[85a - 34 lines; 85b - 41 lines]

1)[line 1]îùåçè áçåõMI'SHOCHET BA'CHUTZ - [it should not be less] than one who slaughters outside of the Azarah (HA'SHOCHET VEHA'MA'ALEH BA'CHUTZ)

The Torah obligates a person to bring to the Beis ha'Mikdash all Kodshim that are fit to be offered as sacrifices, (Vayikra 17:1-9). Besides the Mitzvas Aseh, there is a Lav prohibiting slaughtering them outside of the Azarah ("Shechutei Chutz") and burning them or parts of them outside of the Azarah ("Ha'ala'as Chutz"). In addition, the Tana'im learn (Sanhedrin 34b) that Zerikas ha'Dam (casting the blood) of a sacrifice outside of the Azarah is also prohibited. The punishment for transgressing these prohibitions is Kares (ibid. 17:9; SEFER HA'CHINUCH #186), and the animal remains Asur b'Hana'ah (i.e. it is prohibited to derive any benefit from it).

2)[line 5]ùçéèú äòåó áôðéí îé÷èì ÷èìéäSHECHITAS HA'OF BIFNIM MIKTAL KATLEI- the slaughtering of a bird (with Shechitah) inside the Azarah is like killing it [without Shechitah, since Melikah must be done inside]

3)[line 8]ìçîå ùì îæáçLACHMO SHEL MIZBE'ACH- see Background to Zevachim 83:4

4)[line 19]åáãå÷éï ùáòéïDOKIN SHEB'AYIN

"Dokin sheb'Ayin" (lit. eye's web, O.F. teile) refers to a thin film (cataract?) that develops due to an eye-disease, which is considered to be a blemish, or, alternatively, a cut on the eyelids, that disqualifies a Kohen from performing the Avodah (Vayikra 21:20), or an animal from being brought as a Korban.

5)[line 33]ð÷øáéðäå áôøúééäåNAKREVINHU B'FERATAIHU- should we offer them with their excrement?

6)[line 33]"åëé úâùåï òÄåÌÅø ìæáç àéï øò, åëé úâéùå ôÌÄñÌÅçÇ åçåìä àéï øò; ä÷øéáäå ðà ìÀôÆçÈúÆêÈ äéøöê àå äéùà ôðéê, àîø ä' ö-á÷åú""['V'CHI SAGISHUN IVER LIZBO'ACH EIN RA? V'CHI SAGISHU PISE'ACH V'CHOLEH EIN RA?] HAKRIVEHU NA L'FECHASECHA! HA'YIRTZECHA O HA'YISA FANECHA?' [AMAR HASH-M TZE-VAKOS]" - "['When you present a blind animal for sacrifice, is it not bad? And when you present a lame or sick animal for sacrifice, is it not bad?] Present it, if you please, to your governor! Would he be pleased with you or show you favor?' [said HaSh-m, Master of Legions]" (Malachi 1:8) (RESPECT FOR HASH-M)

(a)The people asked the Navi what they had done wrong. This verse is part of the answer.

(b)A few verses later, the Navi elaborates, "'And you brought a stolen animal [for a sacrifice], and a blind animal, and a sick animal; when you brought Me such a gift, shall I accept it from your hand?' says HaSh-m" (Malachi 1:13). HaSh-m complained that although the Jewish people are referred to as "His sons" (when they follow His will) and "His servants" (when they do not follow His will), they were treating Him neither like a father nor like a master. They asked what they had done wrong, without understanding that it is unacceptable to bring a blind animal, or one that is lame or sick, as a Korban. HaSh-m pointed out that if they would bring such gifts to their king on behalf of the community, would the king accept them?

(c)The prophet laments further that they desecrated Hash-m's Holy Name by bringing before Him inferior animals, and even stolen animals, as Korbanos, causing HaSh-m, as it were, anguish with their feeble excuses as to why they did so. They brought these animals even though there was no shortage of healthy animals in their flocks.

7)[line 34]ãàé îéúøîé ëäï àçøéðàD'IY MISRAMI KOHEN ACHARINA- that if another Kohen chances upon them


8)[line 1]ðé÷åNIKU- should we arise

9)[line 3]÷ãùé ùîéíKODSHEI SHAMAYIM- the Kodshim of Heaven [should not be left like the carcass of a dead animal]

10)[line 18]ù÷ãí ä÷ãùï àú îåîïSHE'KADAM HEKDESHAN ES MUMAN- their consecration came before their blemish. (When an animal was unfit to be offered when it was consecrated because it had already developed a blemish, it acquires the sanctity of Kodshei Bedek ha'Bayis (see Background to Zevachim 45:10), and does not become designated as a Korban for the Mizbe'ach.)

11)[line 28]åèåîèåíTUMTUM- [in this case, a bird] whose genitals are covered with skin so that we do not know if it is a male or a female

12)[line 28]åàðãøåâéðåñANDROGINUS- a hermaphrodite, [in this case, a bird] with both male and female reproductive organs

13)[line 36]åîåúø äòåîøMOSAR HA'OMER - the remainder of the Omer (KORBAN HA'OMER)

(a)It is a Mitzvah to bring the Korban ha'Omer on the second day of Pesach. A large quantity of barley is reaped after nightfall following the first day of Pesach. At this time the grain is still moist, and the process of extracting one Omer (approximately 2.2, 2.5 or 4.3 liters, depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) of barley flour is extremely difficult. The flour is then kneaded and offered as a Korban Minchah on the 16th of Nisan. (This Korban is also referred to as the Minchas Bikurim - Vayikra 2:14-16).

(b)The Sheyarei ha'Minchah, also called the Mosar ha'Omer, are eaten by the Kohanim.

(c)A lamb is offered as an Olah along with the Minchah (Vayikra 23:12).

14)[line 36]åìçí äôðéíLECHEM HA'PANIM

The Lechem ha'Panim (showbread) is an offering of 12 loaves (that are Matzah), which are arranged in two Sedarim (stacks), six loaves to each Seder, on the Shulchan ha'Zahav (Golden Table) of the Mishkan or Beis ha'Mikdash. The loaves are separated by wooden rods (Kanin) to allow air to circulate so that the bread will not spoil. Fresh loaves are arranged on the Shulchan every Shabbos and are left there until the following Shabbos. The Kohanim eat the loaves that are removed (Vayikra 24:5-9), half being given to the Kohen Gadol (learned from the word "l'Aharon") and half to the other Kohanim (from "l'Vanav"). A Kometz (the amount that will fit under the middle three fingers when they are pressed upon the palm) of Levonah is placed alongside each stack in a Bazach (bowl). After the loaves are removed, the Levonah is salted and burned on the Mizbe'ach. The offering of the Levonah permits the loaves to be eaten. (See Graphics to Menachos 94b for pictures and discussion of the Lechem ha'Panim.)