[32a - 43 lines; 32b - 50 lines]
1)[line 3]"åÌáÈà àÇäÂøÉï àÆì-àÉäÆì îåÉòÅã...""U'VA AHARON EL OHEL MO'ED..."- "And Aharon shall come to the Ohel Mo'ed (the Heichal ..." (Vayikra 16:23) - This verse is written after the Torah finishes detailing all of the special Yom Kippur service which took place in the Kodesh ha'Kodashim and the Heichal (see below, entry #10). The Torah does not mention why Aharon returned to the Heichal.
2a)[line 5]ìäåöéà àú äëóL'HOTZI ES HA'KAF- to remove the large spoon [which he had used to transport Ketores to the Kodesh ha'Kodashim]
b)[line 6]äîçúäHA'MACHTAH- the shovel [which he had used to transport coals with which to burn the Ketores]
3)[line 7]âîéøéGEMIRI- we learn from a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai
4)[line 5](ùëì) [åëì] äôøùä ëåìä(SHE'CHOL) [V'CHOL] HA'PARSHAH KULAH- and the entire Parshah [detailing the Avodah of Yom ha'Kipurim]
5)[line 9]ìà îùëçú ìäå àìà ùìù èáéìåú åùùä ÷éãåùéïLO MISHKACHAS LEHU ELA SHALOSH TEVILOS V'SHISHAH KIDUSHIN- there would be only three immersions, and six times that the Kohan Gadol washed his hands and feet. This is because the verses group all of the Avodah unique to Yom ha'Kipurim together, with the morning Tamid beforehand and the afternoon Tamid (as well as various other Korbanos) afterward. This would only require the Kohen Gadol to change three times. It must be that the removal of the Kaf and Machtah took place only after the offering of the Korbenos Olah (see below, entry #11), which the Kohen Gadol performed while wearing his regular garments. Thus a total of five changes were necessary.
6)[line 15]ùëì äîùðä îòáåãä ìòáåãäSHE'KOL HA'MESHANEH ME'AVODAH L'AVODAH- that every [time the Kohan Gadol] changed [into a different set of clothing] in between one [category of] Avodah and the other [category of] Avodah
7)[line 18]"ëÌÀúÉðÆú-áÌÇã ÷ÉãÆùÑ éÄìÀáÌÈùÑ, åÌîÄëÀðÀñÅé-áÇã éÄäÀéåÌ òÇì-áÌÀùÒÈøåÉ, åÌáÀàÇáÀðÅè áÌÇã éÇçÀâÌÉø, åÌáÀîÄöÀðÆôÆú áÌÇã éÄöÀðÉó; áÌÄâÀãÅé-÷ÉãÆùÑ äÅí, åÀøÈçÇõ áÌÇîÌÇéÄí àÆú-áÌÀùÒÈøåÉ åÌìÀáÅùÑÈí.""KESONES BAD KODESH YILBASH..."- "He shall wear a linen tunic, and linen breeches shall be upon his skin, and he shall gird himself with a belt of linen, and he shall wrap a linen turban [around his head]; they are sanctified garments, and he shall immerse his skin in water and wear them." (Vayikra 16:4) - This verse describes the first time that the Kohen Gadol dons the Bigdei Lavan, following the offering of the morning Tamid.
8)[line 23]äå÷ùå ëì äáâãéí ëåìï æä ìæäHUKSHU KOL HA'BEGADIM KULAM ZEH L'ZEH- The Gemara will explain this statement on 32b.
9)[line 24]çîù òáåãåú äïCHAMESH AVODOS HEM- there are five [times at which the Kohan Gadol on Yom ha'Kipurim switches from performing the] Avodos [which must be performed in Bigdei Zahav to those which must be performed in Bigdei Lavan or vice versa]
10)[line 25]òáåãú äéåíAVODAS HA'YOM- The part of the Yom Kippur service that includes the two confessions recited upon the bull of the Kohen Gadol, its slaughter, and the sprinkling of its blood (see Background to 18:21); the slaughter of the Sa'ir la'Shem and the sprinkling of its blood (see Background to Shekalim 10:32); and the burning of Ketores inside the Kodesh ha'Kodashim (see Background to 19:1)
11)[line 25]àéìå åàéì äòíEILO V'EIL HA'AM- the ram purchased with the Kohen Gadol's personal funds and the communal ram [offered as Korbenos Olah (Vayikra 16:24)]
12)[line 28]åôùè åøçõ, åøçõ åìáùU'PASHAT V'RACHATZ, V'RACHATZ V'LAVASH- see Background to 31:37
13a)[line 30]î÷åí ùàéï èòåï èáéìäMAKOM SHE'EIN TA'UN TEVILAH- A [Kohen who wishes to perform Avodah, in which] case he need not immerse first
b)[line 30]èòåï ÷éãåùTA'UN KIDUSH- must wash his hands and feet from the Kiyor (Shemos 40:32)
14)[line 32]÷éãåù àçãKIDUSH ECHAD- one washing of the hands and feet [following the enclothing of the Kohen]
15)[line 37]à"ø éäåãäAMAR REBBI YEHUDAH- The Gemara now quotes the first opinion advanced in the Beraisa in order to discuss it.
