[a - 50 lines; b - 57 lines]
1)[line 4]בעמידת סדוםB'AMIDAS SEDOM- [he did not stand] among the assemblage of Sedom
2)[line 7]שלצנים היוSHE'LETZANIM HAYU- that they were scoffers
3)[line 15]על מנת לקבל פרסAL MENAS L'KABEL PERAS- [do not do serve HaSh-m] in order to receive reward
4)[line 21]פסקי סידראPASKEI SIDRA- they were reciting passages of Torah
5)[line 21]סליק ספראSALIK SIFRA- they finished a book
6)[line 23]תיליםTILIM- the book of Tehilim
7)[line 23]כפייה ללויKAFYEI L'LEVI- he (Rebbi Shimon) forced Levi
8)[line 31]יהגהYEHEGEH- he will toil (in Torah)
9)[line 32]ליגריסLIGRIS- he should learn the text
10)[line 39]חבילות חבילותCHAVILOS CHAVILOS- if one makes his Torah into large bundles [he will forget it]
11)[line 43]צייד הרמאיTZAYAD HA'RAMAI- a deceitful hunter
12)[line 48]בעינא דאימא לכו מלתאBA'INA D'EIMA LECHU MILSA- I wish to say something to you
13)[line 48]ומסתפינאU'MISTEFINA- and I am afraid
14)[line 3]במקראB'MIKRA- [one should spend a third of one's learning time] in Scripture
15)[line 3]במשנהB'MISHNAH- [one should spend a third of one's learning time] in Mishnah (the Oral Law, transmitted to Moshe at Sinai)
16)[line 3]בתלמודB'TALMUD- [one should spend a third of one's learning time] in Talmudic methodology, used to analyze the Mishnayos
17)[line 4]ביומיB'YOMEI- with regard to the days. (a) According to RASHI, this means that two days of every week should be devoted to the study of Scripture, two days to Mishnah, and two days to Talmud. (b) According to TOSFOS, this means that each day must be divided into thirds (since one cannot know if he will live even to the end of the week).
18)[line 11]להוראהL'HORA'AH- [a student who did not reach the level] of issuing Halachic rulings
19)[line 17]שיחת חוליןSICHAS CHULIN- idle chatter
20)[line 17]תלמודTALMUD- understanding
21)[line 32]מאן בעי חיי מאן בעי חייMAN BA'I CHAYEI, MAN BA'I CHAYEI- "Who wants life? Who wants life?"
22)[line 33]כנוףKANUF- they gathered [around him]
23)[line 34]הב לן חייHAV LAN CHAYEI- "Give us life!"
24)[line 36]נצרתיNATZARTI- I guarded
25)[line 43]משמשי עבודת כוכביםMESHAMSHEI AVODAS KOCHAVIM- objects used in the service of idolatry
26)[line 51]במכוש אחרוןB'MAKOSH ACHARON- with the last hammer blow
27)[line 54]תכשיטיןTACHSHITIN- jewelry, adornments
28)[line 55]קטלאותKATLA'OS- chokers
29)[line 55]ונזמיםV'NEZAMIM- and nose rings or earrings (see Ibn Ezra to Bereishis 24:22)