

ומסתלקין לצדדין.


The fifth extra stipulation: (If there are obstructions - such as clumps of hardened mud - in the public path,) one is permitted to move to the side (and even walk in a private field to avoid them.)

רב יהודה בשם רב אפילו שדה מליאה כרכום


Rav Yehudah citing Rav: Even if the field contains saffron (which is expensive).

מה נותן דמים או לאו.


Question: Must the traveler pay for the damage done?

מן מה דמר רב יהודה אפילו מליאה כרכום הדא אמר [אין] נותן דמים.


Answer: From the statement of Rav Yehudah citing Rav who said that one can even walk in a saffron field, this indicates that one does not need to pay (as if he will be required to pay, there would be no difference between a saffron field or any other field). (Note: Some alter the text in this entry and the following one, as shown.)

[וכן] א''ר לא מכיון דמר רב יהודא אפילו לשדה מליאה כורכום הדא אמרה אין נותן דמים.


Support (R. Ila): From the statement of Rav Yehudah citing Rav who said that one can even walk in a saffron field, this indicates that one does not need to pay.

(ואינו) יכול לרחוק את עצמו יותר מדאי.


Question: If he was able to remain on the road with difficulty, but he anyway moved over to the private field, does he need to pay?

נישמעינ' מהדא מעשה ברבן גמליאל ורבי יהושע שהיו מהלכין בדרך [והיו מסתלקין מפני יתדות הדרכים] וראו את יהודה בן פפוס משתקע ובא כנגדן


Answer: There was once a story of Rabban Gamliel and R. Yehoshua who were walking on the road and they moved to the adjacent field to avoid the obstructions. They saw Yehudah ben Papus coming towards them taking large steps with difficulty in order to remain on the public road.

אמר רבן גמליאל לר' יהושע מי זה שמראה עצמו באצבע


Rabban Gamliel to R. Yehoshua: Who is that person who wants to appear as a G-d fearing person?

אמר לו יהודה בן פפוס הוא שכל מעשיו לשום שמים.


R. Yehoshua: It is Yehudah ben Papus who only acts for the sake of Heaven. (This story shows that one never needs to pay, even if it was possible, albeit with difficulty, to remain on the road.)