[102a - 58 lines; 102b - 51 lines]

1)[line 21]לנציביןNETZIVIN- a city in Bavel, home of Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira

2)[line 23]ועל שולחני הוא תדירV'AL SHULCHANI HU TADIR- he always changes money on my table (TOSFOS DH v'Al)

3)[line 31]פנתא מעלPANTA ME'AL- (a) the Panta is the leather upper of the shoe (RASHI); (b) the Panta is one of the flaps into which the shoelaces are threaded (RITVA, ME'IRI). See Insights.

4)[line 31]וארקתא מעל דמעלV'ARKESA ME'AL D'ME'AL- (a) the Arkesa is a big strap (or straps) that are wrapped around the entire shoe, from one edge of the shoe to the other, in order to fasten it onto the foot (RASHI). (b) the Arkesa is the shoelace (or shoelaces) which or tied on top of the shoe's upper, similar to the way we tie our shoelaces (RITVA, ME'IRI). See Insights.

5)[line 34]מנעל מרופטMIN'AL MERUPAT- a shoe that is torn in a noticeable place

6)[line 35]דחמיתיהD'CHAMITEI- that I saw

7)[line 35]לחביביL'CHAVIVI- (lit. my beloved one) Rebbi Chiya, Rav's uncle. Rav's father Aibo was Rebbi Chiya's brother from the same father. However, they did not share the same mother. Aibo married Rebbi Chiya's sister from his mother, and as such, Rav was the son of Rebbi Chiya's brother and sister (Sanhedrin 5a).

8)[line 36]שינציןSHINTZIN- (a) (O.F. esterles) straps or laces that just tighten the neck of the sandal around the foot, but are do not tie it on the foot securely (RASHI); (b) loops or hooks that are used for fastening the sandal onto the foot in place of laces (RITVA)

9)[line 37]בסנדלא דטייעאB'SANDELA D'TAIYA- the shoe of an Arab merchant, which is fastened securely onto his foot with long straps, that are wrapped upwards around the legs a number of times (see Insights)

10)[line 37]דמיהדק טפיD'MIHADAK TEFEI- that can be tightened very well

11)[line 38]חומרתאCHUMARTA- (a) a knot that is made with the laces of the sandal, which ties the neck of the sandal securely to the leg (RASHI); (b) a tight ring through which the laces of the sandal are tucked in order to keep them from loosening (RITVA, from ARUCH Erech "Chamar" #10); see Insights

12)[line 38]קטרינן ביה מיתנאKATRINAN BEI MISNA- we tie a thread to the sandal to fasten it more securely onto the leg, making it similar to a "Sandela d'Taiya" (so that when the Yevamah removes it, it will be a full-fledged "Chalitzah")

13)[line 41]בשמיטת רוב העקבB'SHEMITAS ROV HE'AKEV- taking off most of the (a) (O.F. sole) sole of the sandal (RASHI); (b) part of the sandal that wraps around the back of the foot at the ankle (ME'IRI) from the Yavam's foot

14a)[line 47]דכולא חיילא דכרעאD'CHULA CHAILA D'KAR'A- all of the weight of the leg

b)[line 47]עליה דחיסALEI DACHIS- presses on it (O.F. prembre - to press)

15)[line 51]קרעתהוKERA'ASAHU- if she tore it off

16)[line 51]שרפתהוSERAFASAHU- if she burned it

17)[line 52]גלויי כרעא בעינןGILUYEI KAR'A BA'INAN- exposure of the foot

18)[line 55]דשלפתיה לעילאי וקאי תתאיD'SHA'LAFTEI L'ILA'EI V'KAI TATA'EI- she removed the shoe that was on top and the shoe underneath remained

19)[line 56]ולא מעל דמעלV'LO ME'AL D'ME'AL- and not an action of pulling off the shoe that is one step removed from the Yavam's foot


20)[line 1]ומי איכא כי האי גוונא?U'MI IKA KI HAI GAVNA?- that is, the Gemara is asking whether it is common for people to wear one shoe on top of another, such that Chalitzah in this case would be valid. It is not asking if such a situation exists (TOSFOS)

21)[line 2]דנפק בחמשא זוזי מוקי לשוקאD'NAFAK B'CHAMSHA ZUZEI MUKEI L'SHUKA- who walked to the marketplace wearing five pairs of felt socks

22)[line 15]"[ואלבשך רקמה] ואנעלך תחש [ואחבשך בשש ואכסך משי]""[VA'ALBISHECH RIKMAH,] VA'EN'ALECH TACHASH, [VA'ECHBESHECH BA'SHESH, VA'ACHASECH MESHI.]"- "[I clothed you with embroidered cloth,] and shod you with leather of the Tachash animal, [and I girded you with fine linen, and I covered you with silk.]" (Yechezkel 16:10)

