The reference numbers below that appear in parentheses (e.g., TY #43) represent vessels or parts of the structure of the Beis ha'Mikdash. The labeling follows that of the diagram of the Tiferes Yisrael. This diagram, which has been included in a separate mailing and can also be found on our site (at, is printed both in the Tiferes Yisrael Mishnayos (Midos Chapter 2 or following Midos) and in Rav P. Kahati's Mishnayos (page 290, at the beginning of Midos).
[15a - 46 lines; 15b - 30 lines]
1a)[line 1]בעידןB'IDAN- at the time of
b)[line 1]תהאTEHEI- should be
2)[line 6]"[בְּאֹהֶל מוֹעֵד מִחוּץ לַפָּרֹכֶת אֲשֶׁר עַל הָעֵדֻת, יַעֲרֹךְ אֹתוֹ אַהֲרֹן וּבָנָיו] מֵעֶרֶב עַד בֹּקֶר, [לִפְנֵי ה'...]""[B'OHEL MO'ED...] ME'EREV AD BOKER..."- "[In the Ohel Mo'ed outside of the curtain which is in front of the testimony, Aharon and his sons shall arrange it] from evening until morning [in front of HaSh-m...]" (Shemos 27:21).
3)[line 13]אותוOSO- "it." This is the word in the Pasuk quoted in the previous entry which implies that only the service of the Menorah may be performed over the course of the night.
4a)[line 14]הא רבנןHA RABANAN- that (our Mishnah) [states the opinion of] the Rabanan
b)[line 14]הא אבא שאולHA ABA SHA'UL- that [Mishnah states the opinion of] Aba Sha'ul
5)[line 16]סיפאSEIFA- a subsequent Mishnah in the second Perek
6)[line 16]הביאו לוHEVI'U LO- they brought [in front of the Kohen Gadol on the morning of Yom ha'Kipurim]
7)[line 16]קרצוKERATZO- he cut it [through the majority of the esophagus and windpipe, which is the minimal requirement of a Halachically valid slaughter]
8)[line 17]ומרק אחר שחיטה על ידוU'MEREK ACHER SHECHITA AL YADO- and a different Kohen finished the slaughter [since the Kohen Gadol, who is the only one empowered to perform the Avodah on Yom Kipur, must catch the blood of the Tamid as well]
9)[line 24]תנא ברישא הטבת שתי נרות, והדר הטבת חמש נרותTANA B'REISHA HATAVAS SHTEI NEROS, V'HADAR HATAVAS CHAMESH NEROS- [is it logical for] the Tana to first [discuss] the arranging of the [final] two lamps [of the Menorah in our Mishnah], and later [discuss] the arranging of the [first] five lamps [on Daf 25a]?
10)[line 26]אורויי בעלמא הוא דקא מוריOROYEI B'ALMA HU D'KA MORI- [our Mishnah is not concerning itself with the proper order of the service;] it is simply instructing [which Avodos the Kohen Gadol should busy himself with in training for Yom ha'Kipurim]
11)[line 33]חד דבי ר' ינאיCHAD D'VEI REBBI YANAI- a student of the Yeshiva of Rebbi Yanai
12)[line 34]"וּשְׂעִיר עִזִּים אֶחָד לְחַטָּאת לַה'; עַל עֹלַת הַתָּמִיד יֵעָשֶׂה, וְנִסְכּוֹ""U'SE'IR IZIM ECHAD L'CHATAS LA'SH-M; AL OLAS HA'TAMID YE'ASEH, V'NISKO" - "And one male goat as a Chatas for HaSh-m; following the Olah of the Tamid shall it and its libation be offered" (Bamidbar 28:15) (SE'IREI ROSHEI CHODASHIM)
(a)Along with the Korban Musaf of Rosh Chodesh (which consists mostly of Olos), we also offer one male goat as a Chatas. As with all Korbenos Chatas, it has the status of Kodshei Kodashim, and is eaten by male Kohanim on the day it is slaughtered as well as the following night.
(b)This Korban is offered even on Shabbos. When offered on Shabbos, however, the Sa'ir may not be cooked until nightfall. Kohanim who wish to eat it raw before that time may do so.
(c)In the first Mishnah in Shevuos, the Tana'im disagree as to what atonement is provided by this Korban:
1.According to Rebbi Yehudah, it atones for one who unknowingly entered the Mikdash while in a state of Tum'ah ("Tum'as Mikdash v'Kodashav"; see Background to Shevuos 2:2) who never discovered that he had sinned in such a manner.
2.According to Rebbi Shimon, it atones for a Tahor who consumed Kodshim Temei'im (see Background to Shevuos 2:14).
