[108a - 46 lines; 108b - 53 lines]
1)[line 1]øàù áï éåðäROSH BEN YONAH- the head of a pigeon (that was slaughtered inside the Beis ha'Mikdash as an Olah, but offered outside)
2)[line 5]òöí ãîéðà ãáùø äåàETZEM D'MINA D'VASAR HU- a bone [can complete the Shi'ur], because it is the same Min (class) as meat
3)[line 8]ãàé ôøéù îéðä ìàå îöåä ìàñå÷éD'IY FARISH MINAH LAV MITZVAH L'ASUKEI- that if it (the bone) becomes separated from it (the meat), there is no Mitzvah to bring it up [onto the Mizbe'ach]
4)[line 18]ùçéèú ìéìäSHECHITAS LAILAH- slaughter performed at night; a Korban may not be slaughtered at night, and it becomes invalid if it is
5)[line 25]îéâåMIGO- since; in the case of a Tamei person who ate Tamei Kodesh, when the Kodesh had become Tamei first, the Rabanan apply the principle of "Migo" to make him liable: even though the Kodesh was already forbidden to him (without Kares), when he later becomes Tamei, since (Migo) all other Kodesh (which is Tahor) becomes forbidden to him with Kares as a result of his Tum'ah, all Kodesh (even Kodesh which was already Tamei) becomes forbidden to him with Kares as a result of his Tum'ah.
6)[line 27]èåîàú áùø(TUM'AS BASAR / TUM'AS HA'GUF)
(a)TUM'AS BASAR - If an animal of Kodshim becomes Tamei, its meat is forbidden to be eaten as it states, "veha'Basar Asher Yiga b'Chol Tamei Lo Ye'achel" - "and the [sacrificial] meat that will touch any source of Tum'ah shall not be eaten" (Vayikra 7:19).
(b)If a person eats a k'Zayis of sacrificial meat that is Tamei b'Mezid (intentionally) after Hasra'ah (being forewarned), he is punished with Malkus (lashes). If he was not given Hasra'ah, he is not Chayav Kares (Pesachim 24b; SEFER HA'CHINUCH Mitzvah #145).
(c)TUM'AS HA'GUF - Regarding a person who becomes Tamei the verse states, "b'Chol Kodesh Lo Siga" (Vayikra 12:4), from which we learn that it is forbidden for a person who is Tamei to eat Kodshim.
(d)The punishment for transgressing this Lav intentionally is Kares. If one transgresses it unintentionally he must bring a Korban Oleh v'Yored (see Background to Kerisus 22:11; SEFER HA'CHINUCH Mitzvah #167). If a person who is Tamei eats the blood of Kodshim, he does not transgress this prohibition.
7)[line 11]ãáøä úåøä ëìùåï áðé àãíDIBRAH TORAH KI'LESHON BENEI ADAM - the Torah [in this instance] speaks in the manner of man
Every word in the Torah is holy and contains worlds of insights and nuances. However, certain sages of the Mishnah felt that there were some phrases recorded in the Torah that paralleled people's speech, and should not be used for homiletics or insights.
8)[line 41]"åé÷ç îðåç àú âãé äòæéí åàú äîðçä åéòì òì äöåø ìä'; [åÌîÇôÀìÄà ìòùåú åîðåç åàùúå øàéí]""VA'YIKACH MANO'ACH ES GEDI HA'IZIM V'ES HA'MINCHAH, V'YA'AL AL HA'TZUR LA'SH-M; [U'MAFLI LA'ASOS, U'MANO'ACH V'ISHTO RO'IM]" - "And Mano'ach took the kid-goat and the meal-offering, and he offered them on the rock to HaSh-m; [and he (the angel) did wonders, as Mano'ach and his wife watched]" (Shoftim 13:19) (MANO'ACH AND THE ANGEL / THE BIRTH OF SHIMSHON)
(a)Following Yisrael's spiritual decline, HaSh-m delivered them into the hands of the Pelishtim for a period of forty years. Mano'ach and his wife, a righteous couple from the tribe of Dan, had been unable to have children. HaSh-m sent an angel to Mano'ach's wife with the information that she would give birth to a son who was destined to save Yisrael single-handedly from the harsh oppression of the Pelishtim. The angel added that she was to refrain from drinking wine and from eating any product of the vine, because the child was to be a Nazir from birth.
(b)The woman told her husband about the G-dly-looking man (who resembled an angel and whom she assumed was a prophet), about whom she knew nothing, and what he had told her. In response, Mano'ach prayed to HaSh-m to send the man once more and to repeat his instructions, which He did, but this second time, the angel again appeared only to his wife as she sat in the field, and not to him. She hurried to tell her husband, who followed her out to the field to meet "the man," who repeated to him all that he had told his wife, with orders to adhere to every detail.
(c)When Mano'ach offered to serve their guest a kid-goat, he informed them that he would not eat their food, and that they should offer it instead as a burnt-offering to HaSh-m. They complied, and when they asked him his name, he told them that his name was "Peli" (hidden, a hint to his identity as an angel, as an angel is known by the mission that he is currently fulfilling and has no fixed name).
(d)It was when they brought the Korban to HaSh-m, when the angel produced fire from the rock before their eyes and then ascended to heaven with the pillar of flame that engulfed the animal and disappeared, that they realized that he was an angel. Mano'ach, who evidently was inferior to his wife in a number of ways, expressed his fear that having seen an angel of HaSh-m, they were destined to die. His wife reassured him that if HaSh-m had wanted them to die, He would have neither accepted their Korban nor shown them the series of miracles that they had just witnessed.
(e)Subsequently, a son was born to them, and they called him Shimshon. The boy was blessed by HaSh-m, and it was he who eventually saved Yisrael from the hands of the Pelishtim, as the angel had predicted.
9)[line 44]äåøàú ùòä äéúäHORA'AS SHA'AH HAYESAH- it was a one-time ruling [based upon other mitigating factors]