[38a - 56 lines; 38b - 54 lines]
*********************GIRSA SECTION*********************
We recommend using the textual changes suggested by the Bach and the marginal notes of the Vilna Shas. This section is devoted to any other important corrections that Acharonim have pointed out in the Gemara, Rashi and Tosfos.
[1] Gemara 38a [line 1]:
The words "k'Avin Chayavin, k'Limudin Peturin" כעבין חייבין כלמודין פטורין
should be "Ka'achin Chayavin, k'Limudin Peturin" כעכין חייבין כלמודין פטורין
This is the Girsa in many Rishonim and in Dikdukei Sofrim #10. (The Girsa in Dikdukei Sofrim is actually "Limudin" instead of "k'Limudin," which is consistent with the Girsa "Ka'achin" since the Kaf of Ka'achin is part of the Shoresh.)
1)[line 1][כעכין] (כעבין)(K'AVIN) KA'ACHIN- shaped loaves
2)[line 1]למודיןLIMUDIN- planks (i.e., shapeless flat pieces of baked dough)
3)[line 3]גובלא בעלמא הואGUVLA B'ALMA HU- it is a mere mass [of baked dough] (and does not have the shape of bread)
4)[line 9]דובשא דתמריDUVSHA D'TAMREI- date honey; i.e., the sweet liquid that flows out of dates (see Devarim 8:8)
5)[line 10]זיעהZEI'AH- secretion
6)[line 12]ספוניותSIFVANIYOS- late grapes that never ripen; inferior, unripe grapes that stay on the vine until the winter that are used only to make vinegar (according to DIKDUKEI SOFRIM #40, the Girsa is SISVANIYOS; see Rashi to Daf 40b DH Shilhi)
7)[line 14]טרימאTARIMA- a food that is made out of something slightly ground, but not crushed
8)[line 16]שומשמיSHUMSHEMEI- sesame seeds
9)[line 17]קורטמיKURTEMEI- saffron or safflower
10)[line 17]פורצניPURTZANEI- grape pits
11)[line 19]חשילתא ודאי קא אמרתCHASHILATA VADAI KA AMRAT- you must have meant a crushed food
12)[line 19]אדכרתן מלתאADKARTAN MILSA- you reminded me of something
13)[line 24]שתיתאSHESISA- (a) a food made from flour that was ground from oven-dried grain, mixed with honey (RASHI); (b) boiled flour mixed with water or other liquids (RAMBAM Hilchos Berachos 3:3)
14)[line 28]לרפואה קא עבדי להL'REFU'AH KA AVDI LAH- That is, it is made for drinking and not for eating, and therefore its Berachah is "Shehakol" (RAMBAM ibid., POSKIM)
15)[line 29]בוחשין את השתותBOCHASHIN ES HA'SHESUS- one may stir Shesisa. (This is clearly discussing a thin mixture that can be stirred and not a thick one — TOSFOS DH v'Shavin)
16)[line 30]זיתום המצריZEISUM HA'MITZRI- Egyptian beer. It consists of one part wheat or barley, one part safflower and one part salt (see Shabbos 110a).
17a)[line 47]אפיק משמעAPIK MASHMA- it has a connotation of "he took out"
b)[line 49]מפיק משמעMAPIK MASHMA- it has a connotation of "he takes out"
18a)[line 50]כד מפיקנא לכוKAD MAPIKNA LECHU- when I will take you out
b)[line 51]דאפיקית יתכוןD'APEIKIS YASCHON- that I took you out
19)[line 52]משתבחין ליה רבנן לרבי זירא ...MISHTABCHIN LEI RABANAN L'REBBI ZEIRA ...- The Chachamim praised the son of Rav Zevid, the brother of Rav Shimon, as a great person/Talmid Chacham and an expert in the laws of blessings, in front of Rebbi Zeira.
20)[line 8]שלקותSHELAKOS- thoroughly cooked vegetables
21)[line 19]כרבאKERAVA- with cabbage
22)[line 19]סלקאSILKA- beets
23)[line 19]קראKARA- gourd; pumpkin
24)[line 21]תומיTUMEI- garlic
25)[line 22]כרתיKARTEI- leeks
26a)[line 27]יוצאין ברקיק השרוי ובמבושל שלא נמוחYOTZ'IN B'RAKIK HA'SHARUY UV'MEVUSHAL SHE'LO NIMO'ACH- one fulfills his obligation of eating Matzah on Pesach (see Background to Berachos 37:5) by eating a thin Matzah that was soaked or boiled in water, as long as it did not fall apart
b)[line 27]רקיקRAKIK- a thin Matzah
c)[line 28]נמוחNIMO'ACH- fall apart
27)[line 36]קבע עולא לשבשתיה כר' בנימיןKAVA ULA L'SHABESHTEI K'REBBI BINYAMIN- Ula based his error on Rebbi Binyamin bar Yefet's teaching (and thereafter taught it in the name of Rebbi Yochanan)
28)[line 37]תהי בהTAHI BAH- wondered about it
29)[line 39]דייק וגמיר שמעתאDAYIK V'GAMIR SHEMAITA- he was extremely careful about what he learned from his teacher
30)[line 44]בר מן דיןBAR MIN DEIN- besides this
31)[line 44]תורמסאTURMUSA- lupine, a type of pod or bean of the pea family
32)[line 46]קנוח סעודהKINU'ACH SE'UDAH- dessert
33)[line 52]קלחKELACH- a stalk
34a)[line 52]כבושיןKEVUSHIN- pickled
b)[line 53]שלוקיןSHELUKIN- thoroughly cooked
c)[line 53]מבושליןMEVUSHALIN- cooked
35)[line 53]במילתייהו קאיB'MILSAIHU KAI- they are considered unchanged (with regard to their Berachah)
36)[last line]כיון דשקילא לגרעיניהKEIVAN D'SHEKILA L'GAR'INEI- since its pit is removed