COERCION TO FULFILL PERU U'RVU (Yerushalmi Perek 6 Halachah 6 Daf 37b)
ר' אמי בשם רבי שמעון בן לקיש טעמא דהן תנייא [בראשית טז ג] מקץ עשר שנים לשבת אברם בארץ כנען. צא שנים שעשה בחוצה לארץ.
(R. Ami citing Reish Lakish): The source for [what our Mishnah] taught [that if they were married for 10 years without children, he may not neglect Peru u'Rvu] is [that Avraham married Hagar] "mi'Ketz Eser Shanim l'Sheves Avram b'Eretz Kena'an" - this excludes the years that he was in Chutz la'Aretz. (RASHBA 64a DH Ha - the Ra'avad says that this refers to one who lives in Eretz Yisrael, and went to Chutz la'Aretz, like Avraham, who came to Eretz Yisrael when he was 70, and returned to Chutz la'Aretz for five years. Some say that it is for one who lived in Chutz la'Aretz and came to Eretz Yisrael.)
[דף לח עמוד א] ותני כן חלתה היא או שחלה הוא או שהלך לו למדינת הים אינן עולין
Support (Beraisa): If she was sick or he was sick or he went overseas, that time does not count [towards 10 years].
נישאת לראשון ולא ילדה יש לה כתובה. לשני יש לה כתובה. לשלישי יש לה כתובה. לרביעי ולחמישי אין לה כתובה.
If a woman married her first [husband] and did not give birth [in 10 years], she has a Kesuvah. If she married a second man [and did not give birth in 10 years], she has a Kesuvah. If she married a third, she has a Kesuvah. (After this, she is Muchzak to be barren.) If she married a fourth or fifth, she has no Kesuvah.
רבי חנינא בר עגול בשם רבי חזקיה לשלישי עצמו אין לה כתובה.
(R. Chanina bar Agul citing R. Chizkiyah): The third himself (established her to be barren), so she has no Kesuvah [from him].
נישאת לרביעי ולחמישי ולא ילדה מה דיחזרון קדמאי עליה
Question: If she married a fourth or fifth and did not give birth, can the first husbands pursue her (demand that she repay the Kesuvah, for now it is revealed that she was barren)?
יכלה היא מימר כדון איתעקרת
Answer: (They cannot.) She can say 'now I became barren.'
ההיא איתתא נישאת לחמישי וילדה מהו תחזיר על רביעייא.
A woman married a fifth husband, and gave birth. Can she pursue the fourth [and demand a Kesuvah from him]?
אומרים לה שתיקותיך יפה מדיבוריך
Answer #1: (No.) We tell her, your silence is better than you speech. (If you claim a Kesuvah, your ex-husband will say 'had I known that you are fertile, I would not have divorced you! You Get was mistake, and invalid; you are still married to me. She is liable for every Bi'ah with her fifth husband, and her children are Mamzerim!)
Note: The Bavli asks why we are quiet, and do not separate her. Even without her claim, the divorce was void! Rather, we say that now she got better.
נבעלת ורואה דם נבעלת ורואה דם אית תניי תני שנייה תיבעל שלישית לא תיבעל. ואית תניי תני שלישית תיבעל רביעית לא תיבעל.
If she has Bi'ah and sees blood, she has Bi'ah and sees blood - some say that she may have Bi'ah a second time, but not a third time (she is Muchzak to see blood). Some say that she may have Bi'ah a third time, but not a fourth time (now she is Muchzak).
הוון בעיין מימר מה דמר שנייה תיבעל ושלישית לא תיבעל כמאן דמר שלישית אין לה כתובה.
Assumption: They wanted to say that the one who says that she may have Bi'ah a second time, but not a third time, he holds like the one who says that from her third [marriage without children], she has no Kesuvah (for a Chazakah is established after two times)...
ברם כמאן דמר שלישית תיבעל רביעית לא תיבעל כמאן דמר שלישית יש לה כתובה
However, the one who says that she may have Bi'ah a third time, but not a fourth time, he holds like the one who says that from her fourth, she has a Kesuvah.
היתה יולדת זכרים והיו נימולים ומתים אית תניי תני שני ימול שלישי לא ימול. אית תניי תני שלישי ימול רביעי לא ימול.
If a woman gave birth to males, and they were circumcised and died, some teach that we circumcise her second [baby on day eight], but we do not circumcise her third [until he gets older]. Some teach that we circumcise her third, but we do not circumcise her fourth [until later].
הוון בעיין מימר מאן דמר שני ימול שלישי לא ימול כמאן דמר השלישית אין לה כתובה. מאן דמר השלישי ימול הרביעי לא ימול כמאן דמר השלישית יש לה כתובה.
Assumption: They wanted to say that the one who says that we circumcise her second, but we do not circumcise her third, he holds like the one who says that from her third, she has no Kesuvah. The one who says that we circumcise her third, but we do not circumcise her fourth, he holds like the one who says that from her third, she has a Kesuvah.
אפילו כמאן דמר השלישית יש לה כתובה מודי הוא הכא שלא ימול מפני סכנה
Rejection: Even the one who says that from her third, she has a Kesuvah, he agrees that we do not circumcise [the third] due to danger.
