úåñ' ã"ä äîèéì îåí áúîåøú áëåø åîòùø îäå
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the She'eilah according to both opinions cited in Menachos.
áô' ëì äîðçåú áàåú îöä (îðçåú ãó ðå(: ôìéâé úðàé áîèéì îåí ááòì îåí - àéëà ìî"ã ìå÷ä åàéëà ìî"ã àéðå ìå÷ä, åäê áòéà ãäëà ìúøåééäå ...
Two Opinions: In Perek Kol ha'Menachos Ba'os Matzah (Menachos, Daf 96b), Tana'im argue over someone who makes a Mum on Kodshim - one opinion holds 'Lokeh', the other, 'Eino Lokeh'; this She'eilah goes according to both opinions ...
àôéìå ìî"ã äúí 'ìå÷ä' - îùåí ãçæéà ìä÷øáä ÷åãí äîåí, àáì äðé ãìà çæéà ìòåìí ìä÷øáä, ìà ì÷é, àå ìà ùðà?
Explanation #1: Even according to the one that says there 'Lokeh' - that is because it was fit to bring on the Mizbe'ach before it became blemished, but those that were never fit, are not subject to Malkus; or perhaps there is no difference?
åìî"ã äúí 'àéðå ìå÷ä' - äééðå îùåí ãîòé÷øà ðîé äéä áå îåí, àáì äëà ãîòé÷øà äéä úí, ì÷é, àå ìà ùðà.
Explanation #2: Whereas according to the one that says 'Eino Lokeh' - that is because initially it also had a blemish, but here, where it was initially Tamim, it is subject to Malkus; or perhaps there is no difference?
úåñ' ã"ä àé ÷ñáø ÷ãåùä øàùåðä ÷ãùä ìùòúä å÷ãùä ìòúéã ìáà áëåø ðîé ðééúé
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Kashya citing Rashi and elaborates.)
ôøù"é áæáçéí (ãó ÷æ:) ãìî"ã '÷ãùä ìòúéã ìáà', î÷øéáéï àó òì ôé ùàéï áéú.
Clarification: Rashi in Zevachim (Daf 107b) explains that according to the opinion that 'Kidshah le'Asid Lavo', one may bring even though there is no Mizbe'ach.
åà"ú, åäà áòéðï îæáç, åìéëà?
Question: But one requires a Mizbe'ach, and there is none/
åé"ì, ãôøéê îáëåø ùðùçè åðæø÷ ãîå ÷åãí ùçøá äáéú, ãàéï çñø àìà àëéìä ìôðéí îï äçåîä ãåîéà ãîòùø.
Answer #1: The Gemara is asking from a B'chor that was Shechted and its blood sprinkled before the Beis-Hamikdash was destroyed, in which case it lacks only eating inside the wall, similar to Ma'aser (Sheini).
àé ðîé é"ì ãôøéê äëé - áëåø ðîé ðééúé åéáðä îæáç.
Answer #2: Alternatively, the Gemara is asking that regarding B'chor too, one should bring it and build a Mizbe'ach.
úåñ' ã"ä åàé ÷ñáø ìà ÷ãùä ìòúéã ìáà áëåø ðîé úéáòé
(Summary: Tosfos queries the Kashya.)
ä"â øù"é.
Text: This is the text according to Rashi.
å÷ùä, ãìî"ã 'ìà ÷ãùä ìòúéã ìáà', àéï ÷ãåùä áéøåùìéí éåúø îùàø òøéí?
Question #1: According to the opinion that holds 'Lo Kidshah le'Asid Lavo' there is no Kedushah in Yerushalayim any more than in any other town?
åòåã, ãàîø ô' áúøà ãæáçéí (â"æ ùí) ãìîàï ãàîø 'ìà ÷ãùä ìòúéã ìáà', îòùø ùðé ðàëì áëì òøé éùøàì?
Question #2: Moreover, the Gemara says in the last Perek of Zevachim (Ibid.) that according to that opinion, Ma'aser Sheini can be eaten in any city in Eretz Yisrael?
åéù ìúøõ îéäà ÷åùéà ùðéä - ãîééøé äëà áîòùø ùðæøò ÷åãí ùçøá äáéú, ùäéä èòåï äáàä áéøåùìéí ...
Answer: One can at least answer the second Kashya in that it speaks here about Ma'aser that was planted before the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, in which case it had to be brought to Yerushalayim ...
ãáääéà ìà àîø ãðàëì áëì òøé éùøàì.
Reason: Because in such a case, it does not say that it can be eaten in any town in Eretz Yisrael.
úåñ' ã"ä äëé âøéñ øù"é ìòåìí ÷ñáø ìà ÷ãùä ìòúéã ìáà
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's text.)
ä"â øù"é.
