
HOW TO SEPARATE BIKURIM (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 3 Halachah 1 Daf 10b)

îúðé' ëéöã îôøéùéí àú äáëåøéí. éåøã àãí ìúåê ùãäå åøåàä úàðä ùáéëøä àùëåì ùáéëø øéîåï ùáéëø ÷åùøï áâîé åàåîø äøé àìå áéëåøéí


(Mishnah): How does one separate Bikurim? A man descends to his field, and he sees a fig that Bikrah (was first to develop), a grape cluster that Bikrah, or a pomegranate that Bikrah - he ties a reed around it, and says 'these are Bikurim';

[ãó ëá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] ø''ù àåîø àòô''ë çåæø å÷åøà àåúï áéëåøéí îàçø ùéúìùå îï ä÷ø÷ò:


R. Shimon says, even so, he returns and calls them Bikurim after they are detached from the ground.

âî' ëéöã îôøéùéí àú äáëåøéí ëå'.


(Gemara - Mishnah): How does one separate Bikurim? ...

òì ãòúéä ãøáé ùîòåï ìà ÷øà ùí áúìåù ìà ÷éãùå àéðï îãîòéï àéï çééáé' òìéäï çåîù åàéï ìå÷éï òìéäï çåõ ìçåîä.


According to R. Shimon, if one did not return and call them [Bikurim] when they are detached, they did not become Kadosh, they are not Medame'a (forbid a mixture with Chulin, a Zar) is not liable a Chomesh for them, and one is not lashed for eating them outside the wall [of Yerushalayim].

îä èòîà ãøáðéï


Question: What is Rabanan's reason?

[ãáøéí ëå é] åòúä äðä äáàúé àú øàùéú ôøé äàãîä áùòú äáàä ôøé äà áùòú äôøùä àôé' áåñø àôéìå ôâéï.


Answer: "V'Atah Hinei Heveisi Es Reishis Pri ha'Adamah'' - at the time of bringing, it must be a [finished] Pri. At the time of separation, it can even be unripe grapes or unripe figs;

òì ãòúé' ãø''ù îä áùòú äáàä ôøé àó áùòú äôøùä ôøé.


According to R. Shimon, just like at the time of bringing, it must be a [finished] Pri, also at the time of separation, it must be a Pri.

øáé æòéøà áòé áéëåøé éçåø îäå ùéúéøå çðèå.


Question (R. Ze'ira): [According to R. Shimon, who says that only detached Bikurim are Kadosh], Bikurim on a branch, [if he grafted it onto a tree, and it blossomed], does [this new] Chanatah permit (Mevatel the Kedushah of the Bikurim, for they are considered attached? We explained this like GILYONOS HA'GAON RAV Y. Y. KANIEVSKY.)

úðé äáëåøéí àçã îùùéí øàùéú äâæ àçã îùùéí úøåîä èîàä àçã [ãó éà òîåã à] îùùéí.


(Beraisa): [Mid'Rabanan, the Shi'ur for] Bikurim is one part in 60; Reishis ha'Gez is one part in 60; Tamei Terumah is one part in 60. (Normally, one part in 60 is considered stingy; if it is Tamei and the Kohen cannot eat it, it is l'Chatchilah.)

úðé øáé éùîòàì äáëåøéí àçã îùùéí ôàä àçã îùùéí øàùéú äâæ àçã îùùéí úøåîä èîàä àçã îùùéí úøåîä ùàéï äëäðéí î÷ôéãéí òìéä àçã îùùéí.


(Beraisa - R. Yishmael): Bikurim are one part in 60; Pe'ah is one part in 60; Reishis ha'Gez is one part in 60; Tamei Terumah is one part in 60; Terumah [of species] that Kohanim are not adamant about it, is one part in 60 (l'Chatchilah).

îä àéú ìê ëâåï úøåîú äëìåñéï åäçøåáéï åäùòåøéï ùáàãåí:


What do you have [that they are not adamant about it]? E.g. Terumah of Kelusin (a legume), carobs, and barley in Edom.


BRINGING BIKURIM TO YERUSHALAYIM (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 3 Halachah 2 Daf 11a)

îúðé' ëéöã îòìéï àú äáëåøéí. ëì äòééøåú ùáîòîã îúëðñåú ìòéøå ùì îòîã åìðéí áøçåáä ùì òéø åìà äéå ðëðñéí ìáúéí


(Mishnah): How does one bring Bikurim up [to Yerushalayim]? All the cities in the Ma'amad (Yisrael were divided in 24 Ma'amados. They alternated sending Sheluchim to the Mikdash to oversee the Avodah) gather to [one] city of the Ma'amad, and spend the night in the street; they did not enter the houses;

åìîùëéí äéä äîîåðä àåîø ÷åîå åðòìä öéåï àì áéú ä' àìäéðå:


Early in the morning, the appointee (over the Ma'amad) tells them "Kumu v'Na'aleh Tziyon El Beis Hash-m Elokeinu''!

âî' [ãó ëá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] ëâåï éäåéøéá åîëéøéå.