23)[line 19]ותריסיותיוV'TARSIYOSAV- straps

24)[line 22]קרקאKURKA- a slipper made entirely of goats' hair or cloth

25)[line 24]מישלףMISHLAF- taking or pulling off

26)[line 25]זרוזיZERUZEI- tying on; to lift the shoe ore sandal off the ground and tie it on the Yavam's foot

27)[line 27]שלופי מביתא לקרבאSHELUFEI MI'BEISA LI'KERAVA- they were drawn out of their houses [and taken] to the battlefield

28)[line 27]"יחלץ עני בעניו [ויגל בלחץ אזהם]""YECHALETZ ANI V'ONYO [V'YIGEL BA'LACHATZ OZNAM.]"- "He saves the poor man through his poverty, and opens their ears through the oppression [of poverty]." (Iyov 36:15) - HaSh-m gives the poor man great poverty to atone for his sins and redeem him from death and catastrophe. (RAMBAN, cited by Targum Chayim by Leib Friedman, Machon Yachdav, Yerushalayim, 5756)

29)[line 29]"חונה מלאך ה' סביב ליראיו ויחלצם""CHONEH MAL'ACH HASH-M SAVIV LI'YEREI'AV VA'YECHALETZEM."- "The angel of HaSh-m encamps around those who fear Him, and saves them." (Tehilim 34:8)

30)[line 31]"ועצמתיך יחליץ [והיית כגן רוה וכמוצא מים אשר לא יכזבו מימיו]""V'ATZMOSECHA YACHALITZ, [V'HAYISA K'GAN RAVEH UCHE'MOTZA MAYIM ASHER LO YECHAZEVU MEIMAV.]"- "[And HaSh-m shall guide you continually, and satisfy your soul in drought,] and make strong your bones; [and you shall be like a watered garden, and like a wellspring, the waters of which fail not.]" (Yeshayah 58:11)

31)[line 31]זרוזי גרמיZURUZEI GARMEI- "quickening" or strengthening the bones

32)[line 36]דחלץ ליה מריה מיניהD'CHALATZ LEI MAREI MINEI- whose Master has performed Chalitzah with them, sending them away

33)[line 38]מידי מששא אית ביהMIDI MESHASA IS BEI- is there any effect from (lit. substance to) the act?


(a)Every year, one half a Shekel was collected from every Jew to fund the Korbenos Tzibur that were offered in the Beis ha'Mikdash. Beis Din placed the money that was collected in a room in the Mikdash reserved for that purpose.

(b)At three times during the year (before each of the three festivals), Beis Din filled three boxes, each of which held three Se'in (approximately 25 or 43.2 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) with Shekalim from that room. The portion that was set aside in the boxes was called the "Terumas ha'Lishkah," while the remainder of the Shekalim were called "Sheyarei ha'Lishkah" (Shekalim 7b, 8a). (See Insights to Shekalim 9:2)

(c)There is a difference of opinion as to why the Terumas ha'Lishkah was done three times a year rather than just once. One opinion states that the reason was only to publicize the Terumas ha'Lishkah (Shekalim 2b, see Insights there). According to others, Beis Din was concerned that the Terumas ha'Lishkah should be collected from the Shekalim that arrived later in the year (this opinion is also mentioned in the Yerushalmi, ibid.).

(d)The Shekalim from the Terumas ha'Lishkah were used to purchase the animals needed for public sacrifices and for the wages of certain laborers and appointees of Hekdesh. The Shekalim from the Sheyarei ha'Lishkah were used to buy other goods necessary for the upkeep of the Mikdash and the entire city of Yerushalayim (Shekalim 4a-b).

35)[line 40]בפרגוד חפותPARGOD CHAFUS- a cloak with a hem folded outward

36)[line 43]דאית ביה כתיתיD'IS BEI KETITEI- that has in it pieces of soft cloth; pads

37)[line 44]כריך סודרא אכרעיהKARICH SUDRA A'KAR'EI- wrapped a scarf or cloth around his foot

38)[line 47]בקורדקיסיןKURDEKISIN- (Ger., undershuch) a fine shoe that is worn under a thicker shoe, for protection against wetness

39)[line 49]הנפרםHA'NIFRAM- that is torn

40)[line 50]הנפרםHA'NIFCHAS- of which a part has broken off

41)[line 50]שעםSHA'AM- (O.F. paveil) a kind of rush (a marsh or water-side plant with a slender, tapering, pith-filled stem (RASHI Yoma 78)

42)[line 50]סיבSIV- the fibrous substance just under the surface of the date palm

43)[line 50]בקב הקיטעKAV HA'KITE'A- a hollowed out piece of wood [that covers the remainder of the leg] of an amputee

44)[last line]במוקMOK- (O.F. chalcon) sock, light shoe; made of hard felt (RASHI)

45)[last line]בסמיכת הרגליםSEMICHAS HA'RAGLAYIM- one of the shin-pads made of thick hide or wood that cover the stumps of the legs of an amputee

46)[last line]הגדולHA'GADOL- an adult