[a - 30 lines; b - 23 lines]

1)[line 1]חלא דשיכראCHALA D'SHICHRA- beer vinegar

2)[line 2]דורדיאDURDAYA- wine lees, sediment

3)[line 3]מסרא סריMISRA SARI- it spoils (when wine sediment is mixed with it)

4)[line 5]חרס של הדריינוס קיסרCHERES SHEL HADRIYANUS KESAR- earthenware of Hadrian Caesar. This was the earthenware that Hadrian's soldiers used when they went out to war.

5)[line 6]קרקע בתולהKARKA BESULAH- virgin land that was never farmed or cultivated

6)[line 8]בגולפי חיורי ומייצי להו לחמרייהו ומתברו להו בחספי ודרו בהדייהוB'GULFEI CHIVAREI U'MAITZEI LEHU L'CHAMRAIHU U'MESABRU LEHU B'CHASPEI V'DARU B'HADAIHU- [the wine] was placed in new earthenware jugs and the jugs absorbed their wine. They (the soldiers) would then break the jugs into shards and carry the shards with them.

7)[line 10]תרו להו ושתוTARU LEHU V'SHASU- they would then soak the shards in water and the wine would exude

8)[line 12]כרעי המטהKAR'EI HA'MITAH- the legs of the bed

9)[line 15]הדרדוריןHA'DARDURIN- small flasks

10)[line 15]והרוקבאותVEHA'RUKBA'OS- and leather pouches

11)[line 19]נודותNODOS- leather bottles

12)[line 21]שטיחין לחמורSHETICHIN LA'CHAMOR- saddles for a donkey

13)[line 21]קנקניםKANKANIM- jugs

14)[line 21]למיזבןL'MIZBAN- to purchase

15)[line 22]יבקע נודו שמאSHEMA YIBAKA NODO- perhaps his flask [of wine] will burst

16)[line 29]גודא לחוד וגודע לחודGUDA LECHUD V'GUDE'A LECHUD- Guda is one person and Gude'a is another. This means that the two Beraisos reflect two different reports given to Raban Gamliel's son about his father's leniency about the wine. One was stated by Shimon ben Guda and one by Shimon ben Gude'a.

17)[line 30]וקדור כמין ארובהV'KADUR K'MIN ARUBAH- a hide that is pierced like a window

18)[line 30]קורט דםKORET DAM- a drop [of coagulated blood]


19)[line 3]מלחו העברתוMELACHO HE'EVIRASO- its salt removed it (the blood)

20)[line 7]גמרא גמור זמורתא תהאGEMARA GEMOR, ZEMORTA TEHEI- do you, Rav Yosef, tell us to only say over what we learn (whether it is correct or not); is it merely a song?!

21)[line 13]תקרובת עבודת כוכביםTIKROVES AVODAS KOCHAVIM- a sacrificial offering to Avodah Zarah (see Background to Avodah Zarah 52:6)

22)[line 21]לתרפותL'TARPUS- [those heading] to a place of idol-worship. (See Background to Avodah Zarah 29:43.)