Text/Explanation #1: This is the text according to Rashi.
å÷ùä, ãàí ëï, ìîä ìé äàé èòîà ã'àéú÷ù áùø ìãí' - úéôå÷ ìéä ãðôñì áéåöà, ãëîé ùàéï ìå çåîä ãîé?
Question #1: In that case, why does the Gemara give the reason that - the flesh is compared to the blood'? - Why not because it became Pasul by leaving the Azarah, seeing as it as if it did not have a wall?
åòåã, ãàîø áæáçéí ( áôø÷ ÷ãùé ÷ãùéí ãó ñ.) 'îæáç ùðôâí, àéï àåëìéï áâéðå ÷ãùéí ÷ìéí' - åîôé÷ ìéä îäàé èòîà ã'àéú÷ù áùøå ìãîå' ...
Question #2: Moreover, the Gemara says in Zevachim (in Perek Kodshei Kodshim, Daf 60a) - 'If the Mizbe'ach was damaged, one may not eat Kodshim Kalim because of it - and it learns it from this reason that 'Its flesh is compared to its blood' ...
åäëà àîø ãäê äé÷ùà ãáùø ìãí äåé ìî"ã 'ìà ÷ãùä ìòúéã ìáà'?
Question #2: Whilst here the Gemara explains that the Hekesh of Basar to Dam goes according to the opinion that holds 'Lo Kidshah le'Asid Lavo' (See Shitah Mekubetzes 29)?
ìëï ðøàä ìø"é ãä"â - 'àé ÷ñáø "ìà ÷ãùä ìòúéã ìáà", îòùø ùðé ìà ìééúé, åáîòùø ùðæøò ÷åãí ùçøá äáéú, ëãô"ì ...
Text/Explanation #2: Therefore the Ri has the text (earlier) - 'I ka'Savar "Lo Kidshah le'Asid Lavo", he shouldn't be able to bring Ma'aser Sheini, and it is speaking by Ma'aser that was planted before the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, as Tosfos explained earlier.
åä"â 'ìòåìí ÷ñáø "÷ãåùä øàùåðä ÷ãùä ìùòúä å÷ãùä ìòúéã ìáà", åã÷ùéà ìê áëåø ðîé ìééúé, äëà áîàé òñ÷éðï, ùðæø÷ ãîå ìôðé äáéú åçøá äáéú ëå'.
Text/Explanation #2 (cont.): And the text (here) reads 'Really he holds "Kedushah Rishonah Kidshah le'Sha'atah ve'Kidshah le'Asid Lavo", and if you ask let him bring the B'chor
åäùúà îéúøöå ëì ÷åùééï.
Conclusion: Now all the Kashyos are answered.
åã÷ã÷ îåøé, áùìîà 'áëåø ùðæø÷ ãîå ìôðé äáéú' ãàéðå ðàëì àìà áôðé äáéú ...
Question: Tosfos Rebbe asks that this is fine with regard to a B'chor whose blood was sprinkled in the time of the Beis Hamikdash ...
ëãîôøù âîøà - ãàéú÷ù áùø ìãí ...
Reason: Which can only be eaten in the Beis Hamikdash, as the Gemara explains ...
àáì áëåøéí, ùäéä ìäí äðçä ìôðé äáéú, î"è àéï ðàëìéï àìà áôðé äáéú?
Question (cont.): But why can Bikurim, which were placed (in front of the Mizbe'ach) in the time of the Beis Hamikdash, only be eaten in front of the Beis Hamikdash?
åàîø îåøé ä"ø î"ø ãùôéø äí ðàëìéï àôéìå áæîï äæä ...
Answer: And Tosfos' Rebbe, ha'Rav Mordechai answered that they can indeed be eaten even nowadays ...
åäà ãàîø 'àéï ðàëìéï' ...
Implied Question: And when it says that they can't ...
ãìà äéä ìäï äðçä ìôðé äáéú.
Answer (cont.): It speaks where they were not placed when the Beis Hamikdash stood.
åäãáøéí îåëéçéï - îãôøéê òìä 'îä ìáëåøéí ùëï èòåðéï äðçä'.
Proof: And this is evident - since the Gemara asks on it 'Whereas Bikurim require placing?'.
åäà ãîå÷é ááëåø ùðùçè åðæø÷ ãîå ìôðé äáéú ...
Implied Question: And when the Gemara establishes the case by a B'chor whose blood was sprinkled in the Beis Hamikdash ...
à'îñ÷ðà ãáøééúà ÷àé, ãî÷éù îòùø ìáëåø - åîñúîà áëåø ãåîéà ãîòùø ãàéðå çñø àìà äáàú î÷åí - åäééðå ëùðæø÷ ãîå ìôðé äáéú ...
