[113a - 47 lines; 113b - 53 lines]
1)[line 2]åëéäåïV'CHIHUN- the Kehunah; i.e. the requirement that a Kohen officiate in the priestly service
2)[line 2]åáâãé ùøúU'VIGDEI SHARES- the Bigdei Kehunah. See Background to Zevachim 112b, #16.
3)[line 4]äæîïHA'ZEMAN- (lit. "the time") the law that the intent to offer or eat a Korban after its prescribed time renders it Pigul
4)[line 19]î÷åí ùôåøùú ìîéúä ùí úäà ùøéôúäMAKOM SHE'PORESHES L'MISAH SHAM TEHEI SEREIFASAH- the place where the cow dies (lit. "separates to death"), there shall be its burning
5)[line 21]ãøçå÷é øç÷äD'RECHUKEI RACHAKAH- that it is distanced [from the holiness of Yerushalayim] (there one might have thought that it is invalid)
6)[line 28]àúîåäé îúîäATMUHI METAMEH- the verse is asking a [rhetorical] question
7)[line 23]æòíZA'AM- wrath or fury
8)[line 25]÷áø äúäåíKEVER HA'TEHOM- lit. a grave of the deep; the possibility of an unknown source of Tum'ah such as a corpse lying below ground. By carving a hollow beneath the rock that formed the floor of the courtyard, they insured that the residents of the courtyard would not become Tamei even in the unlikely event that a corpse was interred below.
9)[line 38]îòìä òùå áôøäMA'ALAH ASU BA'PARAH- they (the Chachamim) instituted [this requirement as] a stringency for the Parah Adumah
10)[line 40]áìùëú ãéø äòöéíB'LISHKAS DIR HA'ETZIM- in the Lishkas Dir ha'Etzim, the Wood Storage Room, in the Beis ha'Mikdash, where firewood for the Mizbe'ach and for the bonfire in the Lishkas Beis ha'Moked (see Background to Yoma 15:38) is kept. This Lishkah is located in the northeast corner of the Ezras Nashim.
11)[line 47]åôðéðäåU'FANINU- and they cleared them away
12)[line 8]äáìàHAVLA- heat or steam
13)[line 10]"[åéúìå àú äîï òì äòõ àùø äëéï ìîøãëé] åçîú äîìê ùëëä""[VA'YISLU ES HAMAN AL HA'ETZ ASHER HECHIN L'MORDECHAI] VA'CHAMAS HA'MELECH SHACHACHAH."- "[And they hanged Haman on the tree which he had prepared for Mordechai,] and the wrath of the king subsided" (Esther 7:10). Just as the king's wrath "boiled" and then subsided, the waters of the flood boiled and subsided.
14)[line 18]øéîàREIMA- the Re'em, a huge land animal that survived the flood
15)[line 19]âåøéåúGURIYOS- young Re'emim
16)[line 21]àåøæéìà ãøéîàURZILA D'REIMA- the sea-Re'em
17)[line 22]îùëà ãöåàøéä úìúà ôøñéMASHCHA D'TZAVAREI TELASA PARSEI- the length of its neck was three Parsa'os
18)[line 23]îøáòúà ãøéùà ôøñà åôìâàMARBATA D'REISHA PARSA U'FELAGA- the resting place of its head was one and a half Parsa'os
19)[line 24]øîà ëáàRAMA KAVA- it excreted waste
20)[line 28]åäà ÷ñâéà úéáäV'HA KA'SAGYA TEIVAH- but the ark was moving from place to place (and this would have caused the Re'em's nose to slip out of the ark)
21)[line 35]ìîä ð÷øà ùîä îöåìäLAMAH NIKRA SHEMAH "METZULAH"?- why is Bavel called "Metzulah," "the depths" (in Zecharya 1:8)?
22)[line 36]ðöúììåNITZTALELU- they sunk (drowned)
23)[line 37]ððòøåNIN'ARU- they were shaken/uprooted to there
24)[line 40]úìúà ãøé ìà îùëéTELASA DAREI LO MASHCHEI- their wealth did not continue for more than three generations