YEVAMOS 101 (17 Sivan) - Today's Dafyomi study is dedicated to the memory of Moshe Grun (Moshe Shlomo ben Michael z"l), by his good friends in Los Angeles, New York, and Jerusalem.

[101a - 49 lines; 101b - 44 lines]

1)[line 8]נאמר ברכה למטהNE'EMAR BERACHAH L'MATAH- that is, a curse was written below, regarding people

2)[line 16]משום פגם משפחהMISHUM PEGAM MISHPACHAH- because of the taint of the family (so that people should not say that their family produced a Chalal)


3)[line 24]חליצהCHALITZAH

(a)If a married man dies childless, his widow may not marry whomever she pleases. She first must undergo Yibum (levirate marriage, that is, she must marry her dead husband's brother), as the Torah states in Devarim 25:5-10. If the deceased had more than one brother, there is a preference for the oldest brother to perform Yibum (Yevamos 24a).

(b)If the brother chooses not to marry her, he must perform Chalitzah (a procedure in Beis Din that absolves her of the Mitzvah of Yibum). He appears before a Beis Din of three and states, "I do not want to marry her," after which his sister-in-law approaches him before the elders, takes off his right sandal and spits in front of him. She then declares, "This is what shall be done to the man who will not build up a family for his brother," and she is then free to marry whomever she wants.

(c)The nebulous state of the widow until a brother performs with her Yibum or Chalitzah is termed "Zikah." If she accepts Kidushin from someone during this period, despite the fact that it is forbidden to do so, the Amora'im argue as to whether the Kidushin is legally binding or not (Yevamos 92b).

4)[line 25]הדיוטותHEDYOTOS- ordinary people

5)[line 26]באנפיליאB'ANPILIYA- (O.F. chalcon) a sock or slipper. The Gemara (Daf 102b) concludes that this Anpiliya is made out of material, as opposed to leather.

6)[line 27]עקבEKEV- (a) (O.F. sole) sole (RASHI); (b) a piece of leather, part of the sandal, that wraps around the back of the foot at the ankle (ME'IRI)

7)[line 28]הארכובהHA'ARKUVAH- the knee

8)[line 32]בגדול שהוא יכול להלוךGADOL SHE'HU YACHOL LA'HALOCH BO- a shoe or sandal that is too large for the foot of the Yavam, yet he can nevertheless walk in it

9)[line 33]חופהCHOFEH- covers

10)[line 36]להקרותL'HAKROS- to read out the words of the verses that the Yevamah and Yavam must say

11)[last line]מנוקים בצדקMENUKIM B'TZEDEK- (lit. cleansed with justice) totally just


12)[line 1]"כולך יפה רעיתי ומום אין בך""KULACH YAFAH RA'AYASI, U'MUM EIN BACH."- "You are entirely beautiful, my love, there is no blemish in you." (Shir ha'Shirim 4:7)

13)[line 3]רוקא דקא נפיק מפומא דיבמהROKA D'KA NAFIK MI'PUMA D'YEVAMAH- spit as it goes forth from the mouth of the Yevamah

14)[line 18]שמשיאין לו עצה ההוגנת לוSHE'MASI'IN LO ETZAH HA'HOGENES LO- they give advice that is suitable for him

15)[line 21]כלך אצל שכמותךKALECH ETZEL SHE'KEMOSECH- go to (and marry) someone like you, e.g. of your age

16)[line 28]התם חד סתמא והכא תרי סתמיHASAM CHAD STAMA V'HACHA TREI STAMEI- there (the case of Mi'un) there is one Stam Mishnah; here (the case of Chalitzah) there are two Stam Mishnayos

17)[line 35]למיקבע דוכתאL'MIKBA DUCHTA- to designate a place to do the Chalitzah

18)[line 37]סליק מר לגבן למלויי בי חמשהSALIK MAR L'GABAN L'MILUYEI BEI CHAMISHAH- come join us (lit. come up to us) to complete a Beis Din of five people

19)[line 38]תא סק לזירזא דקניTA, SAK L'ZIRZA D'KANEI- come and go up to [sit upon] the bundle of reeds (the place designated for the performance of a case of Chalitzah)

20)[line 43]מפיקנא ממונא אפומיהMAPIKNA MAMONA A'PUMEI- I would take away a person's money based on his testimony

21)[last line]מרענא שטרא אפומיהMAR'ANA SHTARA A'PUMEI- I would disqualify a document of debt based on his testimony