Answer: It is referring to the Maskana of the Beraisa, which compares Ma'aser to B'chor - and presumably B'chor, like Ma'aser lacks only bringing to the correct location, in which case it must have been sprinkled in the time of the Beis Hamikdash ...
àáì áøééúà ìà îééøé àìà ááëåøéí ùìà äåðçå, àáì äåðçå ìôðé äáéú, àôùø ãðàëìéï àó ìàçø çåøáï.
Proof (cont.): Whereas the Beraisa itself speaks about Bikurim that were not placed, but if they had been, they could in all likelihood have been eaten after the Churban.
úåñ' ã"ä îî÷åí ùàé àúä îòìä îòùø ãâï àé àúä îòìä áëåø
(Summary: Tosfos explains the Machlokes Rebbi Yishmael and Rebbi Akiva that emerges from this statement.)
åäùúà àùëçï ôìåâúà ãøáé éùîòàì åø"ò ...
Machlokes Tana'im: It now emerges that there is a Machlokes Rebbi Yishmael and Rebbi Akiva, in that ...
ãøáé éùîòàì àéú ìéä ãìëúçéìä àéï îáéàéï áëåø åîòùø îçåöä ìàøõ ìàøõ, àáì ãéòáã, àí áàå úîéîéí é÷øáå - åäééðå ëîúðé' ...
Rebbi Yishmael: According to Rebbi Yishmael, one may not bring B'chor and Ma'aser from Chutz la'Aretz Lechatchilah , but Bedi'eved, if they came without a blemish they can be brought on the Mizbe'ach - like the Mishnah.
åø"ò àôéìå ãéòáã ðîé ìà ÷øáé, ãàéú÷ù ìîòùø ãâï - åääéà ãáï àðèéâðåñ ëååúéä àúéà.
Rebbi Akiva: Whereas Rebbi Akiva holds that even Bedi'eved they cannot be brought, seeing as they are compared to Ma'aser Dagan- and the case of ben Antignos goes like him.
åà"ú, áùìîà ø"ò ëãîôøù èòîà - ãàéú÷ù áëåø ìîòùø ãâï ...
Question: Rebbi Akiva reasoning is fine, as he himself explains ...
àìà ìøáé éùîòàì îàé èòí?
Question (cont.): But what is Rebbi Yishmael's reason?
àé ñáéøà ìéä äé÷ùà ãîòùø ãâï, àôéìå ãéòáã ðîé ìà, åàé ìà ñáø ìä, àôéìå ìëúçéìä ðîé éáéà?
Question (cont.): If he holds of the Hekesh to Ma'aser Dagan, it ought to be Pasul even Bedi'eved, and if he doesn't, then why can he not bring them even Lechatchilah?
åé"ì, ãîôé÷ îãøùà ãñéôøé ùôéøù ìòéì "ø÷ ÷ãùéê àùø éäéå ìê" - îëàï ùîáéàéï ÷ãùéí îçåöä ìàøõ ìàøõ ...
Answer: He learns it from the D'rashah of the Sifri, which, based on the Pasuk earlier (Perek 12) "Rak Kodoshecha asher Yih'yu lach", learns that one may bring Kodshim from Chutzah la'Aretz to Eretz Yisrael (See Shitah Mekubetzes 26) ...
éëåì àó áëåø åîòùø ëï? ú"ì "ø÷" - åäééðå ãå÷à ìëúçéìä äåà ãàéîòåè
Answer (cont.): Perhaps we might think that the same applies to B'chor and Ma'aser? Therefore the Torah writes "Rak", with reference to Lechatchilah ...
ãáäà àééøé áéä ÷øà, ãëúéá "úùà åáàú" åäééðå ìëúçéìä.
Proof: Since that complies with the context of thye Pasuk - "Tisa u'Basa", which is Lechatchilah.
úåñ' ã"ä éëåì éòìä àãí îòùø ùðé åéàëìðå ëå'
(Summary: Tosfos explains the Havah Amina.)
åà"ú, àîàé ñ"ã ùéäà ðàëì áëì äøåàä - äà "ìôðé ä' àìäéê" ëúéá áéä?
Question: Why would we even think that it can be eaten in any place where one can see (Yerushalayim) - bearing in mind that the Torah writes "before Hash-m your G-d"?
åé"ì, ãåîéà ãùéìä, ãàåëìéí îòùø ùðé áëì äøåàä.
Answer: Like Shilah, where one may eat Ma'aser Ma'aser Sheini wherever one can see (Shiloh).
åéù ñôøéí ãâøñéðï ìä ìäê ÷åùéà åìäàé ùéðåéà.
Support: There are some texts which actually insert this Kashya and answer.
