[a - 45 lines; b - 40 lines]
1)[line 1]דאביק בהD'AVIK BAH- he is attached to it (the idol)
2)[line 3]בישראל מומרB'YISRAEL MUMAR- (a) a Jewish apostate, a person who does not keep the laws of the Torah; (b) a Jewish infidel or idolater
3)[line 5]לירידL'YARID- to an idolatrous fair
4)[line 14]בזה שאין קשורים זהSHE'EIN KESHURIN ZEH BA'ZEH- [the case is] that the ones going to the idolatrous fair are not connected one to another (they go alone, and not in groups) and therefore it would be permissible to trade with them
5)[line 18]גרודים חדשיםGERUDIM CHADASHIM- new flasks, without pitch
6)[line 18]ישנים ומזופפיםYESHANIM U'MEZUFAFIN- old flasks, lined with pitch
7)[line 19]ריבבן ועיבדןRIBEVAN V'IBDAN- if he poured pitch into them and tanned them
8)[line 22]אגב טירדיה מנסך ולאו אדעתיהAGAV TIRDEI MENASECH V'LAV ADATEI- because the Yisrael putting in the wine is busy, perhaps he will not notice if the Nochri pours the wine as a libation to his idol
9)[line 24]בעידנאB'IDNA- at the time
10)[line 25]לטיטL'TIT- [it is like throwing water) into clay
11)[line 26]שדאSHADA- throws
12)[line 27]לבי מילחיL'VEI MILCHEI- to a storage room of salt
13)[line 30]זיקיZIKEI- leather flasks
14)[line 33]ממלאןMEMAL'AN- fill them
15)[line 33]ומערןU'ME'ARAN- and empties them out
16)[line 34]מעת לעתME'ES L'ES- for a 24-hour period
17)[line 45]צירTZIR- fish brine
18)[line 45]ומורייסU'MURYIS- fish oil mixed with bits of fatty fish innards and sometimes wine
19)[line 5]לכבשן האשL'KIVSHAN HA'ESH- into a furnace
20)[line 9]שנשרה זיפתןSHE'NASHRAH ZIFTAN- that their pitch-lining fell off (because of the heat)
21)[line 11]רפאי מירפאREFAI MIRPA- even if it becomes loosened
22)[line 11]קינסאKINSA- a thin stick or splinter of wood
23)[line 17]אקראי בעלמא הואAKRAI B'ALMA HU- it is only a chance occurrence
24)[line 19]מאני דפקוסנאMANEI D'PEKUSNA- dung vessels
25)[line 19]אנחינהו בשימשאANCHINHU B'SHIMSHA- and he placed them in the sun
26)[line 20]כלי נתרKELI NESER- (a) utensils made from the crystals of alum (RASHI to Shabbos 16a); (b) utensils stuck together with alum (ARUCH). Neser is a kind of soil or stone that resembles chalk (O.F. nitre) (from natron, native carbonate of soda)
27)[line 21]כלי מחפורת של צריףKELI MACHPORES SHEL TZERIF- a vessel that has a deposit of alum (used as dye-fixer for wool) [whose contents do not regenerate]
28)[line 22]רופילאROFILA- (a) viceroy (RASHI); (b) a commander of troops (MUSAF HA'ARUCH)
29)[line 23]כוביKUBEI- jugs
30)[line 26]משכשכןMESHACH'SHECHAN- he rinsed them with water
31)[line 27]חצבי שחימיCHATZBEI SHECHIMEI- red pitchers
32)[line 28]פתוותאPASVASA- earthenware
33)[line 29]כסיKASEI- cups
34)[line 33]מאני דקוניאMANEI D'KUNYA- earthenware vessels glazed with lead
35)[line 33]חיורא ואוכמאCHIVARA V'UCHMA- white ones and black ones
36)[line 33]ירוקאYERUKA- green ones
37)[line 33]דמיצריףD'MITZRIF- aluminous earth
38)[line 34]קרטופניKARTUFNEI- cracks
39)[line 40]דשיעיD'SHI'EI- that is smoothed