[a - 37 lines; b - 31 lines]

1)[line 1]åçã ìñëëäV'CHAD LI'SECHACHAH- one of the verses is used to teach the requirement for Sechach

2)[line 4]àøáòéí åúøé áòéà ìîéúáARBA'IM V'TREI BAYA L'MEISAV- she should have to sit 42 days of Tum'ah

3)[line 11]ëìê ìãøê æäKALECH L'DERECH ZEH- (lit. turn this way) argue as follows

4)[line 13]äîúðåúHA'MATANOS- [if the Kohen omitted one of] the applications of blood, [he has accomplished nothing]

5)[line 18]÷øðåúKERANOS- the cubic Amah posts upon the corners of the Mizbe'ach

6)[line 23]ìâåôéäL'GUFEI- these verses are needed for themselves [to teach that each of the various Korbenos Chatas effects atonement; i.e. the verses are not superfluous, for each one is needed to teach that the offering atones on behalf of its owner for the sin for which it is brought]

7)[line 30]áéèìúBITALTA- you have nullified

8)[line 31]åàé øçîðàV'IY RACHMANA- and if HaSh-m (lit. the Merciful One)

9)[line 35]ùçöééïSHE'CHETZYAN- that half of them

10)[line 35]äæäHIZAH MIMENU ACHAS L'MA'ALAH V'SHEVA L'MATAH- he (the Kohen Gadol) would sprinkle from it (the blood of the bull purchased with his personal funds) once above and seven times below, as one who is whipping (Mishnah 53b). The Gemara assumes that the first drop of blood landed on the upper half of the curtain of the Kodesh Kodashim, and the remaining seven on the lower half.

11)[line 37]îçåéMACHVEI- he demonstrated

12)[line 37]ëîðâãðàK'MENAGDANA- like one who whips (see Background to Yoma 15:20)


13)[line 1]àôìâéäA'PALGEI- at half[way up the side of the Mizbe'ach]

14)[line 2]èäø èéäøà ãéåîàTAHER TIHARA D'YOMA- noon has arrived; noon is called the "purity" of the day because noontime is the brightest time of the day

15)[line 3]àâéìåééäA'GILUYEI- on its exposed part

16)[line 4]ùéøéíSHIRAYIM- the remnants

17)[line 12]÷åìéKULEI- leniencies

18)[line 13]àéúùéìITSHIL- it was asked

19)[line 18]æøåúZARUS (AVODAH: ZARUS)

(a)While Benei Yisrael were in the desert after the Exodus from Egypt, HaSh-m chose the Leviyim to officiate in the Divine Service to replace the Bechoros, who had been the Divine servants until then (Bamidbar 3:12, 18:6). He then separated the family of Aharon to become the Kohanim, the ones actually responsible for the performance of the Divine Service, while the Leviyim were to be their helpers (ibid. 18:1-7, Devarim 18:1-5). Anyone other than a Kohen or a Levi is known as a "Zar," "stranger" with regard to the specific actions that may be performed only by the Kohanim or Leviyim.

(b)A Zar who performs certain parts of the Divine Service can be liable to the death penalty according to some of the Tana'im and Misah b'Yedei Shamayim according to others (Mishnah Sanhedrin 81b, Gemara Sanhedrin 84a).

20)[line 20]åìà òééìà ìâåàéV'LO AILA L'GAVA'I- they do not [invalidate the Korban if they] come inside the Heichal

21)[line 22]ðéúæNITAZ- the blood spurted

22)[line 23]äéñåãHA'YESOD- the base of the Mizbe'ach. See Background to Zevachim 4:30.

23)[line 30]äòìàäHA'ALA'AH- [blood for which one is liable for] offering it up [outside of the Azarah]

24)[line 31]åôãøéíU'FEDARIM- and fats [of a Korban which must be offered on the Mizbe'ach]