THE OBLIGATION OF BAKERS AND SHOPKEEPERS (Yerushalmi Perek 2 Halachah 4 Daf 10a)
îùðä äðçúåîéï ìà çééáå àåúï çëîéí ìäôøéù àìà ëãé úøåîú îòùø åçìä.
(Mishnah): The Chachamim only obligated bakers to separate Terumas Maaser and Challah.
äçðååðéï àéðï øùàéï ìîëåø àú äãîàé åëì äîùôéòéï áîéãä âñä [øùàéï ìîëåø àú äãîàé] ëâåï äñéèåðåú åîåëøé úáåàä:
Shopkeepers may not sell Demai (until they tithe it). And whoever sells in large quantities, such as wholesalers and grain sellers, may sell produce as Demai (without tithing).
âîøà úîï úðéðï äìå÷ç îï äðçúåí ëéöã äåà îòùø [ãó ëà òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] äëà àú àîø äìå÷ç îôøéù åäëà àú àîø äðçúåí îôøéù.
(Gemara) Question: The Mishnah (in Perek 5) teaches - "if one buys from a baker, how does he tithe?" meaning that the buyer tithes, and here (in our Mishnah), you said that the baker must tithe?
øáé éåðä àîø àéúôìâéï øáé ìòæø åø' éåçðï çã àîø ëàï áòåùä áèäøä åëàï áòåùä áèåîàä åçøðä àîø ëàï áîéãä ã÷ä åëàï áîéãä âñä åìà éãòåï îàï àîø ãà åîàï àîø ãàîï
Answer (R. Yona): The resolution is a dispute between R. Elazar and R. Yochanan - one answered that in our Mishnah, the baker is producing it in a state of Taharah (so the Chachamim obligated him to separate Terumas Maaser and Challah before it would become Tamei by the time it would reach buyer's hands); the later Mishnah refers to a baker producing it in a state of Tumah. The other opinion answered that in our Mishnah the baker is selling small quantities and in the later Mishnah, he is selling in large quantities (and as our Mishnah taught, whoever sells in large quantities may sell Demai). However, it is unknown as to which answer was said by whom.
îä ãàîø øáé éåçðï îôðé äèäøåú äåé øáé ìòæø ãå àîø ëàï áîéãä ã÷ä ëàï áîéãä âñä
But since R. Yochanan explained that our Mishnah required the bakers to tithe so that it should be done in Taharah, this shows that R. Elazar's answer was about the different quantities.
å÷ùéà òì ãø"é àí áòåùä áèäøä éôøéù òì äëì.
Question: According to R. Yochanan, why doesn't he tithe everything (even Maaser Sheni)?
áãéï äéä ùìà éôøéù ëìåí [àìà] ùàéï îåñøéï (åãàé)[èäøåú] ìò"ä
Answer: Strictly speaking, he should not separate anything; however, one may not give Taharos to an Am HaAretz.
[ãó ëá òîåã à (òåæ åäãø)] å÷ùéà òì ãø"ì àí áîãä ã÷ä éôøéù òì äëì.
Question: (Against Reish Lakish) if he's selling in small quantities, why doesn't he tithe everything? (The Gemara doesn't answer this question.)
äçðåðé àéï øùàé ìîëåø ãîàé
The Mishnah taught - Shopkeepers may not sell Demai (until they tithe it).
çáøééà áùí øáé ìòæø ãø"î äéà ãø"î àîø ìà äúéøå ìîëåø ãîàé àìà ìñéèåï áìáã
(Chevraya citing R. Elazar): This Tanna is R. Meir, who said that they only permitted a wholesaler to sell Demai.
äúéá øáé éåñé åäà îúðéúà ôìéâà òéìå äï äîùôéòéï áîéãä âñä ëâåï äñéèåðåú åîåëøé úáåàä äåé àéú çåøðéï.
Question (R. Yosi): But the Mishnah itself disproves this, as it taught, "And whoever sells in large quantities, such as wholesalers and grain sellers" - this shows that they not only permitted the wholesalers; they even permitted others who sell in large quantities...? (This shows that the Mishnah is not like R. Meir.)
àîø øáé éåñé ìà òì äãà øáé àéìà àîø äãà îéìúà àìà òì äãà ãúðé áã"à áæîï ùäåà îåëø áçðåúå àå òì ôúç çðåúå. àáì àí äéä îåëø áôìèø àå áçðåúå ùäåà ñîåê ìôìèø îòùø òì äëì òìéä çáøééà áùí ø' ìòæø ãø"î äéà (ãø"î àîø ìà äúéøå ìîëåø ãîàé àìà ìñéèåï áìáã) äééãï ø"î
Answer (R. Yosi): Rather, R. Ila was referring to a Baraisa when he said that it is R. Meir - 'When were they lenient to allow a baker to only separate Terumas Maaser? When he is selling in his store or at its entrance i.e. in public (where the government officials see him and make him reduce the price; then he is exempt from Maaser Sheni); but if he was selling it in a Palter (gentile bakery) or in his store close to the Palter, (he will not be noticed by the government officials who make him reduce the price, so) he must also separate Maaser Sheni'. The Chevraya said from R. Elazar that this is the opinion of R. Meir, and that is the R. Meir that we discussed.
ääéà ãúðéðï ìáúøä ø"î àåîø àú ùãøëå ìîãåã áâñä åîããå áã÷ä èôéìä ã÷ä ìâñä
The Mishnah that follows our Mishnah says - R. Meir says - if something usually measured out in large quantities was measured in a small quantity, the small quantity is treated as if it is large (and the seller is not required to separate Maaser Sheni).
[ãó ëá òîåã á (òåæ åäãø)] úðé ø"ç ëï àú ùãøëå ìäéîãã áâñä åîããå áã÷ä èôéìä (ã÷ä ìâñä)[âñä ìã÷ä] åëï ôìèø îéãä ã÷ä åçðåú îéãä âñä èôéìä äéà âñä ìã÷ä
R. Chiya (Baraisa): If something usually measured out in large quantities was measured in a small quantity, it's treated like a small quantity (and the seller is required to separate Maaser Sheni). Similarly, if he selling (without the officials troubling him) in small quantities, even though in his store he sells in large quantities, it is given the law of small quantities (and is obligated in Demai).