[87a - 34 lines; 87b - 36 lines]

1)[line 3]גואל הדםGO'EL HA'DAM- the "avenger of the blood." When a person who killed unintentionally is banished to one of the six Arei Miklat (cities of refuge; see Background to Bava Kama 86:25) or one of the forty-two cities of the Leviyim, he must stay there and not leave the city or its Techum for any reason whatsoever until the death of the Kohen Gadol who served at the time that he was sentenced to banishment. If the unintentional murderer leaves his city of refuge, the Go'el ha'Dam (the closest relative of the murdered person) is permitted to avenge the death of his relative and kill the murderer.

2)[line 13]רב יוסףRAV YOSEF- (Rav Yosef was blind)

3)[line 13]מריש הוה אמינאME'REISH HAVAH AMINA- At first, I used to say

4)[line 15]דלא מפקדינאD'LO MIFKEDINA- I am not commanded

5)[line 17]גדול המצווה ועושה ממי שאינו מצווה ועושהGADOL HA'METZUVEH V'OSEH MI'MI SHE'EINO METZUVEH V'OSEH- one who performs Mitzvos in which he was commanded receives a greater reward than one who performs Mitzvos in which he was not commanded (Gemara here; Kidushin 31a)

6)[line 21]דמי ולדותDEMEI VELADOS - the value of fetuses

(a)When a pregnant woman miscarries after being struck accidentally by a person, the verse states "Ka'asher Yashis Alav Ba'al ha'Ishah..." - "for whatever the husband will sue him, he will pay [i.e. the value of fetuses], as determined by the courts" (Shemos 21:22).

(b)If a Shor ha'Mu'ad causes a woman to miscarry, the owner of the bull does not pay Demei Velados (see also Bava Kama 42a).

7)[line 24]בעבד כנעניEVED KENA'ANI- a Nochri slave (see Background to Kidushin 22:16)

8)[line 23]חש''וCHSH''V (CHERESH, SHOTEH V'KATAN)- (see Background to Bava Kama 59:36)

9)[line 23]פגיעתן רעהPEGI'ASAN RA'AH- their damage is bad (for they are not responsible to pay for damage that they cause)

10)[line 28]והחובל בחבירו בשבתHA'CHOVEL B'CHAVEIRO B'SHABBOS- one who hits his friend on Shabbos (thus invoking two punishments - a Chiyuv Misah for transgressing the Melachah (Toldah) of drawing blood (Netilas Neshamah) on Shabbos, and an obligation of monetary compensation for damage incurred to his friend)

11)[line 29]מפני שהוא נדון בנפשוMIPNEI SHE'HU NIDON B'NAFSHO (KAM LEI BID'RABAH MINEI)- since he is judged with [the loss of] his life. See Background to Bava Kama 71:4.

12)[line 28]בבת קטנהBAS KETANAH- one's minor daughter

13)[line 29]כיון דאקני ליה רחמנא שבח נעורים לאבKEIVAN D'AKNI LEI RACHMANA SHEVACH NE'URIM LA'AV- since the Torah gives to the father the earnings, findings, money of Kidushin, etc., of his daughter until she has reached the age of Bagrus (see entry #16 below). "Shevach" means income or produce, and "Ne'urim" refers to the first six months after the girl develops signs of adulthood (see Background to Kidushin 4:11, Bava Kama 70:18), after which she reaches the age of Bagrus. According to Rashi here, the fact that the father receives the daughter's earnings up to the age of Bagrus is learned from the verse regarding the annulment of a daughter's Nedarim, "bi'Ne'ureha Beis Aviha" (Bamidbar 30:17).

14)[line 30]אפחתה מכספהAFCHESAH MI'KASPAH- he decreased her monetary value

15)[line 31]לממסר לה למוכה שחיןL'MIMSAR LAH L'MUKEH SHECHIN- to give her [in marriage] to a person afflicted with boils (or leprosy)


16)[line 4]מודה רב בשבת דמעשה ידיה עד שעת בגרות דאבוה הויMODEH RAV B'SHEVES D'MA'ASEH YADEHA AD SHE'AS BAGRUS D'AVUHA HAVI- Rav agrees (that the girl's father receives the payment) with regard to Sheves, because the income that one's daughter earns belongs to her father until she reaches the age of Bagrus, twelve years and six months of age)

17)[line 7]יעשה לו סגולהYA'ASEH LO SEGULAH- he shall make for him a "Segulah" (investment) [with the money]; the Gemara later explains that the "Segulah" is either the purchase of a Sefer Torah (capital preservation), or the purchase of a fruit-producing date-palm (perpetual income, annuity)

18)[line 13]כשסמוכים על שלחנוKESH'SEMUCHIM AL SHULCHANO- when they are supported by him (lit. when they rely on his table)

19)[line 19]עשה עמי ואיני זנךASEH IMI V'EINI ZANCHA- work for me but I will not feed you

20)[line 21]ולאורתא זיל סחר ואכולL'URSA, ZIL SHACHAR V'ECHOL- at night, go roam around [begging] and eat

21)[line 22]"כי טוב לו עמך""KI TOV LO IMACH"- "[And it shall be, if he (the Jewish slave) says to you, 'I will not go away from you;' because he loves you and your house,] because he is well-off with you." (Devarim 15:16)

22)[line 23]להעדפהL'HA'ADAFAH- for the surplus [of what she receives for compensation of Sheves over the minimum amount that is necessary for her sustenance]

23a)[last line]פציעהPETZI'AH- a wound

b)[last line]חבלהCHAVALAH- an injury that resulted in permanent damage