[30a - 48 lines; 30b - 46 lines]

1)[line 1]מתחילין בערמת התבןMASCHILIN B'AREMAS HA'TEVEN- one may begin to partake of a pile of straw [to use as fuel]

2)[line 1]מוקצהMUKTZAH- an enclosed storage area located behind a house [for things that are not in constant use]

3)[line 2]אי אפשר לשנותIY EFSHAR L'SHANOS- it is impossible to change [the way in which one carries the pitchers of wine, since he has many guests]

4)[line 3]דדרו בדוחקאD'DARU B'DUCHKA- heavy loads that are [generally] carried a) on the shoulder (RASHI); b) on a pole (RAMBAM Hilchos Yom Tov 5:2); c) in the arms (ARUCH Erech Gad #3)

5)[line 4]לדרו ברגלאLIDRU B'RIGLA- should be carried [on Yom Tov] a) hanging from [the tines of] a pitchfork (O.F. forches) [over one's shoulder] (RASHI); b) on one's back (RAMBAM ibid.); c) hanging from a forked stick [over one's shoulder] (ARUCH ibid.)

6)[line 4]באגראB'AGRA- should be carried [on Yom Tov] a) suspended from a pole placed over the shoulders of two people (RASHI); b) on one's shoulder (RAMBAM ibid.); c) hanging from a pole (ARUCH ibid.)

7)[line 5]באכפאB'ACHPA- should be carried [on Yom Tov] a) suspended from a pole held by two people (RASHI); b) in one's hands (RAMBAM ibid.); c) on one's shoulders (ARUCH ibid.)

8)[line 6]נפרוס סודרא עלויהNIFROS SUDRA ILAVEI- he should spread a cloth over it

9)[line 6]לא אפשרLO EFSHAR- it is impossible [since no cloth is available]

10)[line 10]מליין חצבייהוMALYAN CHATZBAIHU- fill their pitchers

11)[line 14]מפשאMAFSHA- increases

12)[line 16]תכסייה בנכתמאTECHASYEI B'NICHTEMA- [if you suggest that] she should cover it with a wooden lid

13)[line 16]ואתי לאתוייV'ASI L'ASUYEI- and she will come to carry it (RASHI and many others are not Gores these words)

14a)[line 17]תקטריהTIKTEREI- [if you suggest that] she should tie [the cover to the pitcher before Yom Tov]

b)[line 17]אתי למקטריהASI L'MIKTEREI- she may come to [re]tie [it if it falls off, thereby performing the Melachah of Kosher (tying)]

15)[line 18]מטמישMITMISH- it becomes soaked

16)[line 19]סחיטהSECHITAH- wringing [water from a cloth, which is a prohibited form of Dash (threshing), one of the thirty-nine forbidden acts of creative labor on Shabbos and Yom Tov]

17a)[line 20]מטפחיןMETAPCHIN- clap one's hands [in either song or mourning]

b)[line 21]מספקיןMESAPKIN- slap one's thigh [in either song or mourning]

c)[line 21]מרקדיןMERAKDIN- dance

18)[line 24]ליתיבLEISEIV- sit

19)[line 24]אפומאA'PUMA- at the entranceway [of a Mavoy (alleyway)]

20)[line 24]דלחיאD'LECHAYA (LECHI V'KORAH)

(a)A Mavoy is an alleyway that is enclosed on three sides. Many courtyards are accessible through this alleyway, and the residents of these courtyards pass through the Mavoy on their way to the Reshus ha'Rabim (public domain). The term "Mavoy" is taken from the verse which describes the "Mevo ha'Ir" - "entrance to the city" (Shoftim 1:24).) Although mid'Oraisa a Mavoy is considered a Reshus ha'Yachid (private domain), in which case one may carry within it, the Chachamim prohibited carrying in a Mavoy for a distance of more than four Amos. This decree was enacted due to that which many families make use of a single Mavoy. One may therefore come to confuse a Mavoy with a Reshus ha'Rabim.