(Gemara): [Examples of Ma'amados] are [the Mishmar of Kohanim] Yehoyariv and those associated with it.

åéìéðå ááéú äëðñú.


Question: (Why do they spend the night in the street?) They should lodge in the Beis ha'Keneses!

úðà øáé çìôúà áï ùàåì îôðé àåäì èåîàä.


Answer (R. Chalafta ben Sha'ul): It is due to [concern for] an Ohel [above] Tum'ah.

áãøê äéå àåîøéí [úäéìéí ÷ëá à á] ùîçúé áàåîøéí ìé áéú ä' ðìê. áéøåùìéí äéå àåîøéí òåîãåú äéå øâìéðå áùòøéê éøåùìéí.


On the way [to Yerushalayim], they said "Samachti b'Omrim Li Beis Hash-m Nelech.'' In Yerushalayim, they said "Omdos Hayu Ragleinu bi'Sh'arayich Yerushalayim'';

áäø äáéú äéå àåîøéí [ùí ÷ð à å] äììåéä äììå àì á÷ãùå ëå'. áòæøä äéå àåîøéí ëì äðùîä úäìì éä äììåéä:


In Har ha'Bayis, they said "Hallelukah Halelu Kel Kodsho...'' In the Azarah they said "Kol ha'Neshamah Tehalel Kah Hallelukah.''


MATTERS BROUGHT WITH BIKURIM (Yerushalmi Bikurim Perek 3 Halachah 3 Daf 11a)

îúðé' ä÷øåáéí îáéàéï áëåøéí úàðéí åòðáéí åäøçå÷éí îáéàéï âøåâøåú åöéîå÷éí.


(Mishnah): Those close [to Yerushalayim] bring Bikurim of [fresh] figs and grapes. Those far bring dried figs and raisins.

åäùåø äåìê ìôðéäï å÷øðéå îöåôåú æäá åòèøä ùì æéú áøàùå åäçìéì îëä ìôðéäï òã ùäï îâéòéï ÷øåá ìéøåùìéí.


The ox goes in front of them, and its horns are covered with gold, and a crown of olive wood is on its head, and the flute plays in front of them, until they get close to Yerushalayim;

äâéòå ÷øåá ìéøåùìéí ùìçå ìôðéäï åòéèøå àú áëåøéäï.


When they got close to Yerushalayim, they sent in front of them and crowned their Bikurim;

äôçåú åäñâðéí åäâæáøéí éåöàéí ì÷øàúï ìôé ëáåã äðëðñéí äéå éåöàéí.


The leaders and officials of the Kohanim and the Gizbarim go out to greet them; according to the honor of those who enter, they go out;

ëì áòìé àåîðéåú ùáéøåùìéí äéå òåîãéí áôðéäí åùåàìéï áùìåîï åàåîøéí àçéðå àðùé î÷åí ôìåðé (áàúí) [ö''ì áåàëí - ø''ù ñéøéìéå] ìùìåí:


All craftsmen in Yerushalayim rise in front of them, greet them and say 'people of place Ploni (even though they were from many cities, they were all from one region), your coming should be with Shalom!'

âî' òã äéëï òã ëãé ùäåà éëåì ìúøåí îï äîåáçø.


(Gemara): Until where [is called close]? It is until one can bring from the choice (moist fruits, and they will not spoil).

á÷ù ìäáéà ãáéìä ðàîø àí äéúä ÷òéìéú îáéà àí äéúä áåöøéú àéðå îáéà:


If he wanted to bring Deveilah (a fig cake) - if it was Ke'ilis (a place of choice Deveilah), he may bring. If it was Botzris (it is not so esteemed), he may not bring.

ôùéèà ùäåà î÷øéá (ùìîéí) [ö''ì òåìä àå ùìîéí - îäø''à ôåìãà]


Question: Surely, he offers [the ox]. Is it an Olah, or a Shelamim? (We explained this like MAHARA FULDA.)

øáé àéîé àîø î÷øéá ùìîéí


Answer #1 (R. Imi): He offers it for Shelamim.

øá àîø î÷éöéï áäï àú äîæáç.


Answer #2 (Rav): It is used for Kitz ha'Mizbe'ach (Olos Tzibur, lest the Mizbe'ach be Batel.)

øáé æòéøà áòé éçéã ùðúòöì åìà áà îáéà âãé å÷øðéå îöåôåú ëñó


(R. Ze'ira): If an individual was lazy and did not come (with his Ma'amad, and he cannot afford an ox with gold), he brings a goat, and its horns are covered with silver.

åòèøä ùì æéú áøàùå


(Mishnah): And a crown of olive wood is on its head.

ùäåà îîéï ùáòä.


It is [the best wood] from the seven species. (It is right after the second "Eretz'' in the verse - R. SHIMSHON, MAHARA FULDA. Wheat follows the first "Eretz'' in the verse; there is no wood from it.)

úðé îé ùäéå ìå áëåøéí âøåâøåú äéä îòèøï úàðéí åöîå÷éí äéä îòèøï òðáéí.


(Beraisa): One who has dried figs for Bikurim, he crowns them with [fresh] figs; raisins, he crowns them with grapes.