úåñ' ã"ä åìã çèàú åùàáãä åðîöàú áòìú îåí
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)
ôøù"é åàôéìå ìøáðï ãàîøé ì÷îï, åôìéâé òìéä ãøáé ãàéï çèàú îúä àìà áùðîöàú àçø ùðúëôøå äáòìéí', áäà îåãå ...
Explanation #1: Rashi explains that even the Rabbanan, who will say later, and who argue with Rebbi and say - that a Chatas only dies if it is found after the owner has been atoned, concede here ...
äåàéì åàéëà úøúé ìøéòåúà - ãàáãä åðîöàú áòìú îåí ...
Reason: Since there are two things that are detrimental - that it got lost and that it was found to be a Ba'alas-Mum.
åìäëé ð÷è 'áòìú îåí' ...
Implied Question: And the reason that it says that it is a Ba'alas-Mum is ...
ãàé úîéîä, äåàéì åðîöàú ÷åãí ëôøä, àôéìå ëéôøå áòìéí ùåá áàçøú, øåòä' òë"ì.
Answer: Because if it would be a Temimah, seeing as it was found before the atonement, even if the owner is subsequently atoned for with another Korban, it will graze (Up to here are the words of Rashi).
åìà ðäéøà, ãîùîò ìôéøåùå ãøéáåé øéòåúà îáéàéï àåúä ìîéúä, åàãøáä, ñåâéà ãùîòúéï îùîò ãøéáåé øéòåúà îáéàéï àåúä ìéãé øòééä? ...
Question #1: This is not correct however; because it implies that more detriments cause it to have to die, whereas on the contrary, the Sugya implies that more detriments cause it to have to graze? ...
ãàîø øáà áâî' 'àáåãú ìéìä ìà ùîä àáåãä' - ôé' åàéðä îúä àìà øåòä.
Source: As Rava says in the Gemara 'Lost at night is not considered lost - meaning that it does not die but must graze.
åòåã, ìø' àáà ãàîø áâî' ì÷îï (ëâ.) 'äëì îåãéí ùàí ðúëôø áùàéðä àáåãä, [àáåãä] îúä ...
Question #2: Moreover, according to Rebbi Aba in the Gemara later (23a) 'Everyone agrees that if he was atoned for with an animal that is not lost, the one that is lost must die ...
åäëà áðúëôø áùàéðä àáåãä îééøé' - åà"ë, ìîä ìé áòìú îåí ìø' àáà?
Question #2 (cont.): And here it is speaking where he was atoned for by one that was not lost - in which case, why, according to Rebbi Aba, must it be a Ba'alas-Mum?
îéäå àéëà ñåâéåú áô' îé ùäéä èîà (ôñçéí ãó öæ.) åáô' äúåãä (îðçåú ãó ô.) åì÷îï (ãó ëâ.) ðîé ãìéú ìäå ãøáé àáà.
Answer to Question #2: There are Sugyos in Perek Mi she'Hayah Tamei (Pesachim, Daf 86a) and in Perek ha'Todah (Menachos, Daf 80a) and even later (on Daf 23a) that do not hold like Rebbi Aba.
åòåã ããéé÷ ì÷îï áâî' îááà ãîúðé' ãàç"ë, ãîúðéúéï øáðï äéà, îäëà äåä îöé ìîéã÷ îãð÷è 'áòìú îåí'?
Question #3: Furthermore the Gemara later extrapolates from the Mishnah later that our Mishnah goes like the Rabbanan - when (according to Rashi) it ought to have made the inference from here - from the fact that it mentions 'Ba'alas-Mum'?
ìë"ð ìôøù ãð÷è 'áòìú îåí' ìøáåúà - ãîäå ãúéîà äåàéì åàéú áä øéòåúà ëì ëê - ãàáåãä åáòìú îåí, äåéà ìä ëàáåãú ìéìä åøåòä ...
Explanation #2: Therefore the explanation must be that in mentions 'Ba'alas-Mum' for the Chidush - inasmuch as we would otherwise have thought that since there are so many detriments - that it is both lost and a Ba'alas-Mum, it is as if it got lost at night-time and must graze ...
÷î"ì ãàô"ä îúä.
Explanation #2 (cont.): It therefore teaches us that nevertheless it must die (See Hagahos ha'Gra).
úåñ' ã"ä àí ëéôøå áòìéí úîåú
(Summary: Tosfos explains this in accordance with the Machlokes Tana'im.)
ìîø ëãàéú ìéä åìîø ëãàéú ìéä ...
Clarification: According to each opinion the way he holds ...
ìøáé àôéìå àí ðîöàú ìôðé ëôøä, åìøáðï áðîöàú ìàçø ëôøä.
Clarification (cont.): According to Rebbi even if it is found before the Kaparah; according to the Rabbanan, if it is found specifically after the Kaparah.