[88a - 43 lines; 88b - 49 lines]
1)[line 6]ãúìðäå á÷ðéàD'SELANHU B'KANYA- that he (a person on the ground) suspended it (a Korban or other sacrifical item) over the airspace of the Mizbe'ach by hanging it on a reed
2)[line 10]îòéï îìàëúïME'EIN MELACHTAN- a form of their [original] work; any form of useful purpose which is similar to (but not necessarily the same as) the purpose the vessel served when it was whole
3)[line 14]îæø÷åúMIZRAKOS- basins
4)[line 22]áéøåöé îãåúBEIRUTZEI MIDOS- the heaping measure over the rim of the measuring utensil. According to the first version, the vessel sanctifies only that which is within its interior airspace, whereas according to the second version it sanctifies all that it holds, even that which is above its rim.
5)[line 33]äîãåîòHA'MEDUMA (MEDUMA)
(a)If Terumah is mixed into Chulin, the entire mixture becomes prohibited. The Terumah only becomes Batel (canceled) if one part of Terumah falls into at least 100 parts of Chulin. Even if the Terumah is Batel, it is forbidden for non-Kohanim to eat the entire mixture; the equivalent of the amount of Terumah that fell in must first be removed.
(b)If the percentage of Terumah that fell into the Chulin was greater than one in one hundred, the mixture is known as Meduma (lit. mixed) and is forbidden to be eaten by non-Kohanim. It can only be sold at a loss, since the owner cannot charge the Kohanim more than the price of Terumah for Meduma.
(c)According to Tosfos in Chulin 99a DH Ein, this law applies only if the Terumah was the same type of food as the Chulin; otherwise Terumah is Batel just like any other Isur (Shishim, one sixtieth).
6)[line 36]àéï îúéëéï àåúïEIN MATICHIN OSAN- we may not melt them down
7)[line 38]àéï îùçéæéï àú ôâéîúïEIN MASHCHIZIN ES PEGIMASAN- we may not file away their nick
8)[line 41]îòùä îçèMA'ASEH MACHAT- needlework
9)[line 42]áðúøB'NESER- with a kind of soil or stone that resembles chalk (O.F. nitre) (from natron, native carbonate of soda)
10)[line 42]áàäìV'AHAL- with an alkaline plant; aloe
11)[line 6]åàøâîïV'ARGAMAN- and purple
12)[line 8]åëîéï ÷åðàåú ùì ÷ðñåú ùáøàùé úéðå÷åúUCH'MIN KONA'OS SHEL KENASOS SHEB'ROSHEI SINOKOS- like the shape of cones on the helmets on children's heads
13)[line 9]æâéïZAGIN- bells
14)[line 10]òéðáìéïINBALIN- clappers
15)[line 22]ëúåðúKUTONES - a long shirt, part of the Bigdei Kehunah (BIGDEI KEHUNAH)
See Background to Zevachim 17:16.
16)[line 26]îöðôúMITZNEFES- the turban, worn as part of the Bigdei Kehunah
17)[line 26]âñé äøåçGASEI HA'RU'ACH- those who are haughty
18a)[line 29]çåùïCHOSHEN- the breastplate of the Kohen Gadol
b)[line 30]àôåãEFOD- the apron of the Kohen Gadol
c)[line 33]åöéõV'TZITZ- forehead plate of the Kohen Gadol
19)[line 44]îòùä çùàéMA'ASEH CHASHAI- that which is done secretly; i.e., Lashon ha'Ra, which is generally whispered from one to another about a third party (see Background to Yoma 44:6)