[57a - 46 lines; 57b - 24 lines]
1)[line 6]åëì ùðé ëúåáéí äáàéï ëàçã àéï îìîãéïV'CHOL SHENEI KESUVIM HA'BA'IN K'ECHAD EIN MELAMDIN
(a)Shenei Kesuvim ha'Ba'in k'Echad Ein Melamdin means that we do not apply elsewhere a Halachah that is learned from two subjects that express the same Halachah (lit. "that come together").
(b)A Binyan Av (lit. "building through a father" - "father" in this sense means a Biblical source), is a rule of Biblical interpretation in which one subject is deemed a prototype in order to apply a Halachah stated by that subject to other comparable subjects.
(c)If two verses express the same Halachah regarding two different subjects, the Tana'im argue as to whether or not we can apply the Halachah elsewhere through a Binyan Av. The Tana'im who rule that we cannot, teach that the fact that the Torah found it necessary to repeat the law a second time means that the Halachah is not meant to be applied automatically in all situations.
2)[line 9]àùí ùìùä, åùìùä åãàé àéï îìîãéïASHAM SHELOSHAH, U'SHELOSHAH VADAI EIN MELAMDIN- the verse in the case of a Korban Asham constitutes a third verse which teaches this law, and three verses that come as one (to teach the same law in three different areas) certainly cannot teach [their common law in regard to other cases]
3)[line 16]áëøí áéáðäB'KEREM B'YAVNEH- in the Yeshiva in Yavneh where the students sat in rows resembling grapevines in a vineyard
4)[line 25]ðãåï ãáø îúåê ãáø åðìîã ãáø îúåê ãáøNADUN DAVAR MI'TOCH DAVAR V'NILMAD DAVAR MI'TOCH DAVAR- let us argue the logic of the matter from the matter that is most similar to it, and learn the law from it
5)[line 31]÷ôõ øáé ò÷éáà åðñúì÷ øáé èøôåïKAFATZ REBBI AKIVA V'NISTALEK REBBI TARFON- Rebbe Akiva jumped up and Rebbe Tarfon withdrew (and became silent in the face of Rebbi Yosi ha'Gelili's counter-argument)
6)[line 36]äåñéó äëúåá äåéä àçøúHOSIF HA'KASUV HAVAYAH ACHERES- the verse added another state of "being" to the Bechor; i.e. that it is like the Shelamim and not like the Todah
7)[line 40]áëåø áòì îåíBECHOR BA'AL MUM
(a)The Kedushah of Bechor rests on every first-born male of an ox, goat or sheep when it comes out of its mother's womb. Nevertheless, there is a Mitzvah for a person to sanctify it himself (Erchin 29a, based on Devarim 15:19). He must then give it to a Kohen; it may not be redeemed.
(b)If the animal has no Mum (blemish), the Kohen must bring it as a Korban during its first year. After its blood and Emurim (see Background to Yevamos 7:8 and 100:9) are offered on the Mizbe'ach, its meat is eaten in Yerushalayim during the following two days and the intervening night.
(c)If the animal has or develops a Mum (see Background to Zevachim 35:47 for a list of blemishes that invalidate an animal from being offered as a sacrifice), it becomes the property of the Kohen. It must be slaughtered and eaten during its first year. If it developed a Mum after the first year, it must be slaughtered and eaten within thirty days. The Kohen can give it away or sell it, even to a non-Kohen. However, it may not be sold in a meat market or weighed in the usual manner. It may not be redeemed with money.
(d)Now that there is no Beis ha'Mikdash, a Kohen must care for a Bechor until it develops a Mum. Alternatively, he can sell it, even if it has no Mum, to a non-Kohen, who may eat it after it develops a Mum. It may not be bought, however, in order to be sold for a profit (Sefer ha'Chinuch #393, #445).
8)[line 42]äéîðå åãáø àçø äåé äé÷ùHEIMENU V'DAVAR ACHER HAVI HEKESH- a case of "from it and from another" has the status of a valid Hekesh (and thus it cannot teach the law to a third area by means of another Hekesh)
9)[line 46]î÷åîåú äåà ãâîøé îäããéMEKOMOS HU D'GAMREI ME'HADADEI- [in the second Hekesh,] it is the places that are being derived one from another [whereas in the first Hekesh, it is the bloods of the respective animals that are being compared]
10)[line 1]çåõ îôðéí áçã æéîðà âîéøCHUTZ MI'PENIM B'CHAD ZIMNA GAMIR- the outer Matanos (those done in the Heichal) are learned from the inner Matanos (those done in the Kodesh ha'Kodashim) at one time
11)[line 6]òùøåïISARON- the amount of flour needed for most Menachos, approximately equal to 2.16, 2.49 or 4.32 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions
12)[line 18]òã ùòú çôæåïAD SHA'AS CHIPAZON- until the time that the Bnei Yisrael in Mitzrayim hastened while leaving, which did not occur until the morning. Rebbi Elazar ben Azaryah, however, contends that they began to hasten in preparation at midnight of the night before, when the plague of Makas Bechoros took place (Berachos 9a).