3.According to Rebbi Meir, it atones for three sins: one who unknowingly entered the Mikdash while in a state of Tum'ah who never discovered that he had sinned in such a manner, one who unknowingly entered the Mikdash while in a state of Tum'ah who subsequently discovered that he had done so, and a Tahor who consumed Kodshim Temei'im.
13)[line 35]ואמר רחמנא, עביד בה מעשה חטאתV'AMAR RACHMANA, AVID BAH MA'ASEH CHATAS- Rav Shimon Ish ha'Mitzpah derives from the conjunction of the words "l'Chatas la'Sh-m" and "Al Olas ha'Tamid" that some aspect of a law normally applicable to a Korban Chatas should be applied to the Korban Tamid.
14a)[line 37]אחת שהיא שתיםACHAS SHE'HI SHETAYIM- one [application of blood to the corner of the Mizbe'ach,] which [extends over] two [sides of the Mizbe'ach] (see Background to 14:4)
b)[line 38]שתים שהן שתיםACHAS SHE'HI SHETAYIM- two [applications of blood to the sides of the Mizbe'ach] which are two [distinct applications]
15)[line 39]שמכפריןSHE'MECHAPRIN- which [are involved in a part of the service that] brings atonement
16)[line 41]פיסוק מתנות בעלמא היאPISUK MATANOS B'ALMA HI- it is merely a break-up of the [last two] applications [as opposed to an doubling of the service]
17a)[line 42]למטהL'MATAH- below [the Chut ha'Sikra, a red line which ran from halfway up one end of the Mizbe'ach to the other, dividing it in half]
b)[line 42]למעלהL'MA'ALAH- above [upon the four Keranos, cubic Amah posts placed atop the corners of the Mizbe'ach]
18)[line 43]הזה ממנו אחת למעלה ושבע למטה כמצליףHIZAH MIMENU ACHAS L'MA'ALAH V'SHEVA L'MATAH, K'MATZLIF- he (the Kohen Gadol) would sprinkle from it (the blood of the bull purchased with his personal funds) once above and seven times below, as one who is whipping (Mishnah 53b). Our Gemara assumes that the first drop of blood landed on the upper half of the curtain of the Kodesh Kodashim, and the remaining seven on the lower half.
19)[line 44]מחויMACHVEI- demonstrated
20)[line 44]כמנגדנאK'MENAGDANA- similar to one who administers lashes a) in that he places the first blow high upon the back, and each subsequent one a bit below the previous one. This is the meaning of "above" and "below" - that each droplet of blood fell before the next [on the floor in front of the Paroches] (RASHI, RABEINU CHANANEL); b) in that the last seven sprinklings were accomplished with the Kohen Gadol holding his hand with his palm facing downwards, similar to the position in which one holds a whip. [The first sprinkling, however, was accomplished in the opposite manner, with the Kohen Gadol holding his hand with his palm facing upwards (TOSFOS YESHANIM, ARUCH Erech Neged II, in the name of REBBI MOSHE HA'DARSHAN MI'NARVONA)
21)[line 44]הזה ממנו על טהרו של מזבח שבע פעמיםHIZA MIMENU AL TAHARO SHEL MIZBE'ACH SHEVA PE'AMIM- he (the Kohen Gadol) would sprinkle from it (the blood of the bull purchased with his personal funds mixed with the blood of the goat offered as a Chatas) upon the "Taharah" of the [inner] Mizbe'ach [ha'Ketores] seven times (Mishnah 58b).
22)[line 45]לאו אפלגיה דמזבחLAV A'PALGEI D'MIZBE'ACH- does this not refer to the middle of (i.e., halfway up) the Mizbe'ach? a) Therefore, since it is impossible to apply the blood to the exact middle of the Mizbe'ach, invariably some of the blood will end up over the half-way mark and some below (RASHI); b) Therefore, since the blood first is applied to the Keranos atop the Mizbe'ach ha'Penimi, some of the blood is placed above and some below (TOSFOS).
23)[last line]טהר טיהראTAHER TIHARA- noon has arrived
24)[line 1]אגופיה דמזבחA'GUFEI D'MIZBE'ACH- atop the Mizbe'ach [which has been cleared - "Nit'har" - of ash]
25)[line 1]"... וּכְעֶצֶם הַשָּׁמַיִם לָטֹהַר""... UCH'ETZEM HA'SHAMAYIM LA'TOHAR"- "... and as the clarity of the sight of the heavens" (Shemos 24:10).