תני אמר רבי נתן מעשה שהלכתי לקיסרין של קפוטקייא והיתה שם אשה אחת והיתה יולדת זכרים והיו נימולים ומתים. ומלת את הראשון ומת שני ומת שלישי ומת. רביעי הביאתו לפני
(Beraisa - R. Noson): A case occurred in which I went to Kisarin of Kaputkiya. There was a woman there who gave birth to males, and they were circumcised and died. She circumcised the first and he died, the second and he died, and the third and he died. She brought the fourth in front of me;
נסתכלתי בו ולא ראיתי בו דם ברית. אמרתי להם הניחוהו לאחר זמן והניחוהו ומלוהו ונמצא בן קיימא והיו קורין אותו נתן בשמי.
I looked at him, and did not see in him blood for the Bris (it would be dangerous for him). I told them to leave him [until later. Later, they circumcised him, and he was viable. They named him Noson, like me.
היו לה בנים ומתו מונה משעת מיתה יכולה היא מימר רוחא חנקת בנים דההיא איתתא ועקרתא
If she had children and they died, we count [10 years] from when they died. She can say that an [evil] spirit choked her children, and made her sterile (and we must see if it will persist for 10 years).
ר' לעזר בשם ר' יוסי בר זימרה טעמא דהן תנייא [בראשית א כח] פרו ורבו ומלאו את הארץ וכבשוה וכבשה כתיב מי דרכו לכבוש האיש לא האשה
(R. Lazar citing R. Yosi bar Zimra): The reason [for the first Tana of our Mishnah, who says that a man is commanded "Peru u'Rvu, but a woman is not,] is like a Beraisa taught - "Peru u'Rvu u'Mil'u Es ha'Aretz v'Kivshuhah" - it is written v'Kivshah (singular, conquer it) - [the Torah addresses] the one whose Derech is to conquer, i.e. a man, and not a woman.
רבי ירמיה רבי אבהו רבי יצחק בר מריון בשם רבי חנינה הלכה כרבי יוחנן בן ברוקה
(R. Yirmeyah citing R. Avahu citing R. Yitzchak bar Meryon citing R. Chaninah): The Halachah follows R. Yochanan ben Brokah.
רבי יעקב בר אחא ורבי יעקב בר אידי רבי יצחק בר חקולה בשם רבי יודן נשייא אם תובעת להינשא הדין עמה.
(R. Yakov bar Acha and R. Yakov bar Idi citing R. Yitzchak bar Chalukah citing R. Yudan the Nasi): If [after 10 years without children] she demands [that he divorce her, to enable her] to marry (a man, to have children from him) the law is with her (we force him).
רבי לעזר בשם רבי חנינה הלכה כרבי יוחנן בן ברוקה.
(R. Lazar citing R. Chaninah): The Halachah follows R. Yochanan ben Brokah.
אמר ליה רבי בא בר זבדא עמך הייתי לא איתאמרת אלא אם היתה תובעת להינשא הדין עמה.
Objection (R. Ba bar Zavda, to R. Lazar): I was with you [when R. Chanina ruled]. It was said only that if she demands to marry, the law is with her. (You may not infer that the Halachah follows R. Yochanan ben Brokah! Ha'emek She'alah (on She'altos, Toldos 18:7) - even if she merely wants the delight of children, we force him. When she claims that he is impotent, Mishnah Acharonah (Sof Nedarim) says that they do Derech Bakashah; the Yerushalmi explains that he tries to appease her. I.e. he shows extra affection, and perhaps this will compensate her lack of delight of children.)
(הדא הוא) [צ"ל כהדא - קרבן העדה] דתנינן תמן שבת שחלה תשעה באב להיות בתוכה אסורין מלספר ומלכבס. ובחמישי מותרין מפני כבוד השבת
This is like [another episode in which one of these Amora'im corrected the other about R. Chaninah's ruling]. A Mishnah teaches that the week in which Tish'ah b'Av falls, it is forbidden to cut hair and launder. On Thursday it is permitted due to Kevod Shabbos (to wear on Shabbos, after Tish'ah b'Av).
רבי בא בר זבדא בשם רבי חנינה ביקש רבי לעקור תשעה באב ולא הניחו לו.
(R. Ba bar Zavda citing R. Chaninah): Rebbi wanted to uproot Tish'ah b'Av (for even though there was no Mikdash in his time, there were no afflictions). They did not let him.
אמר לו רבי לעזר עמך הייתי ולא איתאמרת אלא ביקש רבי לעקור תשעה באב שחל להיות בשבת ולא הניחו לו
R. Lazar (to R. Ba): I was with you [when R. Chaninah taught this], and it was not said so! Rather, Rebbi wanted to uproot Tish'ah b'Av that falls on Shabbos, and they did not let him;
אמר הואיל ונדחה ידחה. אמרו לו ידחה למחר
[Rebbi] said, since it was pushed off [from the ninth], it is pushed off. They told him, it is pushed off to tomorrow.
וקרא עליהם [דף לח עמוד ב] [קהלת ד ט] טובים השנים מן האחד:
[R. Elazar] applied to [R. Ba and himself] "Tovim Shenayim Min ha'Echad" (if one of them will fall, the other will raise him).