëåøéí ð÷ðéï áîçåáø ì÷ø÷ò òåùä àãí ëì ùãäå áëåøéí åçééá áàçøéåúï åèòåðéï ÷øáï åùéø åúðåôä åìéðä.


Bikurim are acquired (designation is valid) when they are attached to the ground, one can make his entire field Bikurim, and he has Achrayus (if he cannot bring (what he designated) to a Kohen in the Mikdash, he must designate other Bikurim and bring them), and they require a Korban, Shir, Tenufah and Linah (he must stay overnight in Yerushalayim).

[ãó éç òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] úøåîú äîòùø ùåä ìáéëåøéí áùúé ãøëéí åìúøåîä áùúé ãøëéí.


Terumas Ma'aser is like Bikurim in two ways, and it is like Terumah in two ways;

ðéèìú îï äèäåøä òì äèîàä åùìà îï äîå÷ó ëáéëåøéí åàåñø àú äâåøï åéù ìä ùéòåø ëúøåîä:


It is taken from Tahor on Tamei, and Lo Min ha'Mukaf, like Bikurim. It forbids the granary, and it has a Shi'ur, like Terumah.

âî' ðéçà (äúøåîä àåñøú àú äâåøï äîòùø [ãó è òîåã á] àåñø) [ö''ì äîòùø àåñø àú äâåøï äúøåîä àåñøú àú - âìéåðé äù''ñ] äâåøï.


(Gemara) Question: Granted, Ma'aser forbids the granary. [Why does it teach that] Terumah forbids the granary?! (After Miru'ach, he must separate first Terumah, and then Ma'aseros. It suffices to say that Ma'aser forbids the granary! We explained this like GILYONEI HA'SHAS.)

úéôúø ùä÷ãéîå áùéáìéï.


Answer: The case is, [the Levi took Ma'aser Rishon] of sheaves (with the chaff);

ãàîø øáé àáäå áùí ø''ù áï ì÷éù îòùø øàùåï ùä÷ãéîå áùéáìéï ôèåø îúøåîä âãåìä:


(R. Avahu citing Reish Lakish): If [the Levi took] Ma'aser Rishon early (before Miru'ach) of sheaves, it is exempt from Terumah Gedolah. (In this case, Terumas Ma'aser is Me'akev eating the Ma'aser Rishon.)

ðé÷ðéï áîçåáø ì÷ø÷ò. ãëúéá [áîãáø éç éâ] áëåøé ëì àùø áàøöí:


[Bikurim] are acquired when they are attached to the ground, for it says "Bikurei Kol Asher b'Artzam.''

òåùä àãí ëì ùãäå áéëåøéí. ãëúéá [éçæ÷àì îã ì] (åøàùéú ëì áéëåøé ëì) [ö''ì áëåøé ëì àùø áàøöí - ôéøåù äîùðéåú]:


One can make his entire field Bikurim, for it says "Bikurei Kol Asher b'Artzam.'' (RAMBAM.)

[ãó éè òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] åçééáéï áàçøéåúï. ãëúéá [ùîåú ëâ éè] øàùéú áëåøé àãîúê [ö''ì úáéà - äâø''à]:


One has Achrayus for them, for it says "Reishis Bikurei Admascha Tavi [Beis Hash-m Elokecha].'' (GRA)

åèòåðéï ÷øáï. ðàîø ëàï ùîçä åðàîø ìäìï ùîçä îä ùîçä ùðàîø ìäìï ùìîéí àó ëàï ùìîéí:


They require a Korban, for it says here Simchah, and it says there Simchah ("v'Samachta b'Chagecha''). Just like Simchah there is Shelamim, also here it is Shelamim.

åùéø. ðàîø ëàï (ùéø) [ö''ì äèåá - äâø''à] åðàîø ìäìï [éçæ÷àì ìâ ìá] åäðê ìäí ëùéø òâáéí [ö''ì éôä ÷åì åîèá ðâï - äâø''à]:


They require Shir, for it says here "ha'Tov'', and it says there "v'Hincha Lahem k'Shir Agavim Yefe Kol u'Metiv Nagen.'' (GRA)

åúðåôä. ãëúéá [ãáøéí ëå ã] åì÷ç äëäï äèðà îéãê åäðéçå ìøáåú äáëåøéí ùèòåðéï úðåôä ëø' ìéòæø áï éò÷á:


They require Tenufah, for it says "v'Lakach ha'Kohen ha'Tene mi'Yadecha v'Hinicho'', to include Bikurim, that they require Tenufah, like R. Eliezer ben Yakov.

åìéðä. ãëúéá [ùí èæ æ] åôðéú ááå÷ø åäìëú ìàäìéê äà ëì ôéðåú ùàú ôåðä ìà éäå àìà ááå÷ø.


They require Linah, for it says "u'Fanisa ba'Boker v'Halachta l'Ohalecha'' - this teaches that whenever you are leave [the Mikdash], it is only in the morning.

àîø øáé éåðä äãà ãàú àîø ëùàéï òîäï ÷øáï àáì éù òîäï ÷øáï áìà ëê èòåï ìéðä îçîú ä÷øáï:


Remark (R. Yonah): This applies when there is no Korban with [Bikurim, e.g. he brought it the previous day - GRA], but when there is a Korban with them, Linah is required due to the Korban.

ø' éåðä àîø øáé îééùà åçã îï øáðéï çã îéðäåï àîø æàú àåîøú ùäôéøåú äèîàéí çééáéï ááéëåøéí


R. Yonah citing R. Maisha and one of the Rabanan - one of them said [Terumas Ma'aser is like Bikurim, that it is taken from Tahor on Tamei] teaches that Tamei Peros are obligated in Bikurim [even though Tum'ah applies only after they are detached];

åçøðä àîø [ö''ì äàåëì - âìéåðé äù''ñ] îòùø øàùåï ùä÷ãéîå áùéáìéï ôèåø (îúøåîä âãåìä - âìéåðé äù''ñ îåç÷å)


The other said, if one ate Ma'aser Rishon that was taken early, of sheaves, he is exempt [from lashes, like it says in Terumos 1:5. Our Mishnah said that Terumas Ma'aser forbids the granary, i.e. one is liable for Tevel to Terumas Ma'aser only after Miru'ach. We explained this like GILYONEI HA'SHAS.]