(b)Carrying in a Mavoy is permitted if a Lechi is placed vertically against one of the walls at the entrance to the Mavoy. A Lechi may be a pole, a plank, or any other object that is at least ten Tefachim high. It serves either as a Mechitzah (a fourth wall), or as a Heker (reminder) to signal where the Reshus ha'Yachid ends and the Reshus ha'Rabim begins. (Eruvin 5a, 15a).

(c)Another method of permitting carrying in a Mavoy is through a "Korah" (a beam). A Korah must be able to support an Ari'ach (a brick measuring three Tefach long by one and a half Tefachim wide). This implies both that it must be sturdy, as well wide enough, for the brick to lie (lengthwise) along it. Since the Ari'ach may extend for an Etzba (one quarter Tefach) on either side, the Korah must be one Tefach wide. The Korah is placed horizontally across the top of the entrance to the Mavoy, and serves either as a Mechitzah (a fourth wall) or as a Heker (reminder) to signal where the Reshus ha'Yachid ends and the Reshus ha'Rabim begins (see Insights to Eruvin 2a, and Graphic #1).

(d)A Lechi or Korah must be used in conjunction with a Shituf Mevo'os (see Background to Sukah 3:7) for one to be permitted to carry from one Chatzer to another through the Mavoy.

21)[line 24]מגנדר ליה חפץMIGANDER LEI CHEFETZ- an object will roll away from him

22)[line 34]תוספת יום הכפוריםTOSEFES YOM HA'KIPURIM

(a)Chazal derive that there is a Biblical injunction to extend the observance of Yom ha'Kipurim both before and after the twenty-four hour period of the tenth of Tishrei (Yoma 81b). This added time is termed Tosefes Yom ha'Kipurim. One who eats, drinks etc. during this time has nullified a positive commandment, although he does not receive Kares (see Background to 25:25) nor transgress a Lav as he would have had he done so on Yom ha'Kipurim itself.

23)[line 37]מתחילין באוצר תחלהMASCHILIN B'OTZAR TECHILAH- one may begin to use [that which is stored in] a long-term storage place [on Shabbos or Yom Tov, even though he did not specifically designate it for that use prior to that day]

24a)[line 40]ארזיARZEI- [male] cedar trees

b)[line 40]אשוחיASHUCHEI- a) [female] cedar trees (RASHI); b) cypress trees (ARUCH, first explanation); c) fir trees (ARUCH, second explanation)

25)[line 41]מוקצה מחמת חסרון כיסMUKTZAH MACHMAS CHISARON KIS

(a)Muktzah literally means "set aside" or "designated". With regard to Shabbos, this term is used to describe items which one has no intention of using on Shabbos, such as wood stacked in a barn. Anything that a person had no intention to use during Bein ha'Shemashos (twilight) at the start of Shabbos (or Yom Tov) - for any reason - is included in the category of Muktzah and may not be moved on Shabbos. That which is not Muktzah is termed "Muchan" - "designated" for use on Shabbos or Yom Tov.

(b)One type of Muktzah is Muktzah Machmas Chisaron Kis. This describes delicate items not normally used for anything other than their designated purpose. Examples of Muktzah Machmas Chisaron Kis are very expensive items and trade tools; one is presumed to have a specified place for such items to remain throughout Shabbos or Yom Tov.

26)[line 47]תבנא סריאTIVNA SARYA- rotten straw

27)[last line]טינאTINA- clay [with which to fashion bricks]

28)[last line]קוציםKOTZIN- thorns [that would scratch the hands and feet of one who attempts to mix the clay]


29a)[line 1]מן הסוכהMIN HA'SUKAH- from [the branches lying atop] a hut built to provide shade

b)[line 2]הסמוך להMIN HA'SAMUCH LAH- from [the branches] lying atop [the first layer of branches]

30)[line 3]סתר אהלאSASAR OHALA- dismantling a building (which is one of the thirty-nine forbidden acts of creative labor on Shabbos and Yom Tov)

31)[line 7]אסורייתאISURYASA- [tied] bundles [of branches that had been placed atop the Sukah]

32)[line 14]מותרMOSAR- that which is left over

33)[line 17]אדם יושב ומצפה אימתי תפול סוכתוADAM YOSHEV U'METZAPEH EIMASAI TIPOL SUKASO?- does a person wait expectantly for his Sukah to fall over?

