[37a - 49 lines; 37b - 50 lines]

*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************

We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos

[1] Gemara 37a [line 19]:

"v'Chesronan Al Kol Mah she'Bara" וחסרונן על כל מה שברא

There are those who are Gores

"v'Chesronan Al Kol Mah she'Barasa" וחסרונן על כל מה בראת

This is the Girsa in Eruvin 14b, in Dikdukei Sofrim here #10, and in a number of Rishonim. See also Mar'eh Kohen.

[2] Tosfos 37b DH Amar Rava ד"ה אמר רבא:

the words "Nir'eh d'Hainu keshe'Nosenim" נראה דהיינו כשנותנים

should be "Nir'eh keshe'Nosenim" נראה כשנותנים

The word d'Hainu is unnecessary, and does not appear in Hagahos Ashri.


1a)[line 3]אורזOREZ- (a) (O.F. mil) millet (RASHI); (b) rice (TOSFOS)

b)[line 3]דוחןDOCHAN- (a) (O.F. panil, paniz) and panic grass, a type of millet (RASHI); (b) (O.F. mil) millet (TOSFOS)

2)[line 11]כמעשה קדרהK'MA'ASEH KEDERAH- like a dish of cooked grain from one of the five species of grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye or spelt)

3a)[line 21]חילקאCHILKA- wheat that is split in two in a mortar

b)[line 21]טרגיסTARGIS- wheat that is split in three

c)[line 22]סולתSOLES- fine flour (the BACH removes this word from the text of the Gemara; see DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #20)

d)[line 22]זריזZARIZ- wheat that is split in four

e)[line 22]ערסןIRSAN- and wheat that is split in five


(a)The Torah (Shemos 12:15; 12:19; 13:7) commands the Jewish people to be Meva'er Chametz, to rid themselves of all of their Chametz (leavened dough products) before the holiday of Pesach, when owning such items is prohibited. On Pesach, it is prohibited to eat Chametz or to derive any benefit from it. A person who eats Chametz on Pesach is punished with Kares.

(b)As a preventative measure, Chazal instituted Bedikas Chametz (checking for Chametz) on the night before the 14th of Nisan, Erev Pesach (Pesachim 2a). The Rishonim argue as to whether Bedi'kas Chametz was instituted in order to prevent transgressing the prohibition of possessing Chametz on Pesach, or to prevent one from being tempted to eat it if Chametz is found on Pesach.

(c)The Rabanan are of the opinion that Chametz only comes from the dough of the five species of grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye and spelt), while Rebbi Yochanan ben Nuri holds that even Orez (see above #1a) becomes Chametz.

5)[line 25]ידי חובתו בפסחYEDEI CHOVASO BA'PESACH (PESACH: MATZAH)

The Torah requires that Matzos be eaten on Pesach, as it states in Shemos 12:15. The Torah obligation is to eat at least a k'Zayis of Matzah on the night of the fifteenth of Nisan. Matzos may be made from any grain that a person will be liable to the Kares punishment, should he eat Chametz made from it (see previous entry).

6)[line 26]הכוססHA'KOSES- one who chews

7)[line 27]טחנהTACHANAH- if one were to grind it (the wheat)

8)[line 28]פרוסותPERUSOS- the pieces [of baked and boiled bread]

9)[line 45]כותבותKOSAVOS- dates

10)[line 48]יחיד ורבים הלכה כרביםYACHID V'RABIM, HALACHAH KA'RABIM

Yachid v'Rabim, Halachah ka'Rabim means that when a single sage argues with a number of sages, the Halachah follows the view of the majority.


11)[line 13]ריהטא דחקלאיRIHATA D'CHAKLA'EI- Chavitz Kedeirah (a dish of flour, honey, and oil that congeals in a pot) made by villagers

12)[line 14]מפשי ביה קמחאMAFSHEI BEI KIMCHA- they put in it a lot of flour

13)[line 20]חביצאCHAVITZA- (a) a cooked dish that is made from pieces of bread (RASHI); (b) a dish in which pieces of bread are stuck together with honey or milk (but not cooked) (TOSFOS); (c) a dish of pieces of bread upon which soup is poured (ARUCH)

14a)[line 20]דאית ביה פרורין כזיתD'IS BEI PEIRURIN K'ZAYIS- that it contains pieces of bread that are at least the size of a k'Zayis

b)[line 22]דלית ביה פרורין כזיתD'LEIS BEI PEIRURIN K'ZAYIS- that it does not contain any pieces of bread that are the size of a k'Zayis

15)[line 28]כולן פותתן כזיתKULAN POSESAN K'ZAYIS- [and with regard to all of the Menachos that require Pesisah, the Kohen] would tear them into pieces the size of a k'Zayis

16)[line 30]פורכן עד שמחזירן לסלתןPORCHAN AD SHE'MACHAZIRAN L'SOLTAN- he crumbles them into very small pieces (lit. until they are returned to their flour [stage])

17)[line 32]לקט מכולן כזיתLAKAT MI'KULAN K'ZAYIS- if one collected [and eats] from all of [the pieces smaller than a k'Zayis] from all of them. This Beraisa is referring to a) Menachos (RASHI); b) baked goods made from any or all of the five types of grains (TOSFOS DH LAKAT); c) different pieces of bread — SHITAH MEKUBETZES to Menachos 75b:5)

18)[line 34]בשערסןBESHE'IRSAN- when he kneaded the crumbs back into a dough and baked it


(a)The Torah specifies that a k'Zayis is the amount of food that constitutes a "Ma'aseh Achilah," the minimum Halachically-binding act of eating and digesting. A person who eats a k'Zayis of a food in order to fulfill a Mitzvah (such as Matzah) has fulfilled his requirement. Similarly, someone who eats a k'Zayis of a prohibited food (such as Chelev) is punished for his act.

(b)The Torah also specifies (as a Halachah l'Moshe mi'Sinai) the amount of time in which a k'Zayis must be eaten in order for the act to be considered a Ma'aseh Achilah. This amount of time, called a "Kedei Achilas Peras," is defined as the amount of time that it takes to eat three (according to Rebbi Yochanan ben Berokah) or four (according to Rebbi Shimon — Eruvin 82b) Beitzim of bread with relish, while reclining. A person who eats a k'Zayis of Matzah in more than this amount of time has not fulfilled the Mitzvah, and a person who eats a k'Zayis of Isur in more than this amount of time is exempt from punishment.

20)[line 37]בבא מלחם גדולB'VA MI'LECHEM GADOL- when the piece of bread from which the smaller pieces came still exists, one makes the Berachah of "ha'Motzi" even if the smaller pieces are less than a k'Zayis

21)[line 41]תוריתא דנהמאTORISA D'NAHAMA- form/appearance of bread

22)[line 44]כובא דארעאKUVA D'AR'A- (a) a dough that is baked in a cavity made in the floor of a stove (RASHI); (b) a thin mixture of flour and water that is baked in the Yoras ha'Aravim (an Arabic oven that is dug into the ground) (ARUCH)

23)[line 45]גביל מרתחGEVIL MARTACH- (a) a mixture of flour and water which is poured on the stovetop (RASHI); (b) flour dropped into boiling water (ARUCH)

24)[line 46]נהמא דהנדקאNAHAMA D'HINDEKA- Indian bread, a dough roasted on a spit which is smeared with oil and sometimes the white of eggs (RASHI)

25)[line 47]כותחKUTACH- for a dish that is prepared by cooking whey with bread and salt