16)[line 2]ìôðé åìôðéíLIFNAI V'LIFNIM- into the Kodesh ha'Kodashim
17)[line 5]ëôøúï îøåáäKAPARASAN MERUBAH- they [are worn by the Kohan Gadol throughout the year when he performs Avodos that] atone for many [different Aveiros, as opposed to the Avodah of Yom ha'Kipurim that atones only for Tum'as Mikdash v'Kodashav (see Background to 18:19)]
18)[line 15]äééðå ã÷úðé åàåîø áâãé ÷åãù äíHAINU D'KETANI, V'OMER 'BIGDEI KODESH HEM'- this was [the issue addressed] when we learned in the Beraisa that "it says, '... they are sanctified garments...'" [which teaches us that all Bigdei Kodesh are compared to one another; from this we see that the Kohen Gadol must immerse in a Mikvah in between any change into Bigdei Kodesh on Yom ha'Kipurim]
19)[line 22]äàé áèáéìä ëúéáHAI B'TEVILAH KESIV- that [word - namely, "v'Rachatz" --] refers to immersion [as is clear from the fact that it is followed with "his skin in water" (Vayikra 16:24)]
20)[line 29]äà ãøáéHA D'REBBI- the derivation of Rebbi [which implies that the Kohan washed his hands and feet after removing his current set of garments, and before donning the second set]
21)[line 29]îô÷à îãø' îàéøMAFKA MID'REBBI MEIR- excludes the opinion of Rebbi Meir
22)[line 31]ëùäåà ìáåù î÷ãùKESHE'HU LAVUSH MEKADESH- he washes his hands and feet while still wearing [the first set of garments]
23)[line 34]ëùäåà ôåùè î÷ãùKESHE'HU POSHET MEKADESH- he washes his hands and feet before he has donned [the second set of garments]
24)[line 36]"àåÉ áÀâÄùÑÀúÌÈí àÆì-äÇîÌÄæÀáÌÅçÇ [ìÀùÑÈøÅú]...""O V'GISHTAM EL HA'MIZBE'ACH [L'SHARES]..."- "... or when they approach the Mizbe'ach [to serve]..." (Shemos 30:20) - In this verse, HaSh-m informs Moshe of when the Kohanim should make use of the Kiyor.
25)[line 43]ã÷èìàD'KETALA- of killing (in the case of our Mishnah, slaughtering)
26)[line 44]"òÆâÀìÈä éÀôÅä-ôÄéÌÈä îÄöÀøÈéÄí; ÷ÆøÆõ îÄöÌÈôåÉï áÌÈà áÈà.""EGLAH YEFEH-FIYAH MITZRAYIM; KERETZ MI'TZAFON BA VA"- "Egypt is as a beautiful calf; slaughter from the north is on its way." (Yirmeyahu 46:20) - The Navi predicts that Egypt, the "beautiful kingdom," will be cut down by Nevuchadnetzar.
27)[line 46](îìëà éàé) [îìëåú éàéà](MALKA YA'EI) [MALCHUS YA'AYA]- a beautiful kingdom (MALCHUS YA'AYA is the Girsa found in Dikdukei Sofrim #90, as well as that found in Targum Onkelos to the verse)
28a)[line 46]òîîéï ÷èåìéïAMEMIN KETOLIN- murderous nations
b)[line 46]îöéôåðà ééúåï òìäMI'TZIPUNA YEISUN ALAH- shall come upon her from the north
29)[line 47]áøåá ùðéíB'ROV SHENAYIM- through the majority of [the] two [Simanim, the Kaneh (trachea) and Veshet (esophagus)]
30)[line 47]ùùðéðå øåáå ùì àçã ëîåäåSHE'SHANINU RUBO SHEL ECHAD KA'MOHU- that we learned [in a Mishnah (Chulin 29a) that the severing of] most of [a Siman] is [Halachically] considered [a severing of] the entire [Siman]
31)[line 48]øåá àçã áòåóROV ECHAD BA'OF (SHECHITAS OF)
An animal is kosher to eat only after undergoing a Halachically valid Shechitah (slaughter), which entails the severing of all or most of both Simanim - the trachea (Kaneh) and the esophagus (Veshet). The Shechitah of fowl, however, entails the severing of only one of these two Simanim. As long as either the Kaneh or the Veshet has been slaughtered in a Halachically valid manner, the Shechitah is valid even if the second Siman is subsequently slaughtered in a way that invalidates a Shechitah (see Background to Chulin 2:1).
32)[last line]àìà áåELA BO- unless they are performed by the Kohen Gadol