34)[line 18]רעועהRE'U'AH- rickety

35)[line 24]"לה'""LA'HASH-M"- (Vayikra 23:34) - This word implies that the Sukah is Kadosh.


(a)Every adult Jewish male is obligated to come to the Azarah of the Beis ha'Mikdash on Pesach, Shavu'os, and Sukos, and offer an animal as a Korban Chagigah, as the Torah states, "Shalosh Regalim Tachog Li ba'Shanah" (Shemos 23:14). A Korban Chagigah is offered as a Korban Shelamim (see Background to Yoma 62:32).

(b)If the Korban was not brought on the first day of the festival, it may be brought on any of the subsequent days (where applicable; see Insights to Chagigah 9:1). The Gemara (Chagigah 7a) records a disagreement regarding whether or not one is required (or, for that matter, permitted) to bring more than one Korban Chagigah if he comes to the Azarah on more than one day of a festival.

37)[line 29]סיפא אתאן לסוכה דעלמאSEIFA ASA'AN L'SUKAH D'ALMA- the end [of the Beraisa, when it rules that a provision is effective,] is discussing the Halachos of a Sukah that one does not intend to fulfill the Mitzvah of Sukah on Sukos with [that had been discussed previously in the Beraisa]

38)[line 31]עטרהITRAH- he decorated it

39a)[line 31]קרמיםKERAMIM- (O.F. ovrez) needlework

b)[line 31]סדינין המצוייריןSEDININ HA'METZUYARIN- embroidery

c)[line 32]שקדיםSHEKEDIM- almonds

d)[line 32]אפרסקיםAFARSEKIN- (O.F. persches?) peaches (RASHI to Shabbos 22a). According to Y. Feliks, Plant World of the Bible, Ramat Gan 1968, the correct Girsa is APASTEKIN - a type of nut (possibly the Pistachio). As peaches are a summer fruit, they would not be available on Sukos.

e)[line 33]פרכילי ענביםPARCHILEI ANAVIM- clusters of grapes

f)[line 33]יינותYEYNOS- wines [hung in glass containers]

g)[line 34]עטרות שבליםATAROS SHEL SHIBOLIN- wreaths woven from stalks of grain

40)[line 34]להסתפקL'HISTAPEK- to take

41)[line 37]בודלBODEL- withhold [from removing and doing what I please with them]

42)[line 39]דחלה קדושה עלייהוD'CHALAH KEDUSHAH ALAIHU- that Kedushah rests upon [and regarding which one may not stipulate that he wishes to do what he pleases, since once Bein ha'Shemashos arrives one may not engage in dismantling]

43)[line 41]שבעה אתרוגים לשבעת הימיםSHIV'AH ESROGIM L'SHIV'AS HA'YAMIM (ARBA MINIM)

(a)Every adult Jewish male must hold four types of branches or fruits on the first day of Sukos. These four species consist of Pri Etz Hadar (an Esrog; a citron, which is closely related to the lemon), Kapos Temarim (a Lulav; a branch from a palm tree cut prior to the opening and spreading of its leaves), Anaf Etz Avos (Hadasim; myrtle branches) and Arvei Nachal (Aravos; willow branches) (Vayikra 23:40). It is customary to hold one Esrog, one Lulav, three Hadasim, and two Aravos. The Esrog is held in the left hand, whereas the other three species are held together in the right.

(b)According to Torah law, these species must be taken only on the first day of Sukos anywhere but in the Beis ha'Mikdash. Once the Beis ha'Mikdash was destroyed, Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai decreed that all of Klal Yisrael should take them for all seven days of Sukos in commemoration of the way in which they were taken in the Mikdash.

(c)Our Gemara discusses one who designated seven Esrogim for his fulfillment of this Mitzvah. He plans on using a different Esrog every day of Sukos.

44)[line 44]דמפסקו לילות מימיםD'MIFSEKU LEILOS MI'YAMIM- that the nights interrupt the days [since the Mitzvah of Arba Minim applies only during the day]