26)[line 2]דיהיב עולהD'YAHIV OLAH- that he should apply [the blood in the manner of] an Olah
27)[line 7]טעונה יסודTE'UNAH YESOD- requires the [Amah-high, Amah-wide] base [of the Mizbe'ach, which extends across its northern and western sides - as well as one Amah on the southern side of the southwest corner and one Amah on the eastern side of the northeast corner - to lie below the corner of the Mizbe'ach to which its blood is applied]
28)[line 12]כל פינות שאתה פונהKOL PINOS SHE'ATAH PONEH- every turn that you make
29)[line 13]דרך ימין למזרחDERECH YEMIN L'MIZRACH- to the right, eastward. This applies to the service performed upon the Mizbe'ach, which is approached from its ramp on the southern side of the Beis ha'Mikdash.
30)[line 13]ברישא בההוא פגעB'REISHA BEHA'HU PAGA- [therefore] this is the first [corner] which he encounters
31)[line 16]בחטאתB'CHATAS- the Sa'ir of Rosh Chodesh; see above, entry #12
32)[line 19]מידי דחטאת, שדי אעולהMIDI D'CHATAS, SHADI A'OLAH- apply an aspect of a Korban Chatas to [this] Korban Olah (the Tamid)
33)[line 20]הממונהHA'MEMUNEH- the [Kohen] appointed [to arrange the Avodos, otherwise known as the Segan Kohen Gadol]
34)[line 20]לשכת בית הטלאיםLISHKAS BEIS HA'TELA'IM- the Chamber of Lambs, also known as the Lishkas ha'Korban or Lishkas Tela'ei Korban. The Mishnah (Erchin 13a) teaches that a minimum of six sheep, checked to ensure that they were free of any Mum (blemish), were available for the Korban Tamid in this room at all times.
35)[line 21]והלאVA'HALO- This is a statement of fact, not a question.
36)[line 21]במקצוע צפונית מערביתB'MIKTZO'A TZEFONIS MA'ARAVIS- in the northwestern corner [of the Beis ha'Moked (TY #43), the House of the Hearth. This is a large, domed room wherein Kohanim can warm themselves at any time. They were often chilly due to that which the Avodah must be performed barefoot upon the marble floors of the Beis ha'Mikdash, which are open to the elements.
37)[line 23]לשכת החותמותLISHKAS HA'CHOSAMOS- The Chamber of the Vouchers. Clay vouchers exchangeable for Nesachim ingredients are sold from this room (see Shekalim 14b, and Background ibid. 77-78).
38)[line 24]לשכת בית המוקדLISHKAS BEIS HA'MOKED- The Chamber of the Hearth. This room was called such due to that which it served the needs of those in the Beis ha'Moked (VILNA GA'ON). Winding stairs led from this chamber to an underground passage, which ended in a Mikvah and restrooms. According to the Tif'eres Yisrael, a fire was lit every morning in this room for the benefit of those Kohanim who became Tamei during the night and wished to immerse in the Mikvah below before dawn.
39)[line 25]לחם הפניםLECHEM HA'PANIM
(a)The Lechem ha'Panim (Showbread) refers to the 12 loaves arranged in two stacks (Sedarim) - six loaves to a stack - on the Golden Table of the Mishkan or Beis ha'Mikdash. The loaves are one Tefach thick and may not be Chametz. Fresh loaves are arranged on the Table every Shabbos and are left there through the following Shabbos. The loaves are eaten by Kohanim after their removal (Vayikra 24:5-9).
(b)A Kometz (that held between one's middle three fingers and his palm) of Levonah (frankincense) is placed alongside each stack in a Bazach (bowl). The Levonah is offered upon the Mizbe'ach when the loaves are removed. Only after this stage may the Lechem ha'Panim be eaten by the Kohanim.
(c)The Garmo family of Kohanim were experts in the art of shaping the Lechem ha'Panim, which were baked in a particularly unusual form (Shekalim 11b, 14a). They utilized this room to practice their craft.
40)[line 27]כקטוניות הפתוחות לטרקליןK'KITONIYOS HA'PESUCHOS L'TERAKLIN- like small rooms opening into the large dining hall of a palace
41)[line 27]שתים בקודש ושתים בחולSHTAYIM B'KODESH U'SHTAYIM B'CHOL- [the inner] two [of these rooms] were in [the half of the Beis ha'Moked that was] sanctified [with the status of the Azarah], and [the outer] two [of these rooms] were in [the half of the Beis ha'Moked that was] not sanctified [with the status of the Azarah]
42)[line 28]ראשי פספסיןROSHEI PISPESIN- posts which jutted out from the eastern and western walls