
(a)Abaye, quoting the Bnei Yeshiva, sets out the order of the daily Avodos, according to Aba Shaul. The second arrangement of wood on the Mizbe'ach was for the Ketores. Where about on the Mizbe'ach was it placed?

(b)What exactly was its purpose? How often was it used?

(c)Which arrangement of wood ...

1. ... preceded it?

2. ... followed it?

(d)Bearing in mind that the Mizbe'ach ha'Zahav went hand in hand with the Menorah, which two Avodos had still to precede the Shechitah and the Zerikah of the Tamid?


(a)The Zerikah of the blood of the Tamid was followed by the Hatavas Shtei Neros. Which other Avodah still preceded the bringing of the limbs on to the Mizbe'ach?

(b)This was followed by two kinds of flour. Which two kinds of flour?

(c)What was the last Avodah that still pertained to the Tamid shel Shachar?


(a)On Shabbos, they then brought the Korban Musaf. What were the last two Avodos?

(b)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Tzav "v'Hiktir Aleha Chelvei ha'Shelamim"? Which Korban is "Aleha" referring to?


(a)"Hi ha'Olah al Mokdah al ha'Mizbe'ach Kol ha'Laylah" refers to the Ma'arachah Gedolah, and "v'Esh ha'Mizbe'ach Tukad Bo" to the Ma'arachah Sheni'ah shel Ketores. Why does the Ma'arachah Gedolah take precedence over the Ma'arachah Sheni'ah shel Ketores?

(b)For which logical reason might we have thought that the Ma'arachah Sheni'ah shel Ketores should take precedence over the Ma'arachah Gedolah?

(c)How do we counter that argument?

(d)What sequence do we learn from the Pasuk "u'Vi'er Aleha Etzim" ("Aleha", 've'Lo Al Chaverta')? Why is "Aleha" not required for itself?


(a)The Torah writes "ba'Boker, ba'Boker" both with reference to the Sidur Shnei Gizrei Etzim and to the clearing of the ashes from the Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores. So why does the former take precedence over the latter?

(b)What is the Sidur Shnei Gizrei Etzim Machshir?

(c)Then why should it precede the clearing of the ashes of the Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores?

(d)Ravina answers (the initial Kashya) that having begun with the various Ma'arachos, it makes sense to finish with them before the next Avodah (clearing the ashes from the Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores). How does Rav Ashi answer the latter Kashya?


(a)Abaye knew of no logical reason as to why clearing the ashes from the Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores should precede the preparation of the five lamps. What reason does Rava (quoting a principle of Resh Lakish) give for it?



(a)Where about were the Shulchan, the Menorah and the Mizbe'ach ha'Ketores placed in the Heichal?

(b)Why was the Mizbe'ach not placed in line with the other two?

(c)What was the purpose of the two and a half Amos ...

1. ... between the Shulchan and the wall?

2. ... between the Menorah and the wall?

(d)Which Halachah in Hilchos Tefilin do we learn from Resh Lakish's principle (not to pass over Mitzvos)?


(a)We learnt earlier that the Shnei Gizrei Etzim precedes Dishun Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi because of 'Machshir Adif'. Considering that the Torah writes twice "ba'Boker" by Hatavas Chamesh Neros, once by Dam ha'Tamid and twice by Hatavas Shtei Neros, how do we use one of the two "ba'Boker" written by the Shnei Gizrei Etzim ...

1. ... to determine that Hatavas Chamesh Neros precedes the Dam ha'Tamid?

2. ... to help determine that the Dam ha'Tamid precedes the Hatavas Shtei Neros?

(b)Rav Papa asks Abaye why we don't rather add the one "ba'Boker" to the Dishun Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi, to place it before the Dam ha'Tamid and the second "ba'Boker" to Dam ha'Tamid, to place it before the Hatavas Chamesh Neros (changing the order to Dishun Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi, Dam ha'Tamid, Hatavas Chamesh Neros and Hatavas Shtei Neros). What is the answer to this question?

(c)In fact, this answer is only valid according to Resh Lakish, but not according to Rebbi Yochanan, who derives this break from the double expression "ba'Boker ba'Boker". Why is the answer valid according to Resh Lakish? What reason does Resh Lakish give for breaking up the preparation of the Menorah into two?

(d)Why can we not move the Dishun Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi to after the Dam ha'Tamid, to place it between the two Hatavos?


(a)We based the previous set of Derashos on the fact that "ba'Boker ba'Boker" by the Shtei Gizrei Etzim is redundant. Why do we not use it to place the Shtei Gizrei Etzim before the Ma'arachah Sheni'ah shel Ketores?


(a)Why does the Hatavos Chamesh Neros precede the Hatavas Shtei Neros, and not vice-versa?

(b)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Ki Sisa "b'Hetivo es ha'Neros Yaktirenah (written in connection with the Hatavas Shtei Neros)?


(a)Abaye in the name of Aba Shaul, places the Hatavas Shtei Neros before the Ketores, because of the Pasuk "b'Hetivo es ha'Neros Yaktirenah" (first the Neros and then the Ketores). From where does he know that the Ketores precedes the bringing of the limbs on to the Mizbe'ach?

(b)How does the Beraisa learn from "ha'Olah" (in Tzav) that bringing the limbs on to the Mizbe'ach precedes the Minchah?

(c)From where do we learn that the Minchah precedes the Chavitin, the Chavitin, the Nesech, and the Nesech, the Musaf?