[31a - 34 lines; 31b - 43 lines]
1)[line 1]המכונסHA'MECHUNAS- that which is gathered
2)[line 2]קרפףKARPAF- an enclosed area located outside of a settlement, used for storage and other such purposes
3)[line 2]מפוזרMEFUZAR- scattered
4)[line 4]פותחתPOSACHAS- a [lock and] key
5)[line 4]תחום שבתTECHUM SHABBOS
(a)One may walk for up to two thousand Amos (approximately 960 meters [3147 feet] or 1,152 meters [3774 feet], depending upon the differing Halachic opinions) from the outskirts of his city or dwelling place (if he is not in a city) on Shabbos or Yom Tov.
6a)[line 14]עלי קניםALEI KANIM- reed leaves
b)[line 15]עלי גפניםALEI GEFANIM- grape leaves
7)[line 15]דמכנפי להו ומותביD'MECHANFEI LEHU U'MOSVEI- that they are gathered and sitting
8)[line 16]מדלי זיקאMADLI ZIKA- a wind blows
9)[line 16]מבדרMEVADER- scatters
10)[line 17]אתנח מנאISNACH MANA- a utensil was placed
11)[line 21]כיון דאית ליה פותחת אפילו בתוך תחום שבת נמיKEIVAN D'IS LEI POSACHAS, AFILU B'SOCH TECHUM SHABBOS NAMI- since it has a [lock and] key, [one may gather scattered wood from it] even if it [not immediately next to the town, as long as it] is within two thousand Amos of it [and by extension, one may do so as well if it right next to the town even if it does not have a lock and key]
12)[line 29]ש"מ רבי יוסי תרתי לקולא קאמרSHEMA MI'NA REBBI YOSI TARTI L'KULA KE'AMAR- it is apparent from this that Rebbi Yosi [must mention the second half of his statement that he] is being lenient if either of the two factors is not present (see Insights)
13)[line 31]מבקעיןMEVAK'IN- chop
14)[line 32]קורותKOROS- beam
15a)[line 33]קרדוםKARDOM- an axe
b)[last line]מגרהMEGEIRAH- a saw
c)[last line]מגלMAGAL- a sickle (alt. a type of axe)
d)[last line]קופיץKUFITZ- a hatchet
16)[line 3]סואר של קורותSAVAR SHEL KOROS- a pile of lumber [intended for building]
17a)[line 11]נקבות שלוNAKVUS SHE'LO- the wide blade [of a double-edged tool that has a (larger) axe on one side and a (smaller) hatchet on the other]
b)[line 12]זכרות שלוZACHRUS SHE'LO- the narrow blade [of a double-edged tool that has a (larger) axe on one side and a (smaller) hatchet on the other].
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18)[line 12]בקופיץ תנן!B'KUFITZ TENAN!- we learned [in our Mishnah] that one may use a hatchet [to chop wood that is not Muktzah, and this blade is equal to that of a hatchet]!
19)[line 14]קרדום וקופיץKARDOM V'KUFITZ- the double-edged tool described above
20)[line 14]גיסאGISA- side
21)[line 22]נפחתNIFCHAS- it collapsed
22)[line 24]סתר אהלאSASAR OHALA- dismantling a building (which is one of the thirty-nine forbidden acts of creative labor on Shabbos and Yom Tov)
23)[line 25]אוירא דליבניAVIRA D'LIVNEI- [a structure constructed of] bricks laid upon one another with no cement between them
24)[line 26]דאייתור מבנינאD'AYATUR MI'BINYANA- that were left over from [the construction of] a building
25)[line 28]למזגאL'MIZGA- to lean
26)[line 28]שרגינהוSARGINHU- if one piled them neatly
27)[line 28]אקצינהוAKTZINHU (MUKTZAH)
(a)Muktzah literally means "set aside" or "designated". With regard to Shabbos, this term is used to describe items which one has no intention of using on Shabbos, such as wood stacked in a barn. Anything that a person had no intention to use during Bein ha'Shemashos (twilight) at the start of Shabbos (or Yom Tov) — for any reason — is included in the category of Muktzah and may not be moved on Shabbos. That which is not Muktzah is termed "Muchan" — "designated" for use on Shabbos or Yom Tov.
(n)Rav Nachman teaches that if bricks have been neatly piled, they have certainly been set aside for building purposes and are Muktzah.
28a)[line 32]חותמות שבקרקעCHOSAMOS SHEBA'KARKA- the ropes (O.F. fermedures - fastenings) [binding covers] of [cavities in] the ground [in place flush to the ground]
29a)[line 32]מתירMATIR- one may untie their knots [since they were made to be temporary]
b)[line 33]מפקיעMAFKI'A- unravel
c)[line 33]חותךCHOTECH- cut through