[76a - 27 lines; 76b - 17 lines]

1)[line 3]úáìéTAVLEI- spices

2)[line 5]áëñó îòùøB'KESEF MA'ASER - with the money from the redemption of Ma'aser Sheni (MA'ASER SHENI)

See Background to Zevachim 45:11.

3)[line 19]áøòééäIS LEI TAKANTA BI'RE'IYAH- there is a way to "fix" them (i.e. to redeem them from Hekdesh without redeeming unblemished animals) through being put out to pasture to graze until they develop a Mum. They are then sold, and, with their value, an animal is bought which is sacrificed.


4)[line 1]ùìîé ðãáäSHALMEI NEDAVAH- voluntary Korbenos Shelamim

5)[line 2]áäåðåúBEHONOS- the right thumb and right big toe [of a Metzora, which he extends into the Azarah during his Taharah process]. See Background to Zevachim 6:20.

6)[line 4]ú÷åðé âáøàTEKUNEI GAVRA- a remedy for the person; i.e. Rebbi Shimon allows the consumption of Shelamim to be limited, so that the Metzora can become fully Tahor and be permitted to partake of sacrifices

7)[line 14]ááì ú÷èéøåBAL TAKTIRU

(a)It is prohibited by a Lav of the Torah to offer sourdough, or anything that contains sourdough, on the Mizbe'ach (Vayikra 2:11).

(b)A person who offers sourdough on the Mizbe'ach receives Malkos, however, the Amora'im argue as to the extent of the prohibition (Pesachim 44a, Menachos 58b). According to Abaye, even offering the most miniscule amount of sourdough incurs Malkos. According to Rava, since "Ein Haktarah b'Pachos mik'Zayis," ("The burning of items on the Mizbe'ach is not considered a [valid] burning if they measure less than a k'Zayis") the sourdough must be the size of a k'Zayis in order for the transgressor to receive Malkos.