[5a - 48 lines; 5b - 42 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach, the Tzon Kodashim, the Vilna Ga'on and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any OTHER important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 5a [line 40]:
"Dagan v'Dagan, d'Chad Chelev... Lo Laki... Lishna Acharina, Ha Tirosh v'Dagan" ãâï åãâï ãçã çìá... ìà ì÷é... ìùðà àçøéðà, äà úéøåù åãâï
Rashi did not have these lines in his text. If we are to accept such a reading, the difference between the two versions is whether we initially thought that one is not punished for separating Terumah in such a manner, or whether we thought that one is permitted to do so.
[2] Rashi 5a DH Ha Nami Lilki ã"ä äà ðîé ìéì÷é:
The Vilna Ga'on and Bach change the word "Yachol" éëåì to "Chayav" çééá or "Tzarich" öøéê in this Rashi and twice in Rashi DH Lishna Acharina ìùðà àçøéðà. To remain consistent with this emendation, they have to alter the words of Rashi DH Isura Avad àéñåøà òáã as well. (It is possible to preserve the original reading of Rashi in all of the above cases, but this will present us with an entirely new explanation for the Sugya.)
[3] Rashi 5a DH Ka Mashma Lan ã"ä ÷à îùîò ìï:
"v'Hilkach Lo Laki, v'Lav Mishum d'Hevei Kum Aseh åäéìëê ìà ì÷é, åìàå îùåí ãäåé ÷åí òùä
It appears that these words belong above, at the end of DH ul'Abaye åìàáéé
[4] Gemara 5b [line 12]:
"u'Tenan, Yesh Lahem Pidyon" åúðï éù ìäí ôãéåï
From Rashi DH u'Tenan åúðï it appears that Rashi's Girsa here is the entire Reisha of that Mishnah, "Kol ha'Kodshim Nimkarin b'Itliz v'Nishchatin b'Itliz v'Nishkalin b'Litra Chutz Min ha'Bechor veha'Ma'aser, Yesh Lahem Pidyon..." ëì ä÷ãùéí ðîëøéï áàéèìéæ åðùçèéï áàéúìéæ åðù÷ìéï áìèøà çåõ îï äáëåø åäîòùø éù ìäí ôãéåï
[5] Rashi 5b DH Aval Nimkar Hu ã"ä àáì ðîëø äåà:
The word "l'Chohen" ìëäï
should be "ha'Kohen" äëäï (see Hagahos ha'Gra #1)
[6] Hagahos ha'Gra #2:
This Hagahah belongs at the end of Rashi DH v'Eino Nimkar, and not in the preceding Dibur as printed
1)[line 5]åìàáééUL'ABAYE- That is, according to Abaye that we say Mehani, there should be no Malkus when a Yisrael divorces the Anusah, even without learning that there are no Malkus from "Kol Yamav". Since the Yisrael has to remarry the Anusah, his action of divorcing her did not accomplish its mission (Lo Mehani) so he should not get Malkus
2a)[line 18]çìáåCHELBO- its "fat"/choice part
b)[line 19]âéøåòéïGEIRU'IN- the inferior parts
3a)[line 30][úåøí] îîéï òì ùàéðå îéðå[TOREM] MI'MIN AL SHE'EINO MINO
A person must give Terumah from every type of produce independently. This is learned from the verse, "Kol Chelev Yitzhar [v'Chol Chelev Tirosh v'Dagan ...]." If he does not separate Terumah from every type of produce independently, but rather from one type on behalf of other types, then the Hafrashah is invalid.
b)[line 31]ìéúï çìá ìæä åçìá ìæäLITEN CHELEV LA'ZEH V'CHELEV LA'ZEH- a person must give the choicest of his oil and the choicest of his wine and grain
4)[line 44]çøîéíCHARAMIM
(a)There are two types of Charamim, a type of vow or pledge in which one pronounces, "This object should be a Cherem." If the person specifies that he is making a Cherem for Bedek ha'Bayis, then it becomes Cherem for Bedek ha'Bayis. If he specifies that it should be a Cherem for Kohanim, then it becomes Cherem for Kohanim.
1.Chermei Kohanim are given to the Kohanim for their personal use. Before this type of Cherem is handed over to the Kohanim, it cannot be redeemed, as the verse teaches, "It may not be sold and it may not be redeemed" (Vayikra 27:28).
2.Chermei Gavo'ah are given to the Beis ha'Mikdash for the Bedek ha'Bayis. This type of Cherem may be redeemed like any other Hekdesh.
(b)The Tana'im argue (Erchin 28b) as to whether Stam Charamim (Charamim that are pledged without designating the recipient) are allocated to the Kohanim or to the Beis ha'Mikdash.
5)[line 44]"ìà éîëø åìà éâàì""LO YIMACHER V'LO YIGA'EL"- "It may not be sold and it may not be redeemed" (Vayikra 27:28)
6)[line 31]ä÷ãéîå áëøéHIKDIMO B'KRI - he (the landowner) separated it (the Ma'aser Rishon) early [while the produce was still] in the [stage of having been heaped into a] pile (TERUMAH AND MA'ASER: PROCESSING OF GRAIN)
(a)By Torah law, a person is required to tithe his grain only if he harvests it in a normal manner. This includes removing the chaff in the field, piling up the grain there and bringing it through the front door of his house (Berachos 35b). He is then required to tithe his grain; it becomes "Hukba l'Ma'aser" (designated for tithing — see Background to Bava Metzia 87:49).
(b)He first separates Terumah Gedolah from the crop and gives it to a Kohen. Although the Torah does not specify the amount to be given, the Rabanan set the requirement at one fiftieth of the total crop. After Terumah is removed from the produce, one tenth of the produce that remains must be designated "Ma'aser Rishon," and given to a Levi. The Levi, in turn, must separate one tenth of his Ma'aser Rishon as Terumas Ma'aser, to be given to a Kohen, as it states in Bamidbar 18:26.
(c)If a Levi came to the field and claimed the Ma'aser Rishon from the stalks (Shibolim) before the grain was processed and separated from the stalks, the requirement to give Terumah Gedolah is canceled, as Rebbi Shimon ben Lakish (see Beitzah 13b) proves from the wording of the verse (Bamidbar ibid.).
(d)However, if a Levi came to the field and claimed the Ma'aser Rishon from the Kri (the pile of grain which was already processed and separated from the stalks), he must give Terumah Gedolah to a Kohen from his portion. The requirement to give Terumah Gedolah is already present as soon as the produce is classified as Dagan (it is processed), as the verse states, "Reishis Degancha... Titen Lo" - "You should give him the first [part that you separate] from your produce" (Devarim 18:4).
7a)[line 31]áëøéB'KRI- in a pile, heap of grain
b)[line 32]äùéáìéïHA'SHIBOLIN- the ears of individual grain stalks
8)[line 33]ãéâåïDIGUN- the act of heaping grain into a pile and leveling off ("Miru'ach") the pile, classifying it as "Dagan," which necessitates separating Terumos u'Ma'asros
9)[line 40]øöåé äåà ãìà îøöäRITZUY HU D'LO MERATZEH- it does not appease (gain favor) for him
10)[last line]î÷ãéù úîéîéï ìáã÷ äáéúMAKDISH TEMIMIN L'VEDEK HA'BAYIS- one who sanctifies an unblemished animal for Bedek ha'Bayis (see Background to Chulin 139:6). It is forbidden to sanctify an animal that has no blemish for Bedek ha'Bayis. If such an animal is made Hekdesh, it must be